Is it any good Sup Forums?
Nah. Every character is retarded, combat is ass, and SJW cancer permeates the dialogue.
too short really, maybe on a sale or someting
So it's Pillars of Eternity 2.0?
buy maybe on a sale*
also ending is shite
It's like a shorter PoE with less things to do and worse dialogue.
Half the time people say SJW cancer I'm not sure if they're legit, or if they are just the ideological victims of a retarded culture war.
I got bored before I finished it. It feels like the game is just missing something.
Let's just get this one out of the way early:
>can't rape
Game prides itself on its premise of being evil, but all you see is shit like gender equality, gay marriage, matriarchal inheritance laws...I imagined the game being more like Blood Meridian and instead I'm just some bureaucrat doing busy work in Anita Sarkeesian's wonderland
there's a legally married lesbian couple in the game, fucking hell
Finished it today. The combat is more meaty than PoE but I really dislike how limited the roleplaying is.
Game really railroads you in a not good way and I found it really frustrating at the lack of control over my character's behaviour I had.
>Oh God we only have 8 days to take the fort otherwise everyone is going to die
>Can do all side quests and take the fort with 7 days left on the time
I knew then that I was playing a quality product
and one wife also murdered the other, what's your point?
Its not as bad as this guy describes it, but yeah there seems to be a forced inclusion of women. This is tempered by the fact that you can tell most of them to fuck off and kill them.
Not him, but there's something so sickening about injecting 21st century social lunacy into an Iron Age period where it sticks out like a sore thumb
I tried being a pacifist but I really enjoyed killing her, and then throwing the rebel leader from the tower
fucking speedrunners, had only 6 days left
At least sixty percent of the enemies in the game are female. So are most of the leaders of those enemies.
How am I suppose to get into Crpgs? I always like character development but I only played simplified games like Mass effect and the like.
How can I handle this?
If you fight the voices of nerat, Sybil's body is impaled nearby
>Tunon turns gay for you, because you flexed your muscles
>13 hours of "gameplay"
>if you make the mistake of taking a companion with you, you can't get rid of him until late into the game
>can't kill everyone
>Retarded end
>who's site are you on?
>you're both retarded and I have to fix your shit
>who's guilty?
>both are retarded
>wat de hell mang
>men are on their conquest to suppress women
>only women are stronk and smarts enough to fill key roles and fighting back
>men are incapable of working together to reach a common goal
>men only bring destruction
>nationalism and racism only comes from men
>role reversal: women are mirroring the image of your typical macho and men are your fragile objects
>tranny - a game about a tranny's identity crisis, both genders fighting over superiority
Start with Baldur's Gate 2 or Planescape: Torment. Dragon Age: Origins is your halfway point between mass effect and cRPG.
I fought him but I didn't see sybil's body
>who's gonna assault the castle
>how about you both do your job
>NO that's not going to please anyone.
>fine this one then
>i always knew you were a traitor
Thank you Obsidian
>Game prides itself on its premise of being evil, but all you see is shit like gender equality, gay marriage, matriarchal inheritance laws
Sounds pretty evil alright.
>gender equality
>gay marriage
>matriarchal inheritance
Sounds like bonafide evil to me.
About to start playing. It's playing Javelin/Spear worth it? Or Greatsword?
The game is ridiculously hard either way.
The other Sup Forums people will say it's easy but they never tell you which build they used or tactics.
I think most people just cheat their way through the game
Wait until it's on sale. Role-playing wise it's okay, but the combat system is crap and the game seems only half-finished. Maybe an add-on will fix it, but thus far it's really underwhelming. I beat it in less than 35 hours and I don't see myself playing it again any time soon. I put more time into Dungeon Rats.
>ridiculously hard
Pick one. Unless you're playing on Hard or Path of the Damned, in which case of course you'd expect it to be hard.
>The other Sup Forums people will say it's easy but they never tell you which build they used or tactics.
Nigga please. If you go as a non-atrophy mage the game will become easier as you level up and not harder. Don't do dual wielding either.
