ITT: The exact moment you dropped a game for good
ITT: The exact moment you dropped a game for good
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please provide context, as I have no idea how shadowverse works.
under what circumstances can this card be played?
Any time. Last words means upon death so basically it stops you from using any cards that might cause her damage.
It's actually the last card in a chain which wins you the game after 4 turns. The user can speed it up with certain cards but the opponent can also banish it to prevent the effect before it activates.
>picking up a weeb game at all
I did some research. It transforms from another card, which transforms from another card. Effectively, once that card is placed, it's 4 turns until you win. But that card costs 8 mana to play.
So... honestly it doesn't seem bad at all. Seems like a win condition that some decks will never beat and some decks will always beat. Hard to find a card game without those.
OP's being a faggot.
So the card in OP's pic is a token that is spawned from two previous tokens dying. The original card costs 8mp to be played, meaning the earliest it can be played is on turn 8, where you would do nothing but play it.
Then the card is a countdown amulet that spawns another countdown amulet, that spawns another countdown amulet, that finally spawns that countdown amulet.
As they're all 1 turn long, the first one will pop, meaning you will have to pop all 3 other amulets using cards in your hand that turn to win the game.
So basically:
You play 1 card on turn 8+ (which is endgame for control, it's past the point where aggro, combo, and midrange would have gone for the kill)
Then hope your opponent doesn't kill you or banish/transform the amulet during their turn.
Then you must blow at least 3 amulet countdown reduction cards in order to do it.
It is the control win condition for havencraft.
It will really only win you the game if you're already very much ahead in the game.
It is a good card, but nowhere near OP in any way, shape or form.
It's just as easy for blood to do a mary combo for 10+hp, dragon to do an forte combo, shadow to do cursed soldier/necro/mordo shenanigans, and kill you just as dead the same turn or earlier.
You play this, the opponent has the next turn to kill you or remove that, if he doesn't, you win next turn.
Most games are over by turn 8 anyway. That's when all sorts of legendary and golds get played.
Turns 5-7 are when Aggro gets kills
Turns 6-8 are when Midrange gets Kills
Turns 7-10 are when Control gets kills.
So this is middle of the pack at best for control kill times.
the moment i dropped shadowverse was the first look i got at the art
Moment of unlocking
Haven is really fucking good at stalling it out, though.
so it really is the same shit as HS? deal with helplessly losing for a couple months until you MAYBE draw those 4-5 cards (and any dupes that meta deck needs obviously) or dish out a hundred dollars to MAYBE get those cards early? just in weeb flavor?
why these p2w card games took off ill never figure out
I had this fucking bullshit used on me.
They had a perfect hand and had all the necessary cards to speed the piece of shit up.
That's why everyone plays aggro decks now.
You gotta play around them.
Remember other than themsis, they're not going to be banishing or destroying minions that have more than 3hp, while themsis is very easy to see coming and can't go out til turn 6.
like if you have a rabbit necro out and you're expecting I SEE YOUR WEAKNESS next turn, then evolve it even if it can't go face that turn, he won't be able to banish it or anything without trading his bald man, which is a win for you.
Never played HS, so no clue how it compares, but you can build the most expensive meta decks through a little bit of rerolling.
You can climb up to B rank with default Swordcraft cards.
Also they give you 30 or something free packs when you first play and if you don't get anything good out of it you can just reroll by device linking a new account from the mobile version.
Not really, you earn like 150+ gold a day usually and packs give 8 cards each, so like 1.5 packs a day at the worst.
The game gives you like 40 starting packs just for doing the tutorial and then about another 25 or so for just playing around in the beginning.
You have like a 25% pull rate of golds per pack and a 11.1% of legendaries per pack.
Making decks isn't that hard.
It's used along with cards that depletes a countdown to your mantles. If you have 3 of those in your hand you can win the next turn you've played the card.
It's not a very good deck though, but its really satisfying to pull off the combo.
looks like someone was sent to the shadowrealm
You get an idiotic amount of free card packs right off the bat and coins are ridiculously easy to earn, you will have enough coins for another 5+ packs just from completing one campaign.
Also you can sell any expensive cards that you get from the packs (which you WILL get seeing as you get so many free packs) that you don't want to use and craft cards that you actually want.
If you find one character that you want to "main" then you can easily just sell a few rare cards for other characters and build the exact deck that you want.
Holy shit this is what that card does?! I remember playing against someone who used that and I had my Dragoncraft deck. I ended summoning a Forte, Urd, evolution combo to win the match, but I had like 17hp. I didn't read the description of that card, but if I didn't kill her that turn I would have lost despite having a major lead?! What a load of bullshit and I'd probably be salty about it till the end of the week.
They really need to limit to only let you have 1 per type of legendary card in your deck. So you don't end up with 3 Fortes or 3 whatever. Also a very simple nerf they can do for Havencraft is let cards that destroy amulets not activate the amulet's effect anyway. Cause chances are if they put down a countdown card like in Op's image, good like trying to stop it. I like the game, but the balance really is a big issue.
