Dark Souls 3 DLC

So the second DLC is obviously going to be about Londor the Land of Hollows and I'm so worried because we might be getting something from Dark Souls 1like this shitty DLC was about the Painted World.
>Different dialogue from characters when you access the DLC as Londor's Lord
>Hollows everywhere
>Velhelm mentions Yuria and Londor and tells you to go back there if you are Londor's Lord
I'm worried they might pull "LOL it's New Londo! Get it! Londo, Londor"

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Actually not really. Everyone expected a good bit of lore from the DLC, and we got borderline jack shit except

>Pussyvahn is from the painting
>Priscilla had kids

Face it, it's likely going to be something neat but barely related to the main story. We might get a Great Hollow one, which would be neat, but it's unlikely we see Frampt, Kaathe, or, heaven forbid, Aldia.

I honestly don't care what we get, as long as it's way longer, and the area is way bigger than what we got with Ashes.

I was really disappointed. It was designed very well, but it was so fucking short.

Yeah it is going to be new londo and will probably have the boss fight in the same place where you fought the four kings for lols.

Are there details about it already? Thought it wasn't coming till February.

>>Priscilla had kids
What did the DLC say about Priscilla? And where?
Like the painting of ariandel looks like the painting ariamis and you see lots of places that looks like and probably are the same places.

But I didn't find a single direct reference to Priscilla within the DLC itself. Did I miss something?

If I'm going to fight the Dark Lord down there like we fought Lord of Cinder in Kiln of The First Flame in DS3, then I'm okay with this.

>It was designed very well, but it was so fucking short.
I agree that it was very short, and felt a lot shorter than I had hoped it to be. But I still want to say that it was indeed very well designed.
No matter its short size, I might even be inclined to call it my favourite area in all of Souls.

It all felt really strong still, without having an excess of fat. Each part felt really neat and no corner just felt like filler. Though I admit that I felt kind of let down by how short it was. Even if I absolutely love the DLC content.

If the Ashes of Ariandel had been in the base game from the start and it was never part of any DLC, I think the place and its questlines would have been a popular fan favourite.
Though now it was attached to a DLC they're charging for so people feel, rightfully or not, kind of pissy about it. Which I think is a shame because I still feel like it's absolutely great.

Whens Velka

Little girl had dragon-like features, so there is some relation.

It's theorized that she could be Friede's mother, sine Friede has the sycthe and invisibility and all.

I reckon they are going to show something with the third sister from the sable church.
Yuria was in the base game, we got Friede in ashes, probably gonna get Liliane in the last dlc and hopefully londor along with her.

The second DLC better have the pigmy or velka or the primordial serpents and londor. It better not be some disconnected from the main story bullshit Miyazaki thought of while taking a shit

I tend to doubt Kaathe and the Primordial Serpents won't make a final appearance as they were and still are the primary masterminds behind everything.

>Little girl had dragon-like features
The painting girl? She does? Where?
Yorshka does. But I never noticed anything odd about the painting girl.

The whole painting rotting deal and the residents being these ugly ass beasts just made me realize something. Priscilla says the land is peaceful and the inhabitants kind. What if she hadn't left the tower in a long time, and the painting rotted all around her without she ever realizing? It's stuff like this that links the games (if true) that makes me love the series so much


In game her eyes are all dragon-y, and she has fluffy eyebrows.

I guess that could be very true now that I got a closer look at it.
I did look at her feet and legs under her skirt and saw her neck and so as I was playing. But to be completely honest, to me it just looked like she had a terrible skin disease and or was rotting. Which considering how terribly pale and frail she looks, even in comparison to other Souls characters, didn't stand out at all.

Meanwhile, if you look at someone like Yorshka. She's got vivid scales all over, and most of all, a visible tail.
While also being locked in the tower that's where The Painted World of Ariamis used to be hosted. The very tower that's also the same cathedral that houses the Painting Guardian set.
And she and the painter look nothing alike. Not even their supposed scales.

Eyes are very lizard/dragon like, hair obviously meant to represent her tail, and if you look at her feet/face she has scales

Also implied she might Priscilla's daughter.

The second DLC is sort of a continuation of Ashes of Ariandel, I doubt we'll meet a character from the lore of DaS, such is the Miyazaki way

Theres a few things I just need answered in the DLC.

More about Londor
More about The Deep
What happened to some characters (The primordial serpents, Gwynevere/The Queen, Gertrude)
Whats with people turning into trees and those creepy butterflies

Also....Wheres Velka. I've been waiting three games to learn more about her....give me Velka please.


Are people still this fucking dumb and don't get it yet?

Londor IS Lothric. Londor is literally the old name for Lothric, back when a Dark Lord was in charge of the cycle and Kaathe ruled over Londor Castle (his statues are still there).

DLC2 is literally going to be High Wall of Londor, and you will kill Kaathe in the past to setup the events for the DaS3 maingame's beginning.

Btw, the gigantic hole smashed into the windows where you fight Twin Princes is where Kaathe will fly in from in DLC2's final fight.