The game isn't hard, it just has a crappy combat system. Once you reach a certain level it falls apart though and becomes incredibly easy. Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2 features the hardest fights in the game. From that point on it's easy as hell. I beat it on hard and didn't use any particularly brilliant tactics.
Has anyone done a D&D alignment chart for this game yet? With only evil alignments obviously.
You might sincerely be bad at positioning.
>2h warrior pumping might
>Back in to choke points with tank barik.
>Sirin. All war. ezmode.
And this is on hard.
>two or more wizards
>spam AoE CC spells
Especially once you get chain sigils
Does anybody have a fun / recommended / interesting build?
I haven't started my game yet but I also plan to use javelins. Based on the few feedback I've read, it's absolutely viable. Magic might also worth a shot due to the reformed spell-crafting system.
Be a mage, max out Lore and Wits first, Quickness/Resolve/Vitality next.
Get every rune you can, as soon as you see them. The spell system is the best part about the game.
It's way better than i thought it would be.
SJW stuff? Yea there's some sjw stuff, except you can brutally murder almost every single stronk wumon standing in your way, going for extreme brutality in some cases like throwing weakened and begging for life Arri from that tower.
In terms of reactivity it's probably the best shit we got since alpha protocol. Writing is sub-par but has some entertaining moments. Same with companions, bullying Sirrin is quite entertaining though i'm angry you can't educate her with your dick.
Combat system is pretty fun for what it is. Was surprised to see party member combo attacks in crpg. Even magic crafting turned out to be quite fun.
The only major problem of the game is length but this can be partly forgiven because of the replay value. Still, there's better be a huge expansion or two.
Overall it's way better than pillars of eternity at the very least. And much more deserving of Obsidian's further attention.
>Combat system is pretty fun for what it is.
Are you kidding, right? The combat system is utterly boring.
play with magic for a bit, nigga
shitting out arcane fury and summoning unlimited blade works with Barrick is more entertaining than anything in poe combat-wise at the very least
But dungeon rats is even worse than age of decadence.
As a game it's just not good. Very poorly designed, despite the fact that it has talent trees and modular spell creation(to show you how much of a DEEP RPG it is, right?)
It took me awhile to put my finger on what I was feeling when I played it, and then I realized that it felt exactly like I was playing Dragon Age 2.
Isn't this game popular because a guy from kotaku made an article about it when trump won?
>The only major problem of the game is length but this can be partly forgiven because of the replay value.
What replay value? The ending is the same no matter what you do.
Until you realize that since most of the enemies are just humans, going magic makes the fights trivial.
>The only major problem of the game is length but this can be partly forgiven because of the replay value.
Divinity has as much replay value and is three times as long.
>SJW stuff? Yea there's some sjw stuff
Most people in the game are women, the overlord is supposedly a woman, the women are all strong warriors, they're also all lesbians or bisexual it seems since Verse and the Disfavored in camp happily say they'll fuck you even if your character is female.
Also no character in the game had a good father.
>35 hours
I beat it twice in like 28
good thing that majority of things aside from the ending are quite reactive
>Also no character in the game had a good father.
Lol, no such thing IRL, only internalized misogyny. #notmypresident #BLM #patriarchy #(you)splease
>choose blue or red
>choose blue or red again
>say different things with the same outcome
>[glaring intensifies]
>use the same party members and kill people you didn't kill last time
>take the other route during the conquest, which has no impact at all on the story other than some text choices and hyperlink text
Took me 27 hours to finish it according to steam. It's certainly possible if he played on the hardest difficulty
Not that guy but my game also took about 35 hours. Doing things like listening to and reading dialogue, doing every sidequest, fully exploring the maps.
All but one archons are males, there's way more mentioned hetero families than homosexuals, gender of Kyros simply doesn't matter as it's an ancient genderless thing and majority of strong females are hilariously incompetent and can be murdered while males are competent. You reek of the same shit as SJWs.
>Divinity has as much replay value
Divinity has zero reactivity compared to Tyranny which automatically leads to much less replay potential.
