Dead Rising Thread

Alright Sup Forums, for those of you unaware here's the deal with Dead Rising 4

>Leads on the project have never worked on a Dead Rising game prior to this.
>Trying to nostalgia-bait by bringing back Frank West, who now looks, acts and sounds nothing like he did in the first two games.
>Devs claim that the new voice/look makes Frank more mature.
>Devs claim that DR4 is going back to it's roots despite everything that's completely different about it
>OP Combo-Weapons/Vehicles and Wacky Costumes are pushed to the forefront, even moreso than DR3
>Survivors are no longer escortable characters/partners. You save them from zombies, they drop an OP weapon and they fuck off.
>Food no longer takes up inventory space, and can be stored in hammerspace and used for quick health regen.
>No mixed drinks as a result of this, something even DR3 did right.
>Despite food and books no longer requiring inventory space, the game gives you 24 item slots at max level.
>Item slots force you to have a set amount of melee, firearm and throwable weapons.
>Power Armor that makes you even more OP
>Generic enemies in wacky costumes with combo weapons replace the psychopaths. They have no cutscenes and no names attached to them.
>Zombies are no longer aggressive at night.
>Timer has been completely removed, and relegated to lazy DLC story, despite the countdown being the biggest part of the first two games.
>Devs want you to want do everything in one go and have no concept of "replay value".
>Map is actually smaller than DR3
>DLC season pass is a lazy weapons pack, a DLC story in the same map and a shitty minigame. This is $25 on top of the $60 for the game.
>The DLC story is likely an overtime mode that got cut from the retail game.
>No crossbuy between Xbox One & Windows 10, despite initially being advertised as such.
>Devs claim that this "what the fans wanted" because they did "focus group testing".

Other urls found in this thread:

Not going to read any of this because I don't want to bum myself out. Played all of them and so far I've had fun with them all.

Already preordered it because it sounds awesome

how has eating progressively worse shit been working out for you

I do not understand the going back to their roots part, the game plays nothing like its roots, Dead rising 3 was better at keeping to the roots

>cut down on annoying mechanics
>bring back Frank

Not seeing the problem here

So the franchise became Saints Row-ified. Big whoop.

Even accounting for personal taste, how can you defend shit like replacing the unique boss fights with generic ones and lopping off a major part of the game for DLC.

>video loads up
>see numales trying to look manly with beards
Yep, game was doomed from the start.

>at nycc
>they keep asking fans if they like the new voice
>most say its alright
>thats enough for them to say people like him better

Why does every single dev treat their games like they must be the ultimate cashgrab when it takes even less effort to just stick to the tried-and-true formula which got the series to the point it did? Are they legitimately retarded? In the case of these devs I think it might just be what happens when uninspired millennials are put in charge of the operation.

>Devs want to do new and exciting things rather than make the same game over and over again
really makes me think

>Devs want to do new and exciting things
>Just copy Saints Row which copied Crackdown/GTA

>new and exciting things
>now plays like every other open world game
wow really makes me think

>you can't try new things while sticking to a formula!
really makes me think

Except it isnt frank at all, not in voice, look and attitude. Only in name

Dead Rising 2 was the best

Chuck was the best protag

why don't they just make a different fucking game then

>Got Saint on the first game, despite Survivors having zero self preservation instincts and often killing each other by accident if you gave them anything stronger than a damn broom to defend themselves with

>Now people don't have to manage inventory space for food or buff-books, and you don't even have to escort survivors at all


DR2 was the perfect blend of over-the-top insanity and grounded. Kind of reminds me of another game from an overall mediocre open-world series with '2' in the title.

Marketing is more important than the game itself. Where have you been since the fall of games in 2007

Read the OP again, nothing was confirmed "lopped off", he's just blindly speculating that it's overtime mode. Get mad about what you know, not what you don't.

>>cut down on annoying mechanics

The time limit and escorting survivors is the only source of tension, without which there is no excitement.

