What are some RTS/RTT games where I can get a real feeling of putting some good military theory to use?

What are some RTS/RTT games where I can get a real feeling of putting some good military theory to use?
Not just some rock, papers, scissors shit.

Pls no suggest Wargame I've played that to death I'd like some small squad tactics

The answer is in wargaming. Most titles tend to be turn-based but there are real-time games as well, ranging from Ultimate General: Gettysburg (tactical, palatable to mainstream audiences) to games like Command: Modern Air Naval Operations (operational-tactical autism simulator).

I'm far from an expert on military theory, but maybe Men of War fits the bill? I've been playing it with friends and it seems quite intricate compared to many other RTSs.

Men of War, either that or go look into Garry Grigsby's War in the East or the other grand strat simulators out there.

>I can get a real feeling of putting some good military theory to use?
>Not just some rock, papers, scissors shit.
> I'd like some small squad tactics

Men of War is literally made for you OP.

Has has projectile and armor simulations as well, so no rock paper scissors bullshit like a lot of RTS games.

There is also Blitskrieg and Sudden Strike. Codename Panzers (I haven't played that one to be honest but if anyone has, is it good, it's on my steam wishlist and looks good).

If you want something larger scale but on the same actual tactics and no bullshit RTS mechanics, Graviteam Tactics games are extreme autism simulators for large scale warfare at the divisional size (while MoW is more platoon, section to company sized).

You could also get into simulator wargaming like the other user said, Operation Flashpoint, Arma, or the tactics simulators out there.

Cheers for the replies guys, Men of War seems to be the way to go, I've been playing Mud and Blood: Recon at the moment and it's not quite polished enough for me to enjoy it

Total war

Close combat is more like what you want, Men of war has some really bad decisions regarding micro that spoils the tactical experice.

such as?

That's Rock paper scissors shit you dip.

Spear > calvary
Infantry > spear
Calvary > Infantry

Ammo management for individual soldiers, direct control is required to fight against tanks effectively.

Seconding Close-Combat. Men of War requires too much micromanagement while Close Combat is entirely macro on a platoon-ish scale. Planning is 75% of success in CC. You put people in position then give broad orders and hope you didn't overlook anything important.

I think that in any good strategy game fights should be more or less won before they begin. If the deciding factor in a fight is whether or not an individual shot lands you've fucked up.

Solved all your problems right there buddy

>these are bad things that "spoil" the game

Fucking retard. Holy shit you are a pleb casual. That's part of the reason I recced it in the first place.

>literally bringing up the MUH AMMO MANAGEMENT MAKES IT TO HARD point that every casual shitstain cries about


MOH is literally a god tier video game that is almost completely without flaws. Any flaws present are minor AI behavior glitches due to bugs and complex destructible environments causing pathfinding to mess up.

Thirding Close-Combat. It's a good game.

I didn't know there were close combat fans on Sup Forums.

The. You don't know how to use tactics for shit

I played it when I was about 6 or 7. Solid series.


No you have fucked up by assuming your men are 100% accurate all the time. Why don't you plan for the fact that some shots will miss and make backups accordingly. Give him a buddy to get double the number of bullets flying down there.

You just want an easier more "gamey" strategy experience, like a board game with a strict ruleset.

Men of War is strategy like real life. Your perfect "plans" could all go awry because you didn't take chance, accident, the chaos and randomness of war and soldier skill into account.

Men of War is the perfect war simulator.

>have to babysit troops so they can rebomb their ammo
>No morale
>No suppression
>Vehicles don't get stuck
>No system for command, control and communications
>Soldiers can't run and shoot simultaneously
>perfect war simulator
Try Gravyteam tactics or Flashpoint campaigns, MoW is baby shit compared.

Combat Mission: Black Sea or Final Blitzkrieg depending on whether you want a modern setting in Ukraine or WW2
though you might wanna play it in turn based mode at first because things can be pretty overwhelming for a new player

I already have Graviteam and rec'd it to OP right here Graviteam is MoW on a larger scale. MoW for small scale Graviteam is for large scale.

>vehicles don't get stuck

They can and do. You can run out of fuel as well.

>no suppression

Might not be a visible meter or mechanic, but you can suppress enemies for sure with MG fire and it will cause their AI to hide in cover or retreat

>soldiers can't run and gun

They can though in direct control