Arcade available for a 6v6 fun mode

>Arcade available for a 6v6 fun mode
>Quick Play is still the same
>People complain about QP having a one hero limit
I thought QP would be treated like an unranked mode where you practice your team play now that Arcade has launched and as a result making this game better by offering something for everyone. I could be wrong about Blizzard's intention with the new Arcade mode, but it is my interpretation of these changes. If you want random fun, go to Arcade, and If you want to practice with a team and for competitive, go to QP. So, why isn't this happening? Am I just being plain wrong? Is Arcade mode still too new? Maybe it would help if Blizzard renamed QP to something else? I don't want to sound too pessimistic, but it honestly seems like there are few reasons to play this game unless you got a team to play with as playing alone offers you too little in order to improve.

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It split up the playerbase too much

It divides your playerbase. It takes forever to find an arcade match.

Can we talk about how fucking bad most of the playerbase is with Sombra?
I'm not calling myself an expert, but when I'm able to outdo an attack character in a 1v1 with Mercy something is wrong.

>Can we talk about how fucking bad most of the playerbase is with Sombra?
How about try to stay on topic or go make a thread about Sombra, user.

not at all.

>there should be an overwatch thread for every single thing to talk about in overwatch

Apagando las luces.
Apagando las luces.
Apagando las luces.

Fucking stop already

Shitters are mad they can play their retarded 6x same hero comb only against other 6x same hero combs now.

They also can't stand the fact that literal "funmode xD" is now grouped with other funmodes where it belongs.

>Try enetering arcade 6v6
>2 minutes waiting time
>Try playing quick play
>People instalocking sombra and being awful left and right
Arcade was a fucking mistake, what was in their minds. Don't even get me started on the removal of the bonus boxes on prestige.


>Quick play is serious business

Kill yourself immediately

>They also can't stand the fact that literal "funmode xD" is now grouped with other funmodes where it belongs.
This is what confuses me a lot. Fun mode is literally there. Everyone are supposed to be pleased. Why aren't they pleased?


what's stopping you

Quickplay is, as you can see in the latest changes, intended as an "unranked" mode that still follows a similar ruleset and mentality to win as the competitive ranked. If you wanna have fun and shit around with literal brawl-teams go play Arcade. That's why it exists now.

They expect that their funmode is rewarded the same as a reasonal competitive mode. With the same UI presence as the important modes.

>it's a Justice Rains From Above brawl

God help me, I keep getting put into them because nobody wants to play them.

Oh Christ you're an idiot

Why is he an idiot?

It's become an absolute mess of queues now they've implemented even more game modes.

Quick play was specifically suited to screwing around in an unranked setting where you could get some proper practice in for ranked and screw around at the same time.

>Blizzard HQ
>Hmm, 0.0001% people on the Overwatch Reddit are complaining that Quick Play doesn't have the same ruleset as Competitive, this ruins their fun when they try to tryhard in unranked!
>What shall we do?
>I know! Lets give Quickplay the same ruleset as competitive, and create 6 other modes for players to now play so we divide the playerbase like fuck and destroy our game with slow matchfinding.

By the way, Sombra is a shit tier character and I've been in queue for 5 minutes for 6v6 No Limit.

Enjoy the Arcade where you belong.

Cause he's probably one of the funplayers who can't stop crying about the 1-hero limit or "tryhards" in his games. Hitting too close to home, you know?

If you haven't noticed that Blizzard aims at a competitive environment with the game now - then you are the idiot.

Nobody wants to go in No Limits, because they just want old quickplay, but they're afraid of playing One For All instead.

Also, randomized brawls are pretty fun, except when it becomes Justice for 3 maps straight.

I just went three rounds and everyone waited about ten seconds before trying to lock in Sombra. I think folks were trying to give anyone that wanted to a chance to try her out.

You're a fucking idiot. You can't even read what I just typed.

We are having problems with queues now.
This is a fucking fact.

There was nothing wrong with quick play. It had dual purpose. Now I have to wait even longer to get into games. 3 minutes vs. 2 minutes last night and it'll only get worse as people lose interest from a serious lack of new content. 2 heroes and 1 map in 6 months. What a mess

can someone post widowmaker hi webm pls

>They also can't stand the fact that literal "funmode xD" is now grouped with other funmodes where it belongs.
because this kills the fun

>We are having problems with queues now.
This is a fucking fact.

It isn't you retarded shitter, I can still find a match in

>It takes forever to find an arcade match.

This just shows that people don't want to play unlimited.