Don't roll with disfavored and be new to the game.
Otherwise if you miss the bottom option, your ONLY chance, better get ready to spend the next several hours with this unkillable, unkickable from party, scarlet SPY talk shit about you and the Disfavored at every opportunity.
>implying that's whats wrong with haven
>not healing herself to full hp while fieilding a disgusting board of buffed faggots
>if at any point you get board control she has huge AOE clear and the most banish in the game while healing and fielding said disgusting faggots so good luck if you play Shadowcraft
>Beastcall Aria
PTP should be shadow exclusive, aria needs a nerf and healslut shouldnt buff at +0.
SV will practically drown you with free card packs, and rares/legendaries have a better chance of showing up
>well of destiny
for what reason?
>first match on Shadowverse
>pretty confident with default Swordcraft so far, doing me really good
>outplay the guy pretty easy every time, whittling his ass down to 1 defense by turn 7
>empty hand but guaranteed victory
>suddenly he puts out 3 legendaries and wipes out my whole field
>close game
Yeah sorry, you can watch me disconnect before I let you deal me the finishing blow with your wallet, prick.
On one hand, I want to shit on you for having trouble with an 8-mana amulet.
Every class has some form of prevention against it, so you can use your 3-mana Petrification to just make the Heaven's 8th turn a freebie.
On the other hand, it's just a fucking terrible design, just like Satan or Olivia AND it forces me to play one these amulet removal cards.
>Play pay2notgrindforyears garbage
>Surprised when cash spender beats you
You have only yourself to blame.
super metroid glass tube
>yfw you realize you can build your perfect deck right from the start of the game by using your insane amount of free card packs
>yfw you realize you can sell cards you don't need to craft ones you do need
>yfw you realize the guy didn't use his wallet at all, he just used the free shit that the game gives every new player
Wow, during warlords
Somthong just clicked. There was really nothing to do. It was a legit paid chat room at that point. I was jumping around in an inn on my worgen, and I just stopped. Played religiously from vanilla to wotlk, then somewhat frequently in cata, then periodically in mists, then warlords broke me. Dropped it after the first month, played maybe 30 hours of it. Didn't even pick up legion
>Elena's Prayer (2 + healspam)
>Incandescent Dragon (Effect is permanent, monster has a shitload of defense)
>Aggro bat win before 5th turn (gg)
>Bannermemed before 5th turn (gg)
>Prince of darkness (I actually won a few times)
>Dance of Death (why 2 damage to leader?)
>Path to Purgatory
>Dimension Shift (What the actual fuck)
>Deathmist dragon (Never lost against, but owned a few with this shit)
>Themis's Decree
>Elf Knight Cynthia
>Any card with storm
But i keep coming back
Not him, but it could be a good way to taunt your opponent into killing your minions.
Aggro fights are fun
Haven is just plain unfun to play and play against
>outplay the guy pretty easy
>empty hand
sounds like he held on just long enough against your rush to dumpster you, buddy
>He doesn't enjoy grinding out small advantages, bluffing, conserving cards till the last moment and strategizing over the course of the entire match to slowly overcome the control player's hold and beat them at their own game
But sure, nothing stopping you from mindlessly smashing creatures into creatures until someone runs out of creatures and loses on the spot. Have fun! I'll just be over here sinking my teeth into a meaty control mirror that truly tests both skill and strategy alike.
I'll take Haven over non-Earth Rite rune. They always seem to have the one card that answers everything you just played. If you play something it gets killed that turn and they spellboost, if you don't play something they shuffle their hand to spellboost anyway.
Then they auto-win on Turn 8 with either DShift or PtP if they're meme-ing.
This exact quest.
I started playing with a friend because one of his friends recommended him this game. The large amount of "duty calls" and quests that force you to drop the game, plus the ridiculous amount of instances, are what made me drop the game for good. Combat was a but unresponsive on my end, I didn't know the servers have increased delay on purpose, which is a massive turn off for me. I thought I would have incredibly low ping because I live near the servers, but screw it, its server delay kills me.
People will defend this
During burning crusade I was one quest from hitting level 70 and when I thought about what was waiting for me at 70 and said fuck it and just canceled my sub there.
Literally just don't 2 drop unless you have a mainyu
>any pokemon game
>encounter zubats/golbats
>remember why I stopped playing
I play sword, so the only non-targetable I have is Saber but I don't have her anyway because I'm poor and could only afford banner memes.
What's the logic behind not placing a two-drop? In my experience, they just magic missile my face, conjure golem, or pop insight to charge up their wind blast and fire chain. From there, I can't get anything on the field.
If you're going to 1 or 2 drop just one card then they're just going to send it back into your hand AND get a card draw and spellboost out of it
>8 mana drops that absolutely does nothing
What does he mean by this?
