No one is going to port anything to a console that doesn't sell

No one is going to port anything to a console that doesn't sell.

>there are nearly 9 billion people on a planet
>people consider 45 million a success

You're assuming all 9 billion people are gamers in the first place. Fuck off retard.

>he thinks that successful things can be successful when you are in a gated community

Then it's even fucking worse.

>all 9 billion people have electricity, a television or monitor, internet access (for some games/consoles)

Not to mention how many disabled people there are. Some flawed logic right there, bud

>billions of people without power
>billions who can't afford a decent meal
>hes at home in his comfy first world house complaining about how 45 million video games IS a success unlike one user says

And there it is folks. What I wanted. While you are here bitching on the internet and using the example of people too poor to eat, you fucking point out how fucking worthless video game sales really are.

>reaching for an argument that hard

What happened? Did the PS4 kill your family? Of course if I live in a first world country and I have an education and a paying job, I'll talk about shit that's relevant to me. I don't give a shit about little Timbuktu in Nigeria because he isn't the guy on the enemy team complaining about how I headshotted him through a wall.

>talking about sales
>thinks they are relevant to him
>doesn't get any of the money from it
>doesn't profit in anyway

Sure is relevant.

What made you assume I don't profit from video game sales?

The fact that you brought up you play a childs toy.

All video games are children's toys. We're just arguing about whose toys are the coolest because we have nothing better to do.

And you know what? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with it, just open your eyes for a minute and know it doesn't fucking matter.

Op Is bullshit
Xbone did not sell more than Wii U
Delete this, or you will be hearing from the Big N's lawyers, if you catch my drift.

But you're on a video game board arguing about those children's toys. You're either retarded or practicing some poorly thought out debate points.

I'm on PC, not a childs toy.

Dude points at the moon, these idiots look at his finger.

But you play the same games available on those toys. Are you actually autistic?

I only play RTS and Strategy games.

>Pee U

So you are autistic. Those genres aren't only on PC
