English dubs are a mistake


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>white man is talking japanese

>Can't pronounce his name
Fantastic. Can't wait for the shit show of the full release.

>white man with japanese name can't even pronounce his name correctly

Jesus Christ

>Wanting to listen to a language you don't understand
>Wanting to read the game instead of hearing it in your native language
Pretentious weebs need to get the fuck off my board

How are you supporsed to pronouce it

English dubs are worthy of your respect and $10 more than what all other games cost.

Americans need to fuck off. You're the only creatures that are like this.

like you can fuck off

KYS. Language inflection is a thing.

you sound fucking stupid

Aside from the pronunciation of his last naem, I don't see the problem here.

English dubs should be illegal.

>Aside from the fact that the actor can't even pronounce his own character's name, I don't see the problem here.

>Ad hominem because you are wrong

Who cares dual audio is all but confirmed now

get out Sup Forums

Is it really so hard to do an English dub right? There's only a few that are actually as good or better than the Jap voices.


Ryuji Suck-Cum-uh-toe? Did I hear that right?

Yes, it is. The original, Japanese game is made with top of the line Japanese actors.

Top of the line American actors are not dubbing foreign media. They're making their own media. Amateurs dub Japanese games.


How do YOU pronounce it Sup Forums?

>Is it really so hard to do an English dub right? There's only a few that are actually as good or better than the Jap voices.
Which ones? Only dubs I know of that are better than the original are for some hentai anime.

>top of the line Japanese actors
But the best Japanese actor is still worse than an American actor.
t. native Jap speaker


Get out, Hardin


Sorry, but that's what I heard.

Saw' kaw mow tow

Yeah, it sucks. I know I'll get used to the actors I don't like after playing it a while, but it still sucks. Oh well...

>every character pronounces the name differently and incorrectly even though they've known each other for years

How difficult is it for English VAs to actually discuss the correct pronounciation beforehand?

Even if that's true, at least I can't pick up on it as well as with an American. It's so painfully obvious that these people are all amateurs.

Xenoblade was cheesy, but it was still well-done. Kid Icarus is the only other game that I can think actually had better English voice acting and writing then the Japanese version, so much so that the director of the game said it was better himself.

But these aren't even actors. They're just novices not much better than random people picked off the street, or at least that's what they sound like. It could very well be the voice director being an incompetent or lazy turd.

they probably were never recording in the same room

It requires a voice director who gives a damn and a company that wants a good dub.

Amerifags can't handle languages with consistent pronunciation.
They are hardwired to go all over the place with their vowels.

>Japan has released his trailer months ago with his name being pronounced
>Atlus USA somehow fuck it up anyway
Atlus USA are really incompetent

Why are names so hard? Honestly, I don't get it. The dub sounds fine otherwise but names always fuck people up.

non-Americans BTFO


>Atlus USA are really incompetent
B-but our dubs are top quality and deserve to be heard!

American actors aren't going to understand Japanese language structure and how their syllables work, and the voice director doesn't care enough to make sure they get it right.

90% of bad performances, whether in dubbing or live action films, are on the director, not the actor.

>English dubs are a mistake

Persona was a mistake.

no lelouch no buy

sounds great


back to Sup Forums

What was the point of this post?


>muh jap voices ;_;
Persona is garbage, english dub or not

People say names differently, common thing irl

why the FUCK can't they just release this dual audio?

>It requires a voice director who gives a damn

A good voice director can make a huge difference.

theyu willu arigato

In English. In Jap media, pronunciation is usually pretty consistent.

Because fuck you that's why

true true

Sa as in sakura
Ka as in Kami
Mo as in Momiji
To as in Toriyama

Atlus USA being jews and not willing to curb their profit margin to pay 11's VA licensing fee

Americans were a mistake

It's Atlus, the same publisher that sell 3ds games $59.

and posting a american cartoon epic post retard

sah kah mo toe

Why didn't you just say that, then? Why did you need three posts to get your point across, and why do you need to use the words of someone else?

Atlus can't afford actors meanwhile tiny little shits like XSeed and the dying weeaboo empire known as NISA can

a reaction image is a reaction image, mr. capeshit murrifag

keep crying bitch nigga

>being anti american on an american website

Dubs over Subs all day all night only right here on Dub TEE VEE. Dubs over Subs boys, smarten up.

We all know this is a vietnamese knitting board, though

I want to fug Shinka

Because Atlus' games are mainstream enough that they'll sell regardless of if they cater to the fringe portion of their audience.

>anime website ripping off of a japanese website owned by a jap
>american website

wow all this mad

>they don't even make it DLC

I would willingly pay 10+ bucks for a japanese dub if that meant I didn't have to listen to this garbage. I don't know either.

nice projecting

>tfw Spanish
>Japanese pronunciation is ez modo

At this point I would take fucking German audio or some shit if I didn't have to listen to these people butcher both the English and Japanese languages.

keep ceying bitch nigga go to Sup Forums or something you idiot

I don't see the problem.

Can a fat, autistic, depressed, lonely, basement dwelling waste of flesh weeb explain it to me?

man you weebs are fucking stupid

i want to hear my waifu

>why the FUCK can't they just release this dual audio?


>being this triggered that Sup Forums isn't an american website
go eat a burger and watch tyrone fuck your gf fatty haha

Actually it's better than I expected. The rhythm is weird but he's not grossly fucking up the vowels like almost every dub ever.

American servers running on American time speaking good old American

I want to hear Char as Persona Char.

>tfw finnish
>Absolutely zero fucking problem prononuncing japanese

Americans. Just fucking LISTEN how they say it and say it back. It's all very sharp and easy to repeat.


looks like you are the mad one you cant hear your jap voice

>This video is weeks old
>I've been mentioning the fact he says the name wrong for weeks
>Finally people understand my point

Why don't eurocucks know how websites work?

>speaking american

okay fatass

how is it actually pronounced?


>he won't do it

that's what i thought, dumb weebcuck

That's most voice over, including Japanese ones, though. The problem is with the voice director not supplying pronunciation, and with Atlus clearing the take.

you sound fucking stupid weeb


Why am I seeing people act like this? Why would it affect you if the japanese audio was added? Are they just filled with spite? Used to eating shit?

stupid weeb

So if some chink billionaire starts a new company in america called chang wang enterprise it's somehow not a chinese company?

Not him


Now your turn