You will start off at the base of the wall in the lower city areas like Lower Undead Burg and make your way up to Londor Castle via a different route.

No it isn't you flaming retard

Apart from the painter girl, there's that weird effigy at the back of Friede's boss room that's meant to look like Priscilla.

It says in the item descriptions that Friede is copying Priscilla to appease the PW's inhabitants. Personally I think Prsicilla is the painter girl's mother who she mentions in he dialogue, and that Uncle Gael is praying to when you first meet him.

>Londor IS Lothric.
Then why are the Londor pilgrims trying to reach the castle

>hair obviously meant to represent her tail
You're really stretching it. But I can concede with her having lizard like, and as such also dragon like, features with her skin deformity. It also lines up with the lizard/snake statue in the basement.

if it's gonna be Londor-centered (I hope not), then I sincerely hope FROM keeps their firm decision to refrain from ANY references to 4fagg0ts.

Vaati had a theory that the PW was rotting by the time we visit it, hence the zombie dragon and the blobby hollows everywhere.

>that autist that kept shitposting about 4kings on /dsg/ about them every single day at the same time for 2 years
Fuck, you just triggered some bad memories.

Just starting Bloodborne first time. Played all dark souls games never demon souls funny really care to go back that far.When does it get as amazing as the ponies say, the DLC?

Any screencaps? I keep reading everyone here shitting on /dsg/, but I don't think I've ever bothered to go there.

The first half is kinda shit and extremely linear, but overall is way better then the base game

I want to fight a giant, corrupted version of Anri or Yuria as a DLC boss, depending on how you did their side quest.

Bloodborne, it pretty much is good all the way through if you noticed how fluid and fast the movement and gameplay is.

Make sure to pay attention to character names and read the item discriptions. If you do not have the game spoiled already it is highly recomended that you just beat the game first.

>revealing that it's actually cloth because
I fucking hate Vaati and can't stand him. It's like he has never seen the shed skin of a snake before. The strands are a confirmation of nothing, that's just how fibers behave.

He always talks like he is so damn full of himself, talking like all his claims are facts. With the exception of every once in a while inserting a "but what do you think?" for every third or fourth thing he brings up, as if it is to make him appear modest.
His very existence is also pretty damn annoying, because if you search anything dark souls lore related, his content absolutely drowns anything else. And if you'd want some good hits that have nothing to do with Vaati it has grown exceedingly difficult to do so. Fuck.

He was never really any great to begin with, and just aggregated content from others who did his job better than he did, presentation included. But then he grew to become absolutely huge. And has since clearly let it grow to his head. He was always obnoxious to listen to, but even more so after he grew huge.

>When you realize Age of Dark is where it's at.

I'm not shitposting, do you really think anyone could ever say a single positive thing about 4skins?

They had a cool track, and the way they respawned from the depths of the abyss looked pretty cool

Im sorry people arent going to your souls channel man.
You can link it here and i will watch all your videos at least once i swear

4shits apologists are pathetic.

wtf I hate Vaati now

Oh fuck off. I have never made a youtube video in my life, and can't imagine myself doing so. But I still don't like Vaati.
Yet every damn time Vaati is criticized, people always respond with this crap. As if that would be the only reason to not like Vaati.

The DLC will be about Velka and Lloyd. Calling it!

>promises to tie the series lore because this is the final game
>keeps introducing new lore that has very little to do with the old lore

God damn this makes me mad, the final DLC better have an explanation as to why in DS2 you don't actually link the fire, what is the pigmy, who the fuck is Ludleth and why didn't he leave the throne and what is the deep.

At this point I'm willing to believe that the furtive pigmy is just something they forgot to remove from the DS1 intro and Miyazaki decided that if he ignores it it will just go away and everyone will forget about it.

Can someone post the weird picture of Frampt and Kaathe fused together as the final boos?

But 4Cucks still sucks dicks.

Many Dark Souls 1 bosses suck.

4fags takes the cake tho.

I know you got raped by them, but nothing surpasses the shittiness of the bed of bullshit

All I fucking want is some elaboration on Velka and what she did right before and during Gwyn's rule. It really doesn't seem like it's going to happen, though. AoA had some Velka lore (read: fucking nothing) and I doubt they'd connect the DLCs like that.

At this point my only solace would be if they did something completely out of left field, like the Ashen One going back in time to the war between the Lords and Dragons and choosing which side to fight on, giving us a fight with a real dragon or with the OG Four (I'd be okay with 3 [fuck 4fags]) Lords in their prime.

But that's too good, so it'll never happen

finally someone who hates 4skins as passionately as I do.
bite it faggot apologists.

>DLC will be about Londor
>nothing about the Profaned Capital
>nothing about Ludleth
Amazing game.

4 kings weren't Lord though, they had a shard of Gwyn's Soul, just like Seath

what do you hate the most about 4cunts?

Ah, that's right. So it would actually be Gwyn, Nito, Witch, and Seathe.

4faggots were just shit and nothing else. Seath was a great scientist and an amazing boss with gorgeous design and godly theme.

>fuck 4fags
muh nigga.

>Seath was an amazing boss
No. Go back and fight him.