>hey tunon, is kyros a boy or a girl
>"oy vey how dare you assume xir gender i should have you executed for mansplaining right now"
>later in the game
>on trial for doing my job
>"fatebinder, why are you so quiet all the time? it makes women feel uncomfortable"
>well sir, i like to sit and watch people argue until one of them breaks the law
>"[TUNON WRATH 2] oy vey thats not an excuse for misogyny, string him up"
game is literally SJW garbage. thought Sup Forums was exaggerating - they werent.
>All but one archons are males,
So? The vast majority of enemies you fight are female, including the scarlet gang bosses and disfavored enemies.
>there's way more mentioned hetero families than homosexuals,
No there aren't. Only a couple of families are even mentioned at all.
>gender of Kyros simply doesn't matter as it's an ancient genderless thing
If it didn't matter they wouldn't have dialogues with multiple characters about whether Kyros is male or female.
>majority of strong females are hilariously incompetent and can be murdered while males are competent
What? You've pulled that out of your ass. Provide some evidence. Ashe and Nerat are totally incompetent, the Bronze mercenaries guy is a lunatic. Everyone else in the Chorus or the Disfavored acts the same regardless of their sex.
>You reek of the same shit as SJWs
And you reek of violent anti-anti-SJWism, thinking anyone who disagrees with you must hate SJWs.
Is reactivity a new buzzword?
Sure sounds like it.
Aside from one or two locations which might be a little different so still do the exact same things no matter who you side with.
Reactivity is what the game was sold on to compensate the lack of game length.
>Doing things like listening to and reading dialogue, doing every sidequest, fully exploring the maps.
>implying the game has 34 hours worth of dialogue
I did everything too and ended up finishing the game within 14 hours. Stop going afk.
>Is reactivity a new buzzword?
I think so, I've never heard it until Tyranny came out.
>implying the game has 34 hours worth of dialogue
Are you trying to look like a retard on purpose? No one said that but you.
You gain wrath for wasting Tunons time with anything that isn't THE LAW. Pay attention
>>"fatebinder, why are you so quiet all the time? it makes women feel uncomfortable"
>well sir, i like to sit and watch people argue until one of them breaks the law
>"[TUNON WRATH 2] oy vey thats not an excuse for misogyny, string him up"
That's a straight up lie. I also picked that conversation option. One of the other fatebinders started to object but Tunon liked it. It was also in to way related to women.
Seriously there are so many things worth criticizing about the game yet you choose to be an oversensitive faggot about literally nothing.
Dungeon Rats has brilliant encounter design and even improved on the already great AoD combat.
>The vast majority of enemies you fight are female
Count the amount of males and females in every encounter then present actual evidence based by solid facts and not your words.
>Only a couple of families are even mentioned
A good number of them, actually. Including some of your party members or allies. But this requires to actually read the in-game text, right?
>If it didn't matter they wouldn't have dialogues with multiple characters about whether Kyros is male or female.
And all of them boil down to that it literally doesn't matter.
>anyone who disagrees with you must hate SJWs
More like not liking SJWs in every shape or form, including fucktards like you who embrace their rhetoric, just with a slightly different vector.
>there's a legally married lesbian couple in the game, fucking hell
I was really interested in this game but decided to avoid it because of Obsidians constant pandering for the SJWs in past games but fuck this I dodged a bullet nothing worse than forcing this kind of shit
When the best roleplaying experience in your entire RPG is a VN in character creation, you've fucked up.
Is it even bad to gain wrath with a certain faction? Seems like you are rewarded by getting wrath too with a special perk, can anyone tell me this?
>makes bullshit claims
>says others need to provide proof
That's not how it works. But your hatred of anti-SJWs blinds you and makes you capable of nothing but shitposting on Sup Forums.
And the funny thing is that whatever you choose during that segment doesn't really have a whole lot of consequences asides from a few different lines and options to choose during dialogues.
Usually wrath is at the cost of favor. If they get assblasted then your favor goes down. Also the NPC reactions when they get SUPER assblasted are different.
Javelins in act 1 are bretty good.
You get a nice tank, a nice mage and a melee DPS, so it's not bad to be a ranged fighter.
Plus, piercing shot can really hurt as long as you remember to maneuver around the battefield.
