Why do a lot of people dislike Dark Souls 2?
Why do a lot of people dislike Dark Souls 2?
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less artificial difficulty
They never actually played it, and they're just repeating memes.
It threatened the secret club.
>disjointed world design that was also linear
>quantity > quality design in regards to bosses
>throw packs of enemies at the player for the sake of making it more difficult
>underwent a very messy development process (was canceled and then revived and pieced together with what was salvageable by a new lead in a short amount of time)
>looked awkward and not as nice as we were initially led to believe
>no orbs, just cracked orbs
it's a really good game, but compared to the others, the desings are ugly. the level are greats, but again, they look awful.
That's my opinion.
Oh yeah, also
>Soul Memory
the downgrade was pretty fucking unforgivable, but ultimately it wasn't a bad game, FROM is just a bad developer. the real hate didn't start until some irish cuck made an autistic video on youtube nitpicking shit about the game and muh suspension of disbelief. Sup Forums then latched on and parroted his autistic opinions because most soulsfags are cancerous cretins who can't think for themselves. also >MUH MIYAZAKI
Yeah it's a pure coincidence DeS, DaS and BB are masterpieces and DaS 2 is pure shit.
also, what went wrong with das3? oops!
Still a good game with some excellent level design and boss fights. Ultimately dragged down by creative bankruptcy.
Whats to like about it? If Dark Souls 2 was the only Souls game to have ever existed I'd have absolutely no interest in it. I've played it twice now, once vanilla and SOTFS, and now I'm done with it forever.
Looking forward to bloodborne 2?
what's wrong with it?
>what's wrong with it?
level design, enemy placements, world interconnection, bosses, graphics/visual design, clunky gameplay, horrible animations, shitty sound design, relies on DLC to pass as enjoyable, has 2 separate versions and neither one is "definitive", off the top of my head. if you liked DS1, DS3 or any of the others, you might still like it though. I've seen people say that its still better than most other current games because they like Souls so much. personally I think its a piece of shit.
If you really want to know some autistic faggot made a 50 minute video about it
I had three primary problems with it.
First is how disjointed the levels are. You walk into a cave, walk like 20 feet and turn two corners, and suddenly you're on the other side of the country and Majula is miles away. Part of the reason I fucking love Dark Souls 1 is that I can progress through a large portion of the game, look back, and see where I've been and how far I've come
The second problem I had is how the levels are structured. It's kind of like if the entire game was like the second half of Dark Souls 1. You go down a generally straight path until you get to a primal bonfire and then you warp back to Majula to go down another path. Versus everything being all interconnected.
The third problem I had was the bait and switch as far as what you're there. You allegedly arrived in Majula to find out about your hollowing and then halfway through the game you're caught up in this tale about a missing king and his gold digging demon wife. The whole thing about your hollowing disappears into the background unless you bought all the DLC or the game of the year edition.
I mean DaS2 isn't bad. There's just a lot of little really annoying things that make me not go back to it. Also the grouping of enemy mooks.
> guy gets payed to critique games
> goes more in depth than the average reviewer and backs his opinions with observations
> some guy on Sup Forums who has an irrational sense of brand loyalty towards a video game discovers that someone doesn't LOVE the same game he does
Sup Forums doesn't like matosis so I was just getting in front of all the shitposting that would have occurred if I had linked that video in a positive light
N-n-n-no shut up! Dark Souls 2 is perfect! I'm not a contrarian y-y-you are!
Because it's a disgusting unpolished boring piece of shit with shit framerate, shit or no music, shit or no story, shit graphics, shit gameplay that's all "hit enemy, then dodge and repeat" for 60 hours riddled with glitches and ghost hits which should make every game a 4/10 on Metacritic but somehow not this one because of casual reviewers feeling edgy when they give le hardcore game a good score, so like every Souls game but even worse?
Just a wild guess.
Looks worse, horribly easy
>I've boiled my failure down to a single exact number.
It's a good game but a mediocre souls game.
I don't think it's bad, but it sure does has numbers of flaws.
Man these replies seem pretty sane. Did all the DS2 fans leave?
Is that webm PC or console?
It's a Dark Souls rip-off where b-team got so caught up in trying to allude to the first game and making it "hard" that they forgot to make a good game
PvP was pretty fun though
I just started playing it a few days ago and my biggest grip is the half second delay between pushing the button to raise my shield and the actual raising of the shield.
