Of course

Of course...
I do love you...

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Did the Good hunter really ask "Do you love me"? What a man.

Arm your Doll's.

>leaving out the rest


>everyone loves the doll
>everyone bullies Maria
It's not fair.

>picking the least interesting thing about such an amazing story/game and thinking it's the best
Virgins, am I right, guys?

Playing through BB for the first time here

it's so good

I thought for a moment "I wish I could experience it again for the first time".

But I don't. I fucking hated it the first time. NG+ was when it clicked for me and became one of my favorite games.

Isn't the only major change that the bosses all upgraded their health?

I was never able to git good enough for NG+.

best girl
worst girl

I like them both.

NG+ forced me to git gud and learn how to parry

Wut? Felt like the game became much easier when i got into ng+ i even beat it like 5 times faster

Whats the deal with these fucking gems?

Say I have a 9+ Ludwig's Holy Blade, and a 9+ Beasthunter Saif

Both have the same gem slots, but for some reason I can juice Ludwigs to the retarded level of +368 while the Saif only gets around +276 with the same gems

What the fuck is going on?

One is faster and the other one is slow slow weapons in general do more damage and vice versa

>harming the doll
nigga you've gone full beast.


the song of the soft.

The gems modify based on a percentage. Not a fixed amount.


Ok ok ok
I beat the trio at forbidden forest, I got kidnapped, I beat blood starved beast also. So now I have two places to go, the kidnap place or continue through the forbidden forest. Is there any place I'm missing though before these places? Did I miss something obvious?

any body have the pic that she says "white blood" and has cum on her face

go through kidnap place first

did you go to the clinic from the forest? also the kidney stone thing then going right to fight the rifle spear/mace hunters thats to the right of amelias door

if you go to the clinic from the forest, you get a thing that allows you to go to cainhurst which isn't really needed now

but yeah do kidnap place first

There's a secret path near the first lamp of the forest, if you haven't found it. There are a few dogs there in cages, it's kinda backwards and it leads you to a cave. I don't want to spoil anything, but if you explore that area and go a bit further you'll find something interesting. Just don't forget to read the item descriptions, then you will know what to do next.

Do Hemwick Chanel Lake (turn right when you come out the Cathedral where you beat Amelia) if you haven't because then you get to equip Runes

>cainhurst which isn't really needed now
It seems like he's trying to go through all the areas and it's a pretty neat part of the game too, so why not if he's at the forest area? We also don't know about his build, he might find just what he needs there.

The game is probably fantastic even when played totally cold but it's particularly delectable when you know where many of the references and subtleties come from.

>kidney stone
I got a tonsil stone I think
I also fought a lightning mace dude and gun spamming faggot back to back
Haven't found a clinic. I stopped right at the trio boss.
I forgot all about this cave I found with poison water and giant dudes. I'll go check that out.

>when you find out she's just a sex doll that looks exactly like a woman from Gherman's past he could never fuck

>really liking the doll
>get the tearstone
>text calls anyone who cherishes it a fool
>keep it in it's base state anyway

And it turns out the buff from crushing it isn't that good anyway. So no regrets.

is there a way to understand the gem system without gitting gud?
I'm on NG+3 and i cant work it out by myself

Put the thing that makes numbers go up into the weapon.

how is that true if she's made of wood?

Who said she was wood?

now youre speakin my language m8

it literally tells you what each gem does
-phys atk +9%
-add slow poison effect
-charge atk up

I think it's pretty simple

tearstone and "white blood" is gehrman's jizz

Question is, do you love her?

see, that much i understand. but it's how it interacts with the weapon, and how much scaling you have, mixed with what mode it's in = idk wtf is happening now

interesting, what does the tearstone do again? I only used it once, I don't remember the gem effect of it

what i'm trying to say is i cant find a middle ground between looking at numbers on a screen vs. shitting up my life with charts and %s etc

Why is the doll so damn popular and well liked? I liked the crow better.

