What went so deeply wrong?

What went so deeply wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


>what went wrong
>talking about the GOTY

I guess you don't like it because it has denuvo ? pirate fags are the worse

Nothing besides horrible optimization. The gameplay is dishonored perfected, but even on PS4 I'm experiencing frame rate drops and pop ins.

I am honestly blown the fuck away that they haven't patched it yet.

not much, it's a good game. voice acting is a little weak at times though

I loved the first few levels, the level design was pretty impressive, and it was already elder god tier in the first. Unfortunately I get a crash every single time I leave the mansion in the third level, and tweaking with settings isn't helping.

there's nothing wrong with the game
easily a candidate for goty
it's Sup Forums, but fuck off with the contrarian bullshit.

>being this delusional

The game runs like total shit period.

It's intensely clunky compared to the original, everything is slow and feels like you're running around with weights on.

They wasted valuable dev time on Emily, while literally copy pasting Corvo.

Such a half-baked mess of a game, while the DLC from the first game knocks the living shit out of this one.

Other than poor optimization at launch, literally nothing. This is GOTY and perhaps Game of the Generation.

Nothing besides the optimization, easily a contender for best level design of all time.

sounds like you played for 15 minutes on a mac

Shit engine and shit story.

The rest is not bad.

Poor optimization at launch? It STILL is poorly optimized.

Try Ghost/Merciful mode as both Corvo and Emily on a 980Ti, 4790k i7.

Close one though. :^)

It's still launch.

In the other thread, there are plenty of anons talking about their third or fourth playthrough already, so you can stop acting like it's LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE whenever you're ready, kid.

>there's already another D2 "what went wrong" thread
>OP and shitposters got bored and it turned into a 400+ post thread of actual discussion
>but OP will not stand for this!
>he makes ANOTHER D2 thread, but this time he wants to know what went SO DEEPLY WRONG

Fucking pathetic, OP.

What's your favorite mission, guys? I'm torn between Dust District and Clockwork Mansion.

Every single mission in the sequel is better than the DLC from the first game.

Every single individual mission is better than any other entire game I've played all year.

The fuck am I reading, nothing went wrong, I'm having a blast this this game.

>OP BTFO so fucking hard he immediately ditched his own thread

no new game plus

Goddammit, again? This one was one the most asked things by people that played the first one.

It ended.

I want smell and lick emilys armpit after a long day of sneaking.

>Check stats screen mid-mission on a non-lethal run
>Total kills: 1
I can't really tell someone who already killed themself to kill themself, but fuck them anyway. I wish there was at least a way to know what happened and who it was.

They didn't let Emily be lewd enough

The last one.

>Stable 60 fps in 1080p only on GTX 1080

I want this wild anti-optimization ride to end.

I dont want to see one day new release that goes with stable 30 fps on 1024x768 only on newest Titan. Because.

muh nigga

>creeping through misson 5
>knocking groups of witches out with domino having a blast
>set up last 3, one is sitting on a balcony
>goes perfectly, except the one on the railing teeters back and forth 4 times until falling forward to her death
>last save was before i started knocking them all out