Best boss
>Not even the best boss in that DLC
It looked ugly
Too many human bosses in conjunction with too few memorable monster bosses in conjunction with too few memorable bosses in the general
The downgrade didn't help
The intro cutscene is nice but the intro gameplay bits are gay.
Every single enemy takes 2 hits too many, it's not difficult, it just adds annoyance.
I actually kind of liked the healing gems thing but the game simply gives you far too many.
The tranny coffin was kind of cool
A lot of people are upset about the downgrade, I'm sure (and they should be)
I for one like the game
>repeated bosses from DaS1
>less creativity towards bosses
>same story but it just made less sense; do it because you don't know why (literally the starting dialogue)
>most bosses have stupid add-ons, the boss isn't hard but it adds more RNG related to the additional NPCs
>strategy stopped being risk = high reward and became risk = death
>enemies sliding around on the ground because of the tracking system
>literally impossible to run behind enemies (enemies that prevent backstabs mind you)
>player character lost the weighty feel from the first game
>enemies can swing straight through a wall or column while the player sword will bounce off
etc etc
Game was memes
>game is hard because the game brags its hard
Turns out the game was just taking cheap shots whenever it could.
They desperately want to fit in with "vee culture."
This is the stupidest fucking post
The pvp was the best of any souls, almost every weapon was viable.
Everything else was pretty shit.
There are so many fucking enemies.
No man's wharf was mildly annoying but shrine of amana is downright fucking ridiculous. Unless you want to spend 30 minutes using your bow to take out enemies individually its unplayable.
pretty much this
it's not a bad game but it's my least favorite of the 3. I'd still rank them, in terms of PvE,
1 > 3 > 2
it might be nostalgia but there's still something special about 1. it ain't perfect but I really like the world design.
He's not wrong though. most people don't give an actual answer to the question, instead shitposting memes. when someone actually comes along, sits down and straight out describes WHY the game is shit, then I listen.
I'm trying to remember that video of a guy who goes through showing how much graphical garbage the game has. Easily visible repeating textures, missing textures, gaps in geometry, all that shit.
Too much shitty jumping.
Best answer
I legitimately cant answer this OP. I have no idea.
sotfs is the best dark souls game, at least the one i enjoyed the most. It feels like a kingsfield game and the atmosphere is so depressing and comfy.
I enjoyed the verticality and the huge area variety. It definitely feels more old school than dark souls 1 and obviously 3 which is the worst of the bunch but still a pretty good game
>muh atmosphere
Literal cancer.
you are not old enough to be posting here.
>in dark souls 1 the world was so interconnected you could see your blood stain from the other side of the map, in dks2 the world makes no sense. at one point in the game you go the top of a windmill, get in an elevator, and it takes you up to a giant lava lake apparently floating in the sky. levels were also so short that the game basically amounted to nothing but poorly designed boss fights
>throws a million enemies at you at once despite the fact the combat is system is clearly not designed for it
>soul memory single handely ruined online
>artificial difficulty makes the game feel frustrating rather than rewarding
>movement is slow, strange and clunky. it's not possible to even turn to face a different direction without walking in a circle
>no interesting secrets
>bosses sucked
>pandered to autistic whiners on the internet until every usable spell, weapon, and ring was nerfed into the ground
I haven't touched the game in years but there's probably more than that I'm forgetting. Only souls they a I basically quit after 1 playthrough
It's the same thing every thread. You're not cool just because you're a contrarian
I like it, but its still got shit I hate. Mostly Soul Memory and the inconsistent nature of Poise, you get hyper poise on some attacks but not on others? Some DEX weapons have hyper poise but some STR weapons don't? I don't like this sort of washed out look everything has, its hard to explain but in other Souls games everything has a sort of sheen, and a deeper color while in 2 everything is clean and brighter.
ADP made me fucking hate the game
>Better than anything
I'll never understand this. Artorias was thoroughly underwhelming for a game notorious for being over 30% unfinished and broken for an entire year.
Finish the fucking game before you release Reused Assets: The Weapon Pack, Miyazaki. You hack fuck.
"clean" aka "lower texture resolution"
the start of the game was retarded.