Stripped down, Dead Rising consists of killing a horde of slow, weak enemies with an AOE weapon, then killing a hundred more with a weapon with a different-colored AOE.

except the fact they said there is only 2 endings in this one

The biggest reason they could give for getting rid of psychopaths was that they found Jherii offensive to trans people. Despite the fact that Jherii is very clearly just a natural woman on a shitload of steroids.

now I kinda wish your Dead Rising 4 protagonist would be the President of the United States

That would be much more fun than rehashing/rewriting Frank

Smaller Map then 3?!?!?!
Da fuck.

There also seems to be no co-op story for some unknown reason

No, it's laziness user, they don't want to write unique characters, they are fucking lazy as fuck, why are game devs becoming lazy fucks these days?


literal fun and draw of dead rising was

1. using random shit (ORDINARY SHIT)
2. killing bosses who have weird personalities / styles
3. uncovering the story
4. trying to save survivors
5. racing against a time limit in a place that got more and more dangerous as time went on

pretty much all of that is gone in DR4

devs seem to think the game was about killing loads of zombies with wacky hilarious weapons.

Sounds good, except for these bits here:
>Item slots force you to have a set amount of melee, firearm and throwable weapons.
That sucks.
>Power Armor that makes you even more OP
>Generic enemies in wacky costumes with combo weapons replace the psychopaths. They have no cutscenes and no names attached to them.
Hella gay. Psychopaths were the best part.
>Zombies are no longer aggressive at night.
Weaksauce shit.

It sucks that they're killing everything about it that made it dead rising to me, but we're probably in the minority. Lots of people hated the timer mechanic, the savepoints, dicking around finding food in your inventory.

If you're a company wanting to make money, you're going to listen to what the majority of your fans want.

>4. trying to save survivors
>5. racing against a time limit in a place that got more and more dangerous as time went on


More dangerous over time? Gladly. Timer? No.

The Psychos from 3 were some of the most over the top, but it had some gems.

3 was way too cartoonish to have a "Feels" Psycho like a few of them in 1 and Ted in 2, but some of them were still fun

Oh, I know that. "Reason" was the wrong word for me to use. I should've said "lazy-ass excuse".

Fuck these leafs.

if there isnt a timer

how do you make the location more dangerous as it goes along?

in dead rising 1 aka the best dead rising, the mall got more and more filled with zombies and then cultists appeared which were actually some of the most dangerous units in the game until you used certain tactics.

the games timer is great because everything works around it, you were always off to go do something like a survivor, story case or boss

or you could just ignore them and go have 72 hours of fucking around in the malls with zombies and optional shit.

what happens when you save them all in one go if you have nothing stopping you

Play Dead Rising 1, maybe OTR, and Dying Light if you want some very good zombie games

The IGN "first 20 minute preview" made it look dull as shit. Ive got a feeling Frank is going to be an annoying fucktard throughout the game. Aside from that it just looks very paint by numbers, which is disapointing. I hope im wrong but it does look in any way compelling whatsoever

One of my favourite aspects of DR1 was it was as silly or as serious as you wanted it to be. You could do a "serious" playthrough, wearing "normal" clothes, "normal" weapons. Then the next playthrough run around in a dress and lego helmet using lawnmowers and shit.

The later games basically force you to be whacky, it pained me in DR4 interviews when they kept repeatedly stressing "Players just want to have fun blowing stuff up, being silly and wacky"

The problem is this whole wacky memes stuff. Why can't they go back to making serious games where things play slow like in the PS1 era?

Oh yeah I 'member!


True. I generally felt retarded being like "LOL SLINGSHOT BIKINI" and the like, but I'm kind of boring like that.

Almost always did "reasonable" playthroughs for the most part.

>lego helmet

Because rescuing braindead retards on a timer isn't fun for me.

I don't like escort quests.

then they game isnt for you

dead rising is about rescuing survivors

dont remove it, fix it and improve it.

2's survivor AI is better but they could have made the mechanics better.

instead in 3 they basically removed it and in 4 they did.

