>delayed by another 2 months
>The Last Guardian
>delayed by another 2 months
>Persona 5's US release
>delayed by another 2 months
>delayed by another 2 months

No game is safe, who's gonna fall victim next?
PLACE YOUR BETS. Mine's on pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot Gravity Rush.

My bad.

I just know that RE7 is gonna get hit too.

I've been waiting for Beyond Good and Evil 2 for 10 years so don't complain

And KH2.8
And something else i forgot

>I've been waiting 10 years for x game
>replace x with MGS V
>replace x with FF XV
>they are both shit

Sony, Atlus, and Square tend to announce games that they aren't actually working on. Capcom didn't even reveal RE7 until it was on the home stretch. It's not getting delayed


>implying BG&E2 is ever gonna come out


I just want to take pictures of space whales again...

Half Life 3

Breath of the Wild to come out in 2018

a sequel to melee......

We've been waiting on Last Guardian and FFXV for fucking years already, a couple more months is nothing. Whether they fell victim to the development hell curse that's befallen so many other games is unknown though. Hopefully they can break the curse.

What? Is TLG not coming out in december?

It is, OP is just a faggot. It got delayed a month ago, he's just an impatient baby.

The original date was October 25th. Sony made a huge song and dance about its release date during E3 this year.

What about Brawl and Sm4sh?

You aren't a AAA game if you don't suffer from a delay or two here and there.

They don't tickle his autism in the right way, so they don't count.


They just announced that the project is back on the works

This year fucking sucks for games. Nothing but delay bullshit.

This gen has been one huge delayfest.

oh and Deep Down hasn't come out yet
that shit was supposed to come out like 3 years ago

>that moment when you find out Bethesda, Ubisoft and Activision actually release their games on time

Their games are mostly shit, but at least they're professional about the industry

Isn't that just a glorified tech demo for what is supposedly Dragon's Dogma?

There's nothing unprofessional about a delay. It's when you go overbudget, miss deadlines, and then delay the release on top of that. Like what Tim Schafer does

Which game?


>Half-Life 3 ?
>on time

>people still think HL3 is being developed

will final fantasy 15 not be released on 29th of november or did you mean it was delayed earlier?

yeah, valve's game dev days are over. now they just lay back and buy other people's projects like the fat cats they have become



Well I'm sorry to hear that...

delayed earlier, it was supposed to come out at the end of September.

alright. i still havent decided if its worth getting a console for though. i heard a rumour that it will come to PC as well

You might as well, The last Guardian is coming out soon so you might as well get s PS4 for FFXV and that.

thats a lot of money for two games when i plan to spend three times that much on a new PC next year

I heard something about the RE Engine being born from the ashes of Panta Rhei. I hope it is, because putting that much money into an engine and not using it is either a poor decision choice, or says something about your development.
>SFV uses UE4
>RE7 uses RE Engine (maybe Panta Rhei?)
>DR4 uses Forge
>DDO uses MT Framework
I miss when Capcom used MT Framework for everything. That was a fucking God-tier engine.

It only got a month delay

if 8 nier will be delayed another 2 years