>lol ur guna die xD memes
unfair durability system, new players got fucked if they chose something like merchant, jump distance and npc attack speed tied to frame rate, making certain jumps impossible and monsters/bosses ridiculously harder if you tried to play the game above 30 fps
making invulnerability frames a stat was retarded and counter intuitive.
bullshots got people hyped, didnt live up to them
torches were pointless outside 1 area
Yeah I guess that's it, its pretty shit in some places like FotFG and Harvest Valley. ADP didn't bother me though
because it's a downgrade from Dark Souls 1
Hell, even with how lame Dark Souls 3 was, it's still better than Dark Souls 2
how can one man be so wrong?
i fucking hated all the references that werent references
dark souls 2 before solar of the first sin was basically: dark souls: prepare to chinese knock off edition.
Soul memory was its main flaw.
Downgraded graphics and bad lighting too.
>I'll never understand this
I don't see how. It was amazing. Great first boss, obviously better visuals. The enemies are the right amount of aggressive in the Royal Wood, Artorias is a good boss, Oolacile being all tilted is great, Manus is a good boss, etc.
Atmospherically it's sublime. Seeing the Royal Wood centuries before, seeing that the plant people in Darkroot Garden used to be gardeners; Artorias' grave site used to be the Oolacile sanctuary, learning the legend of Artorias to be a lie, it's all great.
On what?
DaS2 was shit. The Sunken King DLC was also shit
>First is how disjointed the levels are. You walk into a cave, walk like 20 feet and turn two corners, and suddenly you're on the other side of the country and Majula is miles away.
or this
on every word that you type.
>sunken king
>square and rectangle corridors that can go up and down
>same enemy everywhere
i honestly dropped das2 at that point. never finished any other of the dlcs nor came back for sotfs, it was just so disappointing.
because I am calling DaS2 for the shit game it is?
Yeah but Artorias doesn't have a character.
So...I mean who cares? That's one of the biggest issues with the series; in the unique attempt to tell an otherwise vague story through lore, they for some reason decided that not having characters was OK.
By the time I got to Gwyn I didn't even care. He was a nobody. Whatever imaginary war that was happening or the flame, I mean what the fuck is the point? It's just things that happened in a pretext that would'v been funner to play.
Also the bosses were complete shit. Artorias is a lunging retard whose timing is so easy it's insulting. DLC is shit my man. FromSoft won't get anything from me after DaS3.
We've been over this too many times now.
DaS2 is objectively the worst in the series.
Its flaws overshadow the few good and new things it brought to the table.
And only faggots who don't actually like souls like it bettee than the other games.
The character models, level designs, and overall art style turned me off.Not that it's a bad game, but it's definitely my least favorite to look at. Even the player's walking/running animations looked ugly. It was made by a B team and as a result looked more like an imitation or Chinese knock-off of the previous games.
this only bothers you if you are an autist, sure the game could have used from some minor fade to blacks to portray some distance but this is not game breaking or even an issue.
Sure das1 design was nice but das 2 felt much more like a grand adventure. specially everything from the pit in majula all the way down to shulva.
Oh shit I get why Sup Forums hates it
DaS2 brought new and good things to the table?
>That big of a deal
You only really need to get it to like 20-22. Anything after that and you will start getting a BETTER roll than other games.
and into the trash your opinion goes
too bad the game doesn't warn you that ADP does a damn time
>just 20 levels user
that destroys lots of first/early game builds. you shouldnt fucking have to do it period.
DaS 1 felt like more of a grand adventure because you could actually look at the world around you and see how far you've come.
>that ADP does a damn time
I really hate it but if you're not just a parroting faggot who didn't play the game you'd know that.
But why should I expect an informed opinion?
>more elemental arrows/bolts
>aimable crossbows
>twinblades and lances
>much more spell/pyro/miracle variety
>more variety of consumable items
It's very difficult to participate in these threads that I've altogether stopped doing so (the exception being right now). There are so many people in this world who have no idea what they're talking about like yourself, and it's rather tiresome to go through the same motions again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Sunken Kings was an improvement on the vertical level design (or lack thereof) from vanilla DSII. Improved bonfire placement, improved level design across the board really. But nah, it was complete shit, right? No way to convince you otherwise and that's what i mean by tiresome.
>Yeah but Artorias doesn't have a character.
He gave Sif his shield to protect him from the rogue Humanity sprites. He's protective. He alone ventured into the Abyss, only to be defeated mind you. He's brave.
>So...I mean who cares?
I guess not you? I cared a lot. Guess we've reached an impasse there.
> they for some reason decided that not having characters was OK.
