Just finished Witcher 3, now what the fuck am I supposed to do with myself? Titanfall 2 isn't doing it for me...

Just finished Witcher 3, now what the fuck am I supposed to do with myself? Titanfall 2 isn't doing it for me. What the fuck am I supposed to play to fill this gaping hole in my heart?


Sidequests, DLC and Gwent.
Also newgame+ dlc is completely free and instantly bumps you up to level 30 if you arent already.

I finished all the DLC and sidequests. I also did all the Gwent achievements. This is my first playthrough and I'm level 50. Is NG+ more difficult? I played the game on Death March the first time around.

OP I did the same thing.

Just... just find something new. I know it was good, but really you can't spend forever playing TW3.

There's other good games out there. Just keep playing.

Like what, user? Like what???

Well what kinds of things did you like about TW3?

What did you like before it?

Dragon's Dogma has that monster hunt kind of feel

Sign up for the Gwent closed beta

I've played it for nearly 30 hours and am still enjoying myself. It's really, really good.

I have never touched a witcher game but best fucking buy has the complete edition for $25 on black friday. Should I snag it? How long is it?

Not long enough

took me ~150 hours including expansions doing most of the sidequests but not to 100% completion, on second hardest difficulty.

is still accurate though

Well thats an easy fucking $25 to spend. What difficulty would you recommend for a first time?

Witcher 1 is unironically better than Witcher 3.

I've found twitch streaming to 0 people is really good as motivation to keep playing. I just pretend people are actually watching me.

I beat all of the content in TW3. It was buggy, boring, tedious to navigate, had nothing to do with all the money and resources you got, had boring and time-wasting crafting, and was just kind of a mediocre third person action game overall with some kinda decent sidequests sometimes that ended up giving shitty rewards.

Has anything changed since then?

Probably start on Blood and Broken Bones and if it gets mind-numbingly easy switch to Death March, playing it on B&BB was satisfying enough but I'm doing NG+ on death march and enjoying it more.


i think hard is fine to start but i've playing 1 and 2. you can change the difficulty at any time anyway

Nice bait. I have played then all, and TW1 have disgusting gameplay, repeated NPCs, and great part of the game is in fucking Vizima. 2 is good, but very linear. 3 is were they hit the jackpot.

If you enjoyed the Witcher 3 you may have mental problems

ok thats it. Fuck it. Im Jdownloading this shit right now. I warn you Lads, if this game isnt at least a 9/10, i will make 30 shitpost threads a day about this game.

There are already 30 shitpost threads a day about this game.

Good. I was looking for a game to justify my rx480 purchase anyway after the disappointing Doom. Graphix where nice though.

How big is the stamina regen difference between light, medium and heavy armor?
Is it a crippling difference going from light to heavy?

play on blood and broken bones
get STLM and friendly hud mods.
these two alone will make you hit maximum comfy when travelling.

Wait, this game needs fanmade mods to be good? Like skyrim?

It's a fun game, already clocked in around 30+ hours but I'm close to beating the main quest and have only recently started the DLCs. Gameplay is a bit flawed but I liked the direction that they were going with it with the skill tree thing.

Went ahead and used Cat School armor and kept upgrading them. Never looked back again, But from what I can tell you, stamina regenerates in about a second or two

I had the same feeling for:

Shadow Of The Colossus

Just gotta find something else to play.

>Nice bait
Is this counter-bait?
>disgusting gameplay
That depends on what you'd describe gameplay as. If you mean the literary term then TW1 has the best gameplay with one of the most in-depth alchemy systems in the series. It also has some of the most meaningful and thought provoking choices in the series. Not every branch in the story is obvious and there's never a clear distinction on who the lesser evil ever is. It also tackles complex themes that the sequels seem to have forgotten.

If you're talking about the combat I wouldn't say it's bad. It's just clunky compared to the more polished combat system of TW3. Try playing the game on Hard.
>repeated NPCs
>great part of the game is in fucking Vizima
OK? I'm guessing you didn't like Vizima.
>2 is good, but very linear
It's actually not that very linear in terms of story. I'd probably say almost everyone who's played the game has had a different experience of TW2. It's just short and feels like an intermission to TW1 and TW3 rather than an actual game.

Cat School Grandmaster is what im using right now, I was thinking of switching to Ursine armor on a second playthrough.

If you're comfortable with it and miss the character interactions, Neverwinter Nights has a strong roleplaying community and everyone there is a fan of The Witcher. You could probably slip in emulating the series and fit right in.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5. Jump on the Aquatrain and wait for 2.8

it wouldnt have won awards if it needed mods to be good. the base game is exceptional as open world rpgs go.
the mods ive suggested are more like tweaks. nothing too heavy. doesn't remove or add any intense features.
if you look into them you'll see. personal preference of course.


Are these interquels or something?

Compilations, all the games on two discs for ps3.