You've done it

>you've done it
>after all this time, you've finally done it
>you've captured a human being and locked them in your basement
>they are crying and whimpering, gagged and bound
>"shhhhhhhh, it's ok, my sweet" you tell them
>"I'm going to let you go..."
>their eyes light up
>"as soon as you beat this one videogame to prove you're not a complete casual"

Which videogame do you give them?

The game should be something that isn't stupidly impossibly difficult, but should also prove that the person is not a complete casual worthy of death. I think I'd pick portal. Short, sweet, requires some thought, and should give a decent introduction to good videogames for a beginner

Literally any fucking casual could beat Portal, the only bit that requires a tiny bit of skill is the one where you have to catapult yourself from platform to platform and keep shooting new portals while falling. My father literally has one arm and he managed to beat the whole thing

I pick Super Ghouls N Ghosts

Now that's just cruel. Even most people on Sup Forums wouldn't be able to beat it.

Do you want this person to walk away hating videogames, or having a newfound sense of appreciation for them?

I'm not a monster. I just want people to know the glory of video games.


Legacy of the Wizard

Metal gear rising

>know the glory of video games
>by locking them in your basement

Does that come with eggs?

>Literally any fucking casual could beat Portal
no, you casual of people.

Ninja Gaiden 2 and not the sigma either.

Super GnG has practically infinite continues. You just need to memorize the levels. It's doable.

optional, not necessary

I'm so sick of people who legitimately think games are for children and think they have not progressed from shit like super mario bros on the NES or shit like that

they need to learn


if you can't beat NG2 then you literally deserve to die.

Ys: The Oath in Felghana on nightmare mode. If you can't beat this you should stop playing video games forever because you're a fucking casual.

I think a lot of people here are being too harsh about this. I'm not talking about capturing a gamer or something, just a normal person. I want to force them to play a game, but just not something completely shit like COD.

Saying shit equivalent to Dwarf Fortress is monstrous.

That said, if you did capture a COD type gamer, making them play FEAR or Half Life or something might be neat.








I'd probably ask them a whole set of question about their fantasy and pick a game based off of that.

If they wanted to have power and rule the world, maybe I'd give em prototype or something.

>giving someone a game they would actually enjoy
It's like you don't know Sup Forums at all.

Barkley Shut up and Jam Gaiden

The one where you dont have to say anything but you have to eat the bowl of eggs that get handed to you.

Do I have to tell you anything or can I just eat the eggs?




Dwarf Fortress

The Last Remnant.

I'd give them Div;OS or heck, something like transistor, and rate their performance more so than their results. Like you can struggle your way through most games, but they'd need to show they actually put some thought into it rather than just pushing buttons and doing what the screen tells them.

the tick for sega genesis

user no, that's cruelty tier, that game explains literally fuck all and there's no way to discover shit without endless trial and error, trial and error that can permanently fuck you over at that.


gta vice city on the pc.

Just give them a bullet hell and tell them they have to beat it with whatever limited continues they have on normal or above. I'd tell them to 1cc but I don't want them there until the end of time.

>mfw they're going to be trapped in my basement forever either way

I'd probably make them play a game I made with their character having their actual face, and they have to put the character through various tortures to win each level.

I smile more and more at them with each level passed

Just give them Rabi Ribi, more versatile than standard bullet hell, not too difficult (make them play the hardest default difficulty) and also not trivial.

Darkest Dungeon.

Sonic 06

Oh I know they'll beat it, I just want someone else to feel my pain of unironically playing and beating the game on release.

Raging barbs

I can't be arsed finding an overly difficult game, but Godhand is a step in the right direction to get them out of casual mode.

I still haven't beaten challenge 51

That's pure luck. They'd get it eventually, but it literally comes down to not running into barbarians too early.

I was thinking it's cruel because the dark humour would be far too close to their actual situation to be appreciated.

More like
>hard mode: only games you've beaten yourself
I'd pick Jumper

i'd give them monster hunter freedom unite. they'd only have to kill plesi with a melee weapon.

Payday 2, Shadow Raid with 75 concealment, LMG/RPG with full body armor and grenades, no skills. Any difficulty.

Dark Souls 2 with

>deprived only
>no armor or new weapons
>only mace and upgrades
>no ui
>keyboard and mouse only
>camera lock on disabled
>no help of guides or people

mfw this is how I play ds2 on my very first time play any ds game. Idk why the pc defaulted me to no UI and I never learned that lock on was a thing.

>Mfw it took me 3 months of 8 hours days to beat the game

>mfw I watch let's plays of ds2 and see how much of a pussy everyone is

>mfw I know I'm the most skilled game here

you sound like a complete cunt and if that's actually what you would choose you absolutely are a cunt


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 2

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, unpatched.

I'm evil.

Ninja Gaiden on the NES.

>I got this game that shows people aren't casuals
>But they have to follow arbitrary rules for no reason and also they still get infinite chances for failure
Maybe you should pick an actually hard game instead of setting up "challenges"

>no champions covenant
fucking pussy casual


both loops


Dodonpachi Daioujou. Both loops. Get cracking.

This is so fucking cringy.
You are so fucking beta you fail even at your powerfantasies.

TTFAF on expert

Ninja Gaiden 2, not allowed the internet or anything to learn how to get past sections either. I'm not a sadist so they can play it on Normal.

Some DDR game with all tracks on the hardest difficulty. I would capture some fat beta male too. After he got gud he will be a god of dancing and probably thin too.

Wonderful 101.

On 101%.

They have to unlock Bayonetta.

Portal is fairly easy for a puzzle game though.

The co-op in 2 was harder.

Age of Decadence.

>everyone else is a casual cause unlike me they aren't retarded

It's not about giving them a hard game.

It's about making them prove they are not a completely inept idiot casual.

Everyone else here is choosing the hardest possible shit and being a sadist.

I'm talking about capturing a normal person here, and forcing them to understand the glory of vidya, but that requires a decent game where skill matters, but not something like COD or fucking Dwarf Fortress. Jesus.

>always keen to get good at DDR
>don't want to be the autismo out of shape beta being made fun of in public

You give them a casual game though with no challenge. Fuck off, you're doing your own thread wrong. Playing till level 100 on candy crush is more of a challenge than Portal.

Battletoads it is.

I dunno it still is pretty easy. At least give them Sam and Max or Puzzle Agent.

He failed easy mode.

I don't consider portal to be a casual game.

COD, yes, Angry Birds, yes, Farmville, yes, battlefield, yes (at least the single player).

Portal is pretty acceptable though. It may not be hard, but it still requires active though, rather that just following a big fucking arrow like an idiot.

stalker soc, ogse mod, master difficulty

if being kidnapped isn't going to give them ptsd, stalker probably will

Only if they are like 60+ and never touched a game before. Otherwise it's not worth the risk to capture someone.

Takeshi's Challenge a guys who couldnt beat super mario 1 and 3 could beat this game

Drakengard 3.

All branches.

Of course, completely blind.

Pretty sure Arino looked things up in a strategy guide. And looking things up in a puzzle game is like not even playing the game.

Hang yourself along with your horrid game

>Mace only dark souls 2
I thought this was for games that are hard

literally no-one said anything about the game needing to be hard