Quelana showing remorse and sorrow for her sisters and mother isn't character? Queelag trapping humans to give to her sister isn't character? Queelag's sister telling her about the pain isn't character? Engnyi telling you he'll thrash you if you harm the Fair Lady isn't character? Solaire doesn't have character? Laurentius talking about how pyromancers are looked down upon and how he was happy when he became undead isn't character? Ciaran pleading with the Chosen Undead to let her have Artorias' soul, but being cold and distant when you've already absorbed it ISN'T character?
Guess we've reached an impasse.
Maybe the female models, those were awful. I loved the cloth physics, and most armor sets are top tier designs like Heide, Drakeblood, Watcher, Alva and their Witch set was pretty hot even on the man shouldered female model.
lol no it doesn't, starting knight gives you like 9 in ADP and decent in others.
user just say you suck at video games and let it all out
I beat the game while never leveling ADP because I had no idea what the fuck it did. The entire time I was bitching about how shit the hixboxes were but nope it was my roll. I never googled anything and went pure blind on release. ADP is fucking stupid and there is zero justification for it.
People were mad at the initial graphics downgrade and their minds where made up before they even played the game.
Then others jumped into the bandwagon to fit in.
In the real world you dont see this kind of mindless anal pain and cherry picking.
the early bosses are designed with characters who have low adp in mind.
This wouldnt even be an issue if people had played dark souls 2 first and gotten used to the idea before. Its just that you ended up taking invincibility frames for granted because they worked differently in the earlier games.
There are so many people in this world who have no idea what they're talking about like yourself
I'm sorry for disagreeing with you, I'll come back when I have a correct opinion :(
that made it feel much smaller to me.
I played DaS2. Why do you assume that people who shit on the game never played it.
>Sunken Kings was an improvement on the vertical level design (or lack thereof) from vanilla DSII. Improved bonfire placement, improved level design across the board really.
I played Sunken King. It was just as shit as the base game and the level design was just as horrid with the lazy enemy design (who are now 50% resistant to everything) due to the lives system they added.
>im a retard who never read what my stats did
>even though theres a button on the menu to let me do so
>game's fault
you're just a retard bruv
>I mean what the fuck is the point?
Do you revive a dying world or let nature take its course? Do you fight back against the end of the universe or extend it?
>By the time I got to Gwyn I didn't even care. He was a nobody
He was a king. The intro calls him the "Lord Of Sunlight." You read about him through the whole game and then you actually find him and he has fallen to "Lord Of Cinder." He burned for god knows how long for his kingdom. That's not character?
>Also the bosses were complete shit
What's your yardstick for this? This is what I'm talking about, you simply cannot have discussion on this board.
>Artorias is a lunging retard whose timing is so easy it's insulting
He has two lunge attacks. The others are swipes or leaps.
>DLC is shit my man
Back to square one! Shall we dance again?
It doesn't tell you what agility actually does it just tell you it's a stat not to mention the fact DeS and DaS never had anything like that.
Point out where in the game it specifically states that ADP affects I Frames
>There are so many people in this world who have no idea what they're talking about
I know, it's sad.
>I'll come back when I have a correct opinion :(
>It was just as shit as the base game
Again! The same example. You simply cannot be convinced even though you've stated such a wrong statement. I've talked about the difference in vertical level design in the DLC from the base game, and you just say the equivalent of "nuh uh!" There's really no point to continuing this discussion anymore.
Sup Forums actually spouted those opinions first. Matt steals arguments from Sup Forums, hence why people hate him.
instead of being it's own game it just rehashed the DS2 story and relied on "WOW DARK SOULS 2 SO HARDCORE MIRITE GUIZ"
Literally one of the achievements is if you die for the first time. "WELCOME 2 DARK SOULS XDD"
Wow that guy didn't even try to dodge that attack.
dark souls mirrors the metal gear series pretty well.
das= mgs the original, beloved by almost everybody
sotfs=mgs2 the best in the series and yet the most polarizing one, will come to be regarded as the best in a decade.
ds3=mgs3 an attempt to go back at the style that made the first one so beloved but with a fresh twist.
>boosts ease of evasion and other actions
muh retardation makes the game bad
>Having this much of a superiority complex over a children's toy
Dude just end you life
dont you fucking dare
...Or what?
I cant comprehend people bitching about enemy count in das2 or sotfs. Like at no point the thought, wahh too many enemies crossed my mind. I bet you fags just rush and agro every enemy in the map
>We want to add more variety in builds
>so we made a stat that you have to dump points into no matter what if you don't want to get hit by something 20 feet away
>it also does nothing else