Cause everyone who thought QP would become comp are morons. It was never going to be that.

People are realizing how useless sombra is. Especially her shit tier ult.

Every "solution" to appeasing every subset of the community is imperfect compared to just letting people create custom servers with their own rulesets.

Everyone just assumed she was OP because she has a stealth. Even if it's literally unusable because of the retarded 1 second "silence" after uncloaking with a loud voiceline: "HEY IM BEHIND YOU".

Her hack is absolutely fucking useless in nearly all situations, her weapon is terrible except for the magazine size and her ultimate is only used to counter lucio in certain situations. And, yet people still criticize her mindlessly just because she has a stealth in concept.

This was the exact reason blizzard did not want to implement modes like this because they didn't want to split the playerbase.

Just waiting for the hordes of people bitching about it.

Or that they prioritize faster queues over multiple heroes.

Anyone who complains about the queues of arcade are bullshitting. They aren't any longer than previous QP. Likewise, QP is pretty fast as well.

this is the way it should be, but people are retarded and used to picking "quickplay" immediately when they open up the game without thinking.

i'm sure its still going to be like the old quickplay playerbase with people who want to play without going full try hard, but it now has the added benefit of not getting stuck with meme comps/6 sombras

>long ass queue time
>Mystery Heroes
>long ass queue time
>No Limits
>long ass queue time
>Brawl Playlist
>long ass queue time

Only modes with fast queue times are the elimination modes, and of course they're flooded with tryhards and retards. I can't get in a QP match unless it means I'll be going up against a 6 man group.

Arcade is shitter containment mode.
They finally made QP the way it was meant to be always: Unranked competitive.

Im noticing a trend when a new character comes out. People who don't know how to use the new character insist on using them in ranked. Ever since yesterday's release I have dropped rank because idiots insist on playing a character they don't know how to use. I happened with Ana and its happening with Sombra too. From now on Im avoiding comp for a couple of weeks after a new character is introduced.

what's the issue though? 6v6 no limits is included in arcade mode where you get a loot box every three wins while quick play isn't? doesn't this alone heavily incentivize playing 6v6 even if you don't want meme comps?

I wait 25 seconds tops, granted I only play at 6-9pm gmt which are peak times for my region.

It will go back to normal once sombra's novelty runs out.

not really, QP has always been 30 seconds max, the brawls can take more than one minute

in my experience (Australian servers)

everyone just plays quickplay and 3 v 3, no one plays any of the other modes.

these complaints I'm hearing are only on Sup Forums

It makes me laugh how blizzard is trying to add variety to the game by adding more game modes instead of adding character customization.

I'm just bored of every brawl being the same faggot "pick from attack/defense/support/tank and call it a brawl" its fucking bland and theres always two of the most cancerous little faggots of each group. playing a group with two meis two junkrats two bastions is fucking ass cancer and if you enjoy it youre most like an autistic faggot.

>the way it was meant to be always
the only thing about all of this shit is that there's retards that actually believe this

yeah and it pisses me off more because it seems like for the past month or so, people ragequit after every game so i have to requeue every game or two (right before teams are shuffled, fucking morons)

i used to be able to be with the same quick play group for like an hour

what do you mean by customization? like call of duty load out shit?

Are you retarded? Competitive and "eSport" scene is directly what Blizzard is aiming for. They said so, that's also why they're creating the Overwatch league.

Now please stay in containment.

its way better this way, the CSGO community has been begging for a similar mode for almost a decade, blizzard gave us one in the first six months.

I don't understand what the problem is.

Just perks or something to add variety to the characters. The meta of OW never changes because the only way the characters change is through buffs and nerfs

Oh you're right. Blizzard created 23 characters so that you had all widow maker matches.

Go back to your containment mode, retard.

>Arcade has launched and as a result making this game better by offering something for everyone.

lets call a spade a spade. I agree with no stacking but they're obviously putting the stacking playlist in arcade just so they can take it out in a month or two permanently

they're phasing it out and people who like stacking are well aware of this

>They finally made QP the way it was meant to be always: Unranked Competitive.

But that's fucking wrong, you retard.

Unranked is what is says on the box. UNRANKED. It doesn't actually matter if you win or lose, you get EXP either way, so the reason to play is for fun. Allowing more than one char was fun, and allowed for some interesting and fun games.

Now it's just a lobby for tryhard 6 man teams who want to TRY THEIR HARDEST OMG SUPER IMPORTANT but not change their comp score in case they lose. It's not fun to play against these people.

