ITT we give game developers ideas to steal

ITT we give game developers ideas to steal

>usable skateboards in open world game

Skate series

Why don't they make relatively "small" open world games and just jam pack it full of features and stuff to do?

That's stupid user, how else are they going to parade around the size of their map? If its not 42x the size of Skyrim, frankly, I just don't give a damn.

delete this

I always loved this idea.
I'd be happy with a game that's dynamic unlike anything else out there even if it was just 1 room with 1 enemy.


what did HE meme by this?

sorry just wanted to know who got get

goat sim

san andreas is like this

Are you retarded?

I want more hub-based RPGs like Deus Ex and VtMB

Pretty much this. Logically you'd expect modern games to take SA and just improve on it by adding more stuff to do and maybe expanding the map a bit.
Instead, they've expanded the map tons and removed stuff to do.

Dying Light
Dead Rising

Does W1, and I guess 2, count as hub-based games?

those are fine too I was just talking in the context of open world
in fact, open world and rpg don't even really go together that well

I'd like to think most game devs make their maps big with every intention of filling them with things to do, but end up short on time/budget/tech etc.

I would really enjoy that as well

Make simple movement fun.

Gothic and Stalker series

>usable skateboards in open world game

Yakuza series is right up your alley