That game that's an awkward blend of 10/10 base gameplay/music/etc., and awkward/poorly implemented/designed elements...

>that game that's an awkward blend of 10/10 base gameplay/music/etc., and awkward/poorly implemented/designed elements, that evens out into a modestly enjoyable experience

What's her name, Sup Forums?


You mean, like, an average game?

STALKER series

black gulch and that lake under under the castle in dark souls 2

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst

The original was a 10/10 concept with a 7/10 execution, the sequel puts that game into a lifeless open world taking away from the time trial/speedrun aspects.

No, something like say, Call of Duty or your boilerplate Ubisoft open world title is an average title because it's not really outstanding in any way, but there's nothing really wrong with it.

I mean something that's genuinely uneven with such bizarre gaps in quality between something like the gameplay and the way the player changes their equipment/inventory or whatever.

Mario Sunshine.

Every other 3D Mario from 64 to 3D World I can comfortably call amazing.

But Sunshine is a weird mix of really great stuff, and stuff I can't ignore.

I think Bioshock Infinite fits this, even though Sup Forums thinks its a 2/10. So many things in that game are 10/10 imo, but when its all added up with the less good parts, its like 6/10.

sonic adventure 2?

Skyward Sword


The only thing 10/10 about SA2 is its place on the Overrated Scale.

The World Ends With You.

Look at this game. Fucking just look at it.
>Dual Screen Battle
>Microphone use
>Simultaneous button and touch screen use

They fit every fucking thing available on a ds together and ended up making one of the best DS games of all time. There will never be anything like it because of this.

Kingdom Hearts is a game that succeeds in spite of its flaws.

In fact, it succeeds in spite of some of the biggest flaws that a game has ever succeeded in spite of.

I mean, the music's alright.


Strong Points:
Framerate is good enough
Graphics are alright

Enough things are enjoyable that it balances out the garbage.

The music is easily the best thing about both Sonic Adventures.

Second best thing is the Chao Garden minigames.

Mine is honestly Oblivion
>game has a nice colorful fantasy overworld and towns, especially with the proper mods
>combat and actual gameplay is atrocious and wooden
>Fallout games have the guns/lasers and better gameplay, but a world/theme I'm less into

The two obvious answers for me are MGSV and Arkham Knight

Far Cry 2

Path of Exile

MGSV. The gameplay was on fucking point but I still can't get over the shit story.

A lot of Russian games seem to fit that description

Adding to this:


>Dark Brotherhood, Thieves' Guild, and the whole Shivering Isles were incredibly entertaining questlines
>World building of the towns having their own little story and ruling Count that is up to shit


>Possibly one of the worst leveling systems I have ever seen in a game
>Oblivion Gates were a fucking mess. Basic Bethesda trope to make the side quests interesting while making the main quest a chore.

Max Payne 3, maybe? The cutscenes ruined everything for me. Great gameplay, though.

Dead Rising


Dark Souls