I think Velka and whatever other gods there may be don't actually have a physical presence in the world. This is why most of the real gods seem to be obscure figures while Gwyn was revered as pretty much the all father even though he was as human as any one else (although jacked on Souls, nigga was probably SL 5000)

>So the second DLC is obviously going to be about Londor the Land of Hollows
Just like the first was obviously going to be londor or the land of hollows?

Fuck off.

>doing a sl1 invader build
>have to learn how to actually fight these fucks

Have you ever tried beating them any other way than high poise and just slugging and healing?

4cunts is still the worst in the entire fucking series, not only in DaS1.

Londor was mentioned heavily in base game and DLC. Go figure.

Nice to see another 4shits-hater.

>Londor was mentioned heavily in base game and DLC. Go figure.

>Dark Souls 3
>Direct Sequel to Dark Souls 1 of which Londor was the focal point.
>OMG this story references the things that happened in it.


>and DLC.


One line of dialogue is not "mentioned heavily"

>one line of dialogue.
It isn't just one line. Visit the DLC as Lord of Londor and see.

you say it like it's not literally every single one in the Souls community who hates 4shitsmears, lol.

The second DLC is going to be about the angels.

>It isn't just one line. Visit the DLC as Lord of Londor and see.




>tfw you want another boss fight that takes place deep in the Abyss like the 4 Kings did because they could do some neat shit with it, but you're way too much of a pussy and the prospect of actually fighting in an empty void again terrifies the everliving shit out of you

4cunts was utter dogshit and garbage tho.

I want to kill these bastards.

Why does Gwyndolin call himself Aldrich now?
And how exactly does he devour Gods?

They had the right idea about the Age of Fire being shit now. But usurping the fire makes you their puppet.

Just ignore and report him user, he's some new super-autist user from /vg/ that has some weird obsession with 4kings. Been in a few threads now.

Aldrich isn't Gwyndolyn. Aldritch is just a goo and Gwyndolyn you see is just his body. Aldritch ate him.

Gwyndolin is the one getting devoured user

Because they are making a pilgrimage TO Londor dumbass.

You don't want to play Dark Souls 2, then

Maybe that was purposeful though. I mean, if Priscilla is a half dragon, and only has some scales, tiny horns, and a tail, even those would be gone or severely reduced by the time you got down to a quarter dragon, i.e. the painting girl.

Played it. It was actually better. Yes there were shitty bosses and areas, but it was so unique and provided new stuff, unlike DS3.

That's not how it works user

Aldrich is eating Gwyndolin who is a God






The butterflies are actually tied to Londor. All of the pilgrims with their backs covered by stone shells are hollows from londor, and they are all migrating toward the top of lothric castle, which is the same place the butterflies are all seen heading to. It's hard to say if those tree things turn into the butterflies, or if the trees are coming from true hollows. I was looking at the hollow models that worship, and presumably eventually turn into the trees, and I noticed they don't have the mark of the hollow like the player character gets when they become fully hollow. Whatever the case may be, I think there are too many coincidences to say that the pilgrim butterflies and the pilgrim hollows of londor are unrelated.

I'm also curious about the Deep as well. So far, literally the only thing we can posit about it is that it's distinctly different from the Abyss, and even that is a little bit shaky.

sotfs is the best imo, debatable to aota. ds3 is the worst dark souls so far. but a fine game still.

Wait, that's supposed to be Priscilla? It looks like some kind of weird serpent hybrid, not like a dragon. Is there anything we know about that statue yet?

The fuck is this shit? All of them suck. Only the DLC bosses are great.

I hope they add some nice slutware in the next dlc.

Wait what? The best waifu is dead?

Are you asking what my favorite boss is or what my favorite boss fight is. Dont confuse the 2 people

I just came here to say that 4cunts is the worst shit to ever happen to the Souls series. Thanks for your attention.

The wormie thing that is behind him aldrich. It's eating your boipussi.

deep may just be a misrepresentation of the dark by them. we have a couple questions still unawnserd.

the missing child orciros obsesses over is linked to the emerald herald, and the mother is probably still alive.

the abyys monsters are completely unexplained. but there are hints that lothric might have been using the dark to power up their armies. also we haven seen much of manuses manifestations at all.

aldia is still around, and hes been feeding people his philosophy for a while now.
the profain capital is also really unexplained.

I'm not sure human is quite right. I think the anor londo "gods" are definitely a separate species, but I don't think they're the same as the ethereal gods like Velka. I think they just called themselves gods after starting the age of fire as a marketing ploy.

Didn't know it was possible. That fucking wave attack covers a larger distance than you can run away from/dodge roll past.

>Doubt we'll meet a character from lore
>Artorias of the abyss introduced every single knight of Gwyn that wasn't in the original game.

part of the problem is you cant offord to wait for an opening, or the gangbang arrives.

4SKINS SIMPLY SUCKS A HUGE BAG OF DICKS just fucking learn it goddamn.

I don't know why fans kept buying into this series. They literally just did the shit everyone calls ubishit and EA for. They hold back story and content for dlc later.