Say one nice thing and then one negative thing about Alloyd from the upcoming PS4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn™, releasing February 2017 in the U.S
Say one nice thing and then one negative thing about Alloyd from the upcoming PS4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn™...
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the extreme motion blur will really help how ugly she is
She looks like a liberal.
I want to punch her face.
That's two bad things.
she appeals to my fetishes
she isn't real
She's cute.
It looks like something more fun to watch than play.
I'd fuck her if I could
Her game looks fucking awful
nice hips
shit hair
fucking ugLY
her game looks cool
she looks uglier than when they first announced it
that second one might just be me though, it has been a qhile
The shilling begins. How much they paying you???
It looks neat. Probably won't get it unless it's on sale.
She looks like a dude, and she never shuts the fuck up.
>guys we need to come up with a name for our MC
>I know, let's take a common metallurgy term and add a consonant at the end
He looks cute! :3
Is it done ironically? Is it done to show how whitey has lived wrong and they should have respected nature and shit but because they kept making technology that was harming the earth they now they have to live like injuns? And that same technology is what fucked them up?
How can you call yourself a real man if you're not excited by robot dinos?
Must this new generation of kids be so cynical and can only like things ironically?
It's literary sonic tier naming.
No it's the twist ending to WestWorld
Is that truly the name of the main character?
Are you joking around and trying to be funny or is that actually the name they decided on?
Go away, shill-kun.
You already know the answer user.
You're just desperate for some replies, arent you.
>Everything else about the game is fucking great
>It's also trying to push a feminine agenda
The one fucking time we could of had the chance to play as a bad ass future fighting barbarian it gets taken over by some cute bitch with red hair.
I'll just have to deal with it.
>some cute bitch
>cute bitch
Her name is not Alloyd, it's Aloy. Op is being a faggot as usual.
Turok kind of fills that role.
To be fair, it's not like feminists invented the warrior women archetype. It's existed forever
red hair is shit tier but shes still fuckable
>Those ears
I have to be careful, Women rule things now.
Also how does the bait taste?
As if that's any better.
No I'm serious.
Is that really what they named the main character? I don't follow trash video games so I dunno anything about this beyond she uses a bow.
oh, so they just took a letter out and the word presumably sounds exactly the same
that's even worse
You could have literally taken less time to google than asking that question.
Yet you desperately want some "conversation" instead.
>merely pretending
they already ripped the twist of the game, standard stuff
I don't care much about them being a girl, real make or break for me, is if we can't suit her up in armor made from those robot dinosaurs.
aloy? like fucking aluminum? lmfao
You could have answered the question and yet you are doing the same thing you are giving me shit for.
Go fuck yourself nigger.
educate thyself
I dont want to answer the question, i wanted to point that out to you instead.
summarize that shit in 3 sentences or less
Can you go barefoot in this game?
Yeah but what we know so far theres no fucking chance in hell that she'll even be as interesting as Ygritte from GOT.
Women did have harder lives in that sort of setting, But i think my issue isin't the fact that she's a female character. I think it's the fact that this is literally going to be a female character trying to impersonate roles of a male character and call them 'Heroic acts'.
This bitch in my image is a good example of a interesting female character.
when you mix one type of metal with a different type of metal, or a different element, it becomes an alloy
this is done for any number of reasons. increased heat resistance, increased durability, increased flexibility, etc.
there are a lot of metal dinosaurs in this red haired lass's game. I'm sure you can figure out the rest
sounds pretty deep actually... damn
How do you not know what the fuck an Alloy is.
if you say so user
you just sound like a shallow pussy bitch to be honest
ygritte literally has no character.
Is this nigger for real?
>Observe and Report
>not Paul Blart
Pleb City - Population: (You)
Il do you a couple better totally anonymous nonshill:
Dinosaurs are cool
Robots are cool
Robodinosaurs are fucking cool
Not so nice:
This game looks like a fucking disaster
It will probably sell mediocre numbers
That's 3 nice things to 2 bad things
She looks like a dyke.
She looks like a cute dyke.
Her game is written by New Vegas writers
I'm unsure of how good it'll actually be
No kawaii
Will not buy 'em
+ Xer game looks way better than the Last of Us and Dude Raider Together.
- Xhe's hideous.
>Red unkempt dreads
>Drawn on black eyebrows
When will they ever learn
Xir's hairline, eyebrows, and jaw are really off.
I like red hair.
She's part of a fairly generic story in an only semi-interesting setting.
Her hair reminds me of a WoW troll.
Every fucking thread
Do you ever sleep?