Players like you are literaly cancer, and you are only 0.01% of the fanbase, yet Blizzard listened because you posted on Reddit crying about that 6 man Torbjorn team that spanked you hard and made you mad, and your mommy told you off :(.

>. People who don't know how to use the new character insist on using them in ranked.

I have lost a lot of ranked matches since yesterday because some fucking asshole instalocks sombra and then goes on playing like she was reaper.

Im staying the fuck away from comp until people get a grip on the new characters.

Should Blizz not allow new characters in ranked for a couple weeks after they get released? Would that rape ranked queue times?

Nobody would play ranked if they did that.

>they're phasing it out and people who like stacking are well aware of this

So who cares? Obviously only a small amount of players wants to play their shitty containment mode. Just take it out completely and get over with it.

>Players like you are literaly cancer, and you are only 0.01% of the fanbase, yet Blizzard listened because you posted on Reddit crying about that 6 man Torbjorn team that spanked you hard and made you mad, and your mommy told you off :(.

Last time I checked the 0.01% is playing stacking mode. I bet you're crying about the stupid "tryhards" in your games too. Boohoo, better make a post in the Blizzard forums.


Some people enjoy the game more when teams actually try and play the way it was meant to be played instead of a le ebin 12 tracer shit fest because its so le randumbXDDD.

I don't see the problem. We now have two modes

QP: unranked competitive where you can practice with your team and Arcade where you can be as much of a shitter you want and not interfere with people who want to get better at the game.

But I keep forgetting that you're children who can't for the life of them accept the fact that some people like different things that they do.

Stay angry, loser.

>Im noticing a trend when a new character comes out. People who don't know how to use the new character insist on using them in ranked.

the same shit happens in LoL, except most people tend to ban new champs because they don't want to deal with retards picking it and feeding with it

anyway, the fact that people treat unranked like serious business is stupid but now that blizzard has pretty much caved into the esports wannabes and made QP into a ranked for autists too afraid to take an MMR hit we're just going to have to deal with the consequences.

I think the one hero lock was made exclusively for Sombra. She seems like she would be incredibly broken in greater numbers, more so than other heroes.

i kind of like the brawl with double health and super short cooldowns. it always makes the final confrontation on the control point extremely tense because everyone is so powerful but also so hard to kill


Reminder that if you play ranked matchmaking you have mental illness.

>They expect that their funmode is rewarded the same as a reasonal competitive mode.

People expect quickplay to be quickplay, not ranked with no points. I've never heard anyone say 'I wish I got ranked points for dicking around in QP'

Esports is going to kill overwatch

>thinks playing against 6 torbjorns is fun.

Yeah nah, im glad blizzard finally made a shitter containment mode.

I never saw a bronze player before. How is the weather down in your MMR?

>So who cares? Obviously only a small amount of players wants to play their shitty containment mode. Just take it out completely and get over with it.
can you read my who post. I dont care either

its a classic move by a developer so it doesnt cause a huge uproar from the loud minority. its a smart way of taking it out.

I pay on console and have never touched ranked.

So enjoy that.

>that link
I don't know where you came from, but you need to go back there.

go play 6v6 no limits. the team with more sombras loses every time

>tfw don't even feel like playing QP because 1v1 is too fun

>giving people control over anything

it'll be matchmaking only until the game dies

Personally I would kill for a KOTH queue, which reminds me: when I suggested they make a KOTH queue people said it would split up the queues too much yet here we are with several useless meme mode queues. I'm expecting that KOTH queue any day now

if you get hit while hacking or invisible, the ability cancels. so in a 1v1 situation, if you didn't lay your teleporter before running into someone, you're basically fucked unless its a sniper that you can juke at close range

>anyway, the fact that people treat unranked like serious business

I don't understand why y'all are making a big deal out of the QP change. You have 6v6 no rules arcade where your team can play 6 winstons to your heart's content while at the same time allowing other players to hone their skill in QP

Personally, I enjoy playing under the same rules of competitive without toxic players yelling at their mic. Its fun when people play the game the way it was meant to be played.

This has been around multiplayer games forever. An identical mode split into ranked and unranked.

>Some people enjoy the game more when teams actually try and play the way it was meant to be played instead of a le ebin 12 tracer shit fest because its so le randumbXDDD.

Solution: Leave the game and find another match, or play Competitive.

>I don't see the problem. We now have two modes

Yes, and now the player base is split up even further, and queue times will get longer.

>But I keep forgetting that you're children who can't for the life of them accept the fact that some people like different things that they do.