>what is exaggeration
>use dialogue to justify 34 hours
>implying that you're the only fag reading the dialogue and that it takes A LOT of time to read everything
no you're wrong
I don't think the introductory VN was that well designed. The major problem was that you weren't yet familiar with the world and its inhabitants, making you essentially choose things "blindly". It's a nice idea to allow the player to define his background and familiarise him with his character, but in the end it didn't work out that well in my opinion.
You can have both on 5 and nothing changes.
Tunon is giving you shit when you are put on trial during the end. You can talk your way out of it though.
Yeah if you're gay looking for a world of bros, you should pass on this
Nope. You can be loved and hated and it doesn't really matter. What does end up matter is the one that ends up being the highest.
>claims that most people in the game are women in his first post
>can't present a single argument
>also claims that they're also all lesbians or bisexual
>can't present a single argument
>accuses someone of shitposting despite not making a single good argument himself
gooberchan awaits
Tyranny really has nothing else. Hardly feels like a game, for fuck's sake.
Reactivity has been used by CRPG enthusiasts since forever. I'm not aware that it has become a marketing term now though.
It has and it's pretty stupid when you think about it. It's like marketing an FPS by saying that things die when you shoot them.
Fuck off codex.
How about you tell me what's wrong with it?
>Use Arrow storm in a big clusterfuck of enemies
>Verse is interrupted or some shit
>Barik is stuck going Super Sayan even after everything is dead
When will this meme die?
>tfw getting a 3 hit chain with a fuckhuge hammer you have on the enemy boss
Went from uninjured to nearly dead, I love two handed weapons. Don't know whether to go under leadership, or to go into agility for more abilities.
P.S. get double hit in the agility tree if you want to do 2h. It's pretty good
Pic related is his reaction to the justification why you glare silently so much during the game.
Why do you keep on lying after you've been called out on your bullshit?
holy shit i'm crying
best archon
baited for this exact response
Just beat it, combat was funny as fuck to watch since my party was three mages (PC, Lantry, and Sirin) witha drugged up Verse darting around going apeshit while the screen exploded in magic.
Story was decent, but the later half of Act 2 as a solo character supported by Bleden Mark was a nonstop bloodbath as I desperately tried to keep people from attacking me. My companions were fun, the best being Lantry and Sirin, but exhausting most of their dialogue in the literal first chat after recruiting them fucking sucked. It was also beyond lame I never had the chance to use my fuckoff Kyros level of magic to remove Sirin's helmet or free Barrik
Is it even possible to get a guilty verdict at the end?
No matter what I do he keeps sucking my dick.
Are Nerat and Ashe still alive?
It sounded like they would testify and sink you guaranteed from what Mark was warning.
I'll pop on my save in a sec and go full thuglyfe in the trial to see
That entire Loyalty system needs fixing.
>Start a game
> 2 minutes in I meet a proud amazonian woman
> every dialogue option I take I get huge bonuses for her loyalty (generally not being a pushover but also not being a total asshole)
> Go meet two generals (first objective in game 30-60 minutes from the start of the game)
> talk to proud amazonian warrior when I leave the tent
> "one of the generals send me to spy on you but you are so awesome. Loyalty to death my lord"
what the hell? I understand that some options during backstory building had impact but this is fucking hilarious.
Samefag as , and kek that was easy
I went full SOVEREIGN CITIZEN and got him to Wrath 4 pretty easily in the trial alone, which he then used for a guilty verdict despite sucking him blowing me for my justiceboner the entire game at Favor 4
Verse is a murderhobo incarnate
Barrik, the rusty tinman, will fuckoff though if you send the Chorus and don't apologize or justify your choice
I didn't believe the SJW agenda either but holy shit, unless the male has purpose or it is a boss they are all portrayed as useless and incompetent while women are badass
Also, PoE combat. If i'm looking forward to NOT get engaged then you have a problem. Unfortunately Obsidian still thinks that BG2 had the best gameplay in existence
>not bullying Sirin
how dare you
I bullied her initially, but did a full 180 heel turn in how I treated her after learning she got the helmet clamped on her for trying to assassinate Kyros by making that nigga impale himself on a sword during a party, and she almost succeeded
her interactions with the rest of the party are also priceless, especially paired with Verse in the group