>Better than Hearthstone they said
And that's why you always bake in at least one 5-mana banish spell that works on both followers and amulets into all of your decks.
Just in case, I even carry it when I play seraph deck my self.
It has less RNG.
I got 3 fucking copies of that shitty amulet. I don't even want it.
This is why hearthstone will always be superior
I argue the only real cancer is DShift, the others aren't so bad.
Your bait is amusing since I know a lot of people who jumped ship to SV
Hearthstone is slow and boring.
>he can't be Seraph
>7k on steam
>a lot
HS gets like 1 million on a bad day
real talk
how could they make Earth Rite decks so underwhelming? It was already done before. They really should let you activate Earth Rite any time you want. At least make it only once a turn if it's too powerful
Most of the Hearthstone cards are lazy, borrowing cuts from pictures for other minions.
>not running Odin
Dshift has a less than 50% winrate
I play pic related and end my turn.
have a (You), dear user. you deserve it
You don't need to make a deck around it, you just put 1-2 seraphs in your elena prayer deck and it just becomes an instant win condition against any control deck.
most earth ride cards just summon 3/3 which after a certain point doesn't cut it anymore
it needs more effect like pascale and calamitous curse
Those games would not be fast though. It's one of the main reasons people hate control in tournaments for other card games. Tying games is one of the stupidest feelings in a card game, I'm immensely glad that most card games have figured that out and don't allow control to be too masturbatory these days. Rev mirror matches made me quit playing control, fuck jace ulting to steal the opponents fucking grave shuffle effect so you can end the goddamn game after 40 minutes of pass go.
Blizz claims there's 5 million Player subscribers in HoTS lmao
Defend this blizzcuck
I just save earth rite for petrification. Haven't tried a full earth rite deck. I'm want to try tho
>Not by amateur artists from DA
kek isn't most of Hearthstone's art on DA?
When I came back to KF2 after dropping it to see that they actually hadn't given the SWAT perk a riot shield and now this new jack of all trades class is looking to be a total cop out so they can meet deadlines.
I really don't get how people can enjoy the Warcraft aesthetic. It's so cartoony, which clashes completely with how serious they try to make it look.
arcane golem nerf
there are some other effects that are cool
"You can activate Earth Sigil on Shadow Witch once per turn"
or you could activate more than once for Runic Guardian
or make Gem Golem activate it in your turn and it gain resistance only until your next turn
It's a card that has a last whisper that drops another card that has the same effect. So you have the base amulet, two more amulets that spawn with the same effect, then the last amulet that has the effect "Win the game."
Normally the amulets have counters of 1 which means one turn must pass for it to go off, however they have cards that reduce counter.
So it's basically
Play Seraph > End Turn > Start Turn > Play 3 Counter Reduce Cards > Win Game
Why is DING DONG so popular
She's a pure qt in a game full of semendemons.
get out bitch
you don't deserve more love than him
Because her life is suffering. She lives to die.
I've been playing Hearthstone since it came out and I have to say SV it's a pretty fresh experience. Action every single turn, evolving minions left and right slapping shit everywhere while cute lolis fill the board. Havencraft it's okay, but it's tedious for a game that's supposed to be faster than HS.
I got 4 (FOUR) absolute top tiers decks with only 2 weeks of playing.
In Hearthstone, I played for 2 months and got STR8 FUCK ALL
let me get that laughing at you gif
nah you're not worth it
>thinking you have to spend money to get legendaries
I have 15 legendaries, not one dime spent, time played : 2 weeks
on a deck full of ward monsters?
I'll try later
The only ones of these decks you could get in 2 weeks is Storm Haven and maybe DShift if you got lucky with 3 Merlins.
To do your combo, you suppose you have 3 cards that reduce counter in hands
meaning you did nothing with these cards in the whole game
meaning you got penalized in the game for doing so
at this point, he deserve the win with his combo.
eeeehhhhh ??? I have Forest PtP, DShift, banner and Storm haven
well ok, they vary from tier 1 and tier 2 actually according to this japanese website. but still
Also, most importanly, I have many other decks on going that are almost ready. I'm close to a aggro bat and a Tempo forest.
>mfw my favourite RINE GONE video was taken down by Jewtube
I only watched it the other night, too.
Fuck net-decking.
I make my own abominations that just works with their own quirks.
Damn that's crazy lucky since Forest PtP is pretty expensive. I've been playing for over a month and only have a single Tia and Ancient Elf, and almost none of the golds.
Think F I N A L from yugioh. but in one turn
Yeah but I crafted those with MY HANDS user.You have to open all those tabs, and search infos on what cards are safe to lequify and what are not, and even among those that should be kept, you can liquify some if you don't intend to play this class in a long time
I actually spend a lot of time each time I open some packs to see what I can liquify or not.
When I made my PtP, I only had 2 Tia and thats it.