Take a food analogy. 95% of people like chocolate milk, and 5% of people like vanilla. Blizzard Milk Co. decides to make all milk from now Vanilla Milk.

Do I need to continue? I really hope I don't, as I feel it's obvious enough for a toddler to grasp.

People expect unranked to be a the same mode as ranked just with no hit to a visible rating. However, it's still a reasonable competitive mode in the way the game was intended to play and balanced for.

And it seems like you are a pretty bad player too.

im going to stray away from the subject of this video and say that this guys is so fucking full of himself. like holy shit

I'm confused with her though

She can stop Lucio out and high noon, she can't stop other ults? It makes no sense. I have no idea what I can and can't hack


It does though.

Below 30 second queue times for quick play and +1 minute times for arcade.

Before you come up with the argument that it proves how people don't want stacking, people naturally gravitate to the option that lets them get into play quicker. You see this in servers for other games.

>blizzards face after the recent changes

>You have 6v6 no rules arcade where your team can play 6 winstons to your heart's content

stop right there, I hate that shit

You realize there are numbers that exist between 1 and 6 right?

But the balance in this game is horrible anyway, I don't know why blizzard or the community is so hellbent on sucking the fun out of the game for the sake of a worthless competitive mode. Does anyone even watch OW tournaments? I haven't seen one and I've never seen anyone talk about them. I'm more inclined to take LoL seriously than OW.

>Give all the incentive to play to Arcade mode with tons of loot boxes and modes, as well as the new map which QP can't use.

What were they thiiiinking?

>Solution: Leave the game and find another match, or play Competitive.

Still can't accept the fact that some people have fun in different ways than you huh?

>Yes, and now the player base is split up even further, and queue times will get longer.

Oh yeah, you wouldn't want to waste your precious time. That's why you play video games.

>Take a food analogy. 95% of people like chocolate milk, and 5% of people like vanilla. Blizzard Milk Co. decides to make all milk from now Vanilla Milk.

Blizzard Milk Co. decides to make both chocolate and vanilla like they decided to make QP and Arcade.

You're pretty bad at this user. But continue please, I like how you're making a fool out of yourself.

>ake a food analogy. 95% of people like chocolate milk, and 5% of people like vanilla. Blizzard Milk Co. decides to make all milk from now Vanilla Milk.

95% of people don't like vanilla milk, yet Blizzard Milk Co. only offer vanilla milk. One day they decide to do a market survey and - surprise - see that 95% of people would rather drink chocolate milk.

They start producing chocolat milk and put the vanilla milk one shelf lower, yet the 5% people who like vanilla can't stop crying about chocolate milk taking the spot in the spotlight.

I didn't buy this shit for esports so fuck your metas I'll play heroes I have fun with.

>Still can't accept the fact that some people have fun in different ways than you huh?

>t. shitter who hates losing at comp and having the rank show his shitter status so he tries to take out his frustration and anger on quickplay but is a shitter so he can't deal with hero stacking

>1 second "silence" after uncloaking
this is what I hate the most about her

>Blizzard finally makes a shitter containment mode known as Arcade
>You finally don't have to play against a team consisting of 6 torbjorns while your team has two hanzos and 3 anas

Thanks based Blizzard for ridding us of this shitter scum.

>I'll play heroes I have fun with.
And you can do that in Arcade mode. There's even a player vs. AI mode.

It's to "balance" her and give players a chance to react to a stealth ambush. But everyone above gold will normally just spin around and kill or force you off easily. At least after they heard the voiceline telling them that you are there.

Been playing so much 3v3.

It's just too fun. Surprising lack of shitters so far. A few morons but almost everyone I play with sticks together and backs each other up.

I've only felt like we lost due to team members, instead of just being purely outskilled, a handful of times compared to QP where everyone is running around like their head is chopped off. Maybe the smaller numbers and higher stakes scare people into actually behaving.

>comp players can't even handle hero stacks
>quickplay is legitimately more challenging than comp & many comp players don't do well in quickplay


Nope, I'll still be joining quick play and pick "shitty" heroes with no regard for team composition. If I wanted to be stuck playing Renihardt or healers I'd play competitive

No fuck you. I refuse to comply to your meta that will kill this game.

So, you're still earning XP and leveling up in Limitless. You earn bonus boxes for every 3 matches won (limit of 3 bonus boxes for every 5 days, though). You can pick whatever the hero you want on it. You don't need to deal with people telling you what to do that often.

So who the fuck are going to play QP now?

>there should be more room for Sup Forums threads
Yeah user, maybe you're on to something..