Don't care about any of that, I've played all the Dead Rising games, I loved all the Dead Rising games, and I'm going to play and love this one. Already preordered it for the free snow globe and when I get it I'm gonna enjoy it.


Gay character done right imo.

This needs to be screencapped and plastered onto every idiot that think's Dead rising is good bacause zombie killing.

>then they game isnt for you

Seems a bit closed minded. In the original commercials they specifically emphasised that the game was about doing whatever the fuck you wanted.

Rescue the survivors
Uncover the mystery
Take lots of photos
Spend 3 days just killing zombies
Hide in a closet for 3 days we don't give a fuck

>one survivor has really aggressive AI and goes out of its way to kill anything
>the other is passive and keeps getting attacked
>try to walk 6 feet and suddenly they're way behind you screaming "FRAAAANK!"

I love and hate this game so much

fuck you for being easily pleased

>then they game isnt for you
Considering I greatly enjoyed everything in 1 with exceptions to rescuing braindead AI and being hurried by a timer, I'd say it is, champ.


IGN just uploaded some Co-op footage

It's a lazy Left 4 Dead clone starring generic characters as expected. No story mode co-op like in DR2/3.

>I play video games for the story

>those character designs

>more mature Frank West

It ain't a bad looking snow globe. Plus I love Christmas time.

They're just lazy as fuck aren't they? This shit is just so jarring and surreal. All of a sudden, DR3 seems more and more like a true DR game by comparison.

Fuck this, I'm honestly out. I'm not even interested in bashing this shit. I just lost all interest in DR4, not even worth a pirate. I'll stick with Dying Light and DR, thank God they released that on PC.

He literally says in the intro after burning one of the "Freshly infected"
>Anyone up for barbecue?
He's still got humor in him, I'll give him that. Also I chuckled when he threw the chair at the window.

>couldn't even keep the classic ui
what about this game is going back to its roots

>no psychopaths

Fuck this game.

Wait to miss the point retard. DR2 & 3 let you play through the entire game with a co-op partner, this is just a stripped-down mission mode. It's essentially DR3 Arcade, which was boring, repetitive shit.

Aren't maniacs basically the same thing or am I missing something.


No straight while male ?

Really ?

Apparently there are no cutscenes, story or even names to them. They're just stronger enemies that look different and carry some kind of weapon.

>We want the Saints Row 3 & 4 audience
>We don't want to challenge you
>We don't even want you to think

I'm wondering how it can be made worse, I don't think it can be done.

You are, psychopaths had cutscenes to introduce them and give them character, unique AI, and posed a threat when you encountered them unprepared. These are just generic NPCs weilding combo-weapons, while dressed like something wacky, that can't be encountered without filling out a checklist of pre-requisites.

Yeah im out now, that was going to be the one reedeeming feature for me. I lost count at how many times I played the DR 1 demo , whilst waiting for the game to come out and looking forward to meeting these outlandish cartoony characters now theres no reason to buy it all.

>then the game isnt for you

I know. That's the sad part.

I think the two best pre-order bonuses I ever got were the Terror Mask bust statue for Splatterhouse, and the Lunchbox+Bobblehead+Art book for Fallout 3

I thought DR3 did it bad enough by clearly labeling the encounters as Psychos with a different icon and everything, essentially just turning them into easily avoidable encounters. The first time running into a Psycho event in DR thinking it's just a regular quest was hectic as fuck.

Exactly. There's really no appeal to the game from what I can see. The only thing it has going for it is that it's a new game with zombies to kill.

More power to you user. At least one of us well be enjoying this game.

Holy shit that looks awesome.

It's pretty sweet (these aren't my pictures, btw, just some I found online.)

Best Psycho was Cliff.

But the best psycho was Chuck. Like... In a wacky "what if" game like OtR, his cinematic was strangely deep. Genuinely the only real "psychopath" that would have fit the first game.

>not becoming crossdressing Morpheus

fucking pleb

Reminder Frank is in his 60 because he got soviet vaccinations meaning he was doing journalism during the time russia was still the soviet union

I fucking hate this franchise