Right at the beginning of the night too. If I attempt to wait out the night.. well..
Michael Roberts
Learned my lesson last time too. Not going to make a mistake with only having riflemen in the front.
Gabriel Adams
Do I go now? I won't be able to do any shenanagins and let it wait out till day time.
Jason Bennett
Did I goof up with the thread or something?
Carter Scott
Charles Evans
Well, I'm here
Matthew Ramirez
And this is what we are up against.
Bentley Kelly
Okay, time to save my rockets.
Jose Cruz
Easy as hell. Dont let your ancestors down, jack.
Isaiah James
What is this, some sort of warehouse? Building's huge!
They have Psi, and Disks
Christopher Bailey
Speaking of disks..
Cooper Wilson
This.. could get very awkward.
Carson Fisher
Is this the same playthrough as sunday ?
David Rodriguez
That clearly didn't go well.Yeah. Should be at least.
Ian Nguyen
Battler can prove that aliens arent real. Or at least they wont be for long.
Colton Russell
Sacrifices must be made for humanity.
Jackson Nguyen
just HE them
Grayson Campbell
*as long as I didn't name said soldiers
Parker Torres
Oh I get it, its a railway. But.. why in Rome?
William Butler
snakeporn better survive, no snake tits when returning to base will destroy the morale
Kayden Rogers
Oh well.
Gavin Hill
gotta deliver those young kids somehow
Carter Carter
Treyvon attempted to revive Snekporn but..
Kayden Taylor
well now, he isn't dead yet unless you blow up the place along with the ayys
Sebastian Green
Brandon Perry
Dylan Thomas
There was a Disk up there.. trying to flank us from above. It didn't work.
Colton Allen
IF there's one good thing about disks in a map like this.
It clears cover quite nicely.
Isaiah Robinson
Some of the new maps are really unforgiving, that one specially if you happen to start next to the big building and don't blow it up
Angel Myers
Battler takes down another one.
Connor Ward
Are the new maps from the terrain pack any good?
Colton Gray
I'm workin on that.
Aiden Gray
Uh.. I had eight troopers try to shoot this guy.
They all missed.
Ryder Jones
most of them are, but they are usually much harder than the original maps, specially those tall apartment buildings that you cant just blow up because they are too big, they kinda force you to actually clear them.
which results in horrible deaths, but they are still fun
Samuel Parker
Fuckin F.
Logan Brown
Eli Nelson
Hes clearly an undercover Ayy
better allahu akbar him
Henry Ross
I won't be able to find out if there's A Sectoid Leader out and about yet.
Really need one for Psi.
Mason Cruz
I hate this.
Grayson Kelly
If there's a leader out there shit's gonna get real nasty for the rookies
Jaxson Howard
doubtfully they usually don't appear in terror missions, you are better off finding a base or a landed battleship
Jackson Price
There is always one or two per terror.
But the thing is.
I put on LoS Psionics.
Juan Hughes
On one hand. I love these corridors..
On the other..
Brody Ortiz
Shitty day.
Ian Taylor
That is one durable disk.
Juan Sullivan
you probably need some flares
Leo Gray
Grayson Fisher
I think thats the last of the disks.
Jose Sanchez
Lighting isn't actually the issue here. Its the terrain.
Wyatt Butler
Where is all the HE?
Can you name a character Agent Mulder if you're daring maybe another one named Storm One, I'd love you forever
Easton Perez
Why did I have to be wrong?
I know of one more Sectoid and this disk.
Aiden Murphy
You can dew it. I believe in you
Brody Sullivan
There's no end to them!
Humanity's Unconscious.
Samuel Baker
Lets pray these are the last two.
Adrian Miller
Humanity died to fatal wound
Luke Stewart
Eh, it happens.
Josiah Lee
Oh fuck.
Logan Martin
Hueman no!
Nathan Miller
Yeah, I'm out of here.
Blake Smith
At least try and get those dummies back onboard
Dominic Davis
I think there's the two left, but.. do I risk it?
Jeremiah Walker
The Ayy's last known location is where my cursor is and the building at the bottom of the screen.
Alexander Wood
>implying jack fucking samurai would ever run away
Hunter Lewis
Jeremiah Ortiz
What a mess.
Kevin Cooper
Guess its time to build stuff.
Julian Evans
Should name this operation Torn a new Railhole
Grayson Hernandez
I really am bad at this game.
Easton Turner
THUNDERFORCE gets an upgrade.
Carson Ramirez
Regardless. More meat for the grinder.
Also CWCmobile and the Wall Guardian gets Plasma Beams too.
Angel Garcia
New recruits ?
AyyFondler & Mister Kebab
Oliver Smith
Angus McFife XIII
Austin Wright
Cawx the Fallen One
David Gomez
Extra Large Jhonson
Xavier Gonzalez
Satisfaction Jackson
Isaac Howard
Mr. Hinman
Oliver Ross
How fitting.
Angel Flores
Ching Chong China-man
Christian Martinez
Why is it the strange names get the good stats?
He's gonna die first, isn't he?
Jaxon Young
Erectile Dysfunction Steve
Daniel Hill
no, the black rookies die first
Bentley Long
Germit the Gay Frog
Noah Sanders
Alright, we get it, your gay.
Thomas James
Yamcha so he can die first
Caleb Peterson
John Conquest
Gabriel Foster
William White
Finally we can now what the illegal aliens are up to
Asher Ross
Did.. we really want to know in the first place?
Dominic Campbell
Yes. Now we lube up in advance.
Mason Rogers
Fuck you, Snakemen. Fuck you.
Anthony Evans
wew is it that time already
Oliver Scott
Go? Or say fuck it?
I need more Heavy Plasma.
Camden Butler
well now, at least we know that black riots are incomming
Ian Scott
you better have lasers atleast, explosives and ap don't really work against blacks