Crow died early on in my play through so she couldn't grow on me.

Stats and gems. LHB makes a lot more out of strength levels than Saif does and they both scale the same in skill. LHB has higher base damage too.

I'm not sure if I understand your problem
You can check every weapons scaling, the chikage for example scales very high with skill and bloodtinge, so if you want to use it you should spend your echoes on them, that's about scaling

you can also upgrade different scaling stats with a few gems if you want, or use gems that ups the kind of damage you need for your weapon (chikage>blood atk), and I think that's all the connection between scaling and gems

I think what you want to do is add physical atk gems, those are the tempering blood gems mostly, basically just use the gem with the highest %,


abandoned workshop has sexual moaning... alluding to hot doll action

Doll, Eileen, and Adella are my three favorite Bloodborne characters.

I see no reason to wake from the dream if you can spend eternity with the doll. Sure you can venture out and die again and again, but the doll will always be there for you, with open arms. Gerhman however can fuck off.

>characters have literally few lines
>they manage to 'grow' on someone
pathetic unstable virgins

>basically just use the gem with the highest %
I'll just stick with that

Why is she so perfect?

You did, just now.

I agree, the game does become easier.

It's not that hard on NG++ either. Breezed through it in 2 hours to get that third ending.

You have more experience (not only and not so much in game terms) and your gear is probably maxed out already, so even without chalice gems it's pretty easy.

I hope you burn in hell.

>that feeling after you lose echoes in the 6 digits

I got too greedy, and the red spiders too numerous.

what weapon do you use?

I don't see why it's a problem, a few lines can give you enough to really like a character, and it's not like you don't know anything else about them if you pay attention and read descriptions

I've beat the game a few times so i've got +10 on a lot of weapons.
I use ludwig's holy blade and the tonitrus atm (flat phys gems on LHB, 2 phys + 1 bolt for tonitrus)

I only really ran into this problem in DS3. I kept worrying about losing my literal million souls so much that dying once and trying to recover them was becoming super stressful. So I just dumped them all into levels since I'm done with PVP.

There a couple time the game repeats noises from nowhere.

Like the house area with the doll will start repeating at random the primal scream a few minutes after you do the roar gesture. I think it's to max the spooky factor.

Extra stuffing.

>isn't that how you made me?

well, it seems like you know what you're doing, I mean the gems you use are perfectly good for your weapons, you also can get some nice gems from dungeons, but I guess you already know that

should From do another new IP or Bloodborne 2?

BB is essentially a Souls games but the new setting and slight differences in mechanics made it feel really fresh. DS3 was just suffering from series fatigue


Another IP, Bloodborne is a complete product after TOH.

The only thing they really should do next is more DLC, maybe upgrade the chalice dungeons and perhaps expand on the Vilebloods.

I wouldn't mind a full on Ailing Loran stage though, that aesthetic is fucking sick.

does the doll give blowjobs

I'd be tender with her

health regen

yeah there's something in the mechanics that i dont fully understand but i know how to enjoy the game and git gud so there's always that

I'm going to give Queen Annalise lots of blood dregs tonight! I love Queen Annalise's blood!

I went full blood drunk with my character this time

Yeah, while I'd love more Bloodborne I don't think there's much more to go with the game. A different game with a similar combat system would be great though. Bloodborne manages to retain the spookiness throughout multiple playthroughs and I'd love another game they did that had that.

I actually just started a new run, decided to run the Whirligig so I ran into the DLC and grabbed it immediately after Amelia. Should I just slap my Blunt gems in it? And is the trick form really that good against non-beast bosses outside of just holding L2 on them?

>7000000+ echoes in Lady marias area
>die to gank squad
>searching for echoes
>pecked off top balcony by a crow
>everything is gone

Real waifu right here.

> For physical weapons
({[Base physical damage] + [base damage * STR saturation * STR scaling] + [base physical damage * SKL saturation * SKL scaling]} * relevent%gem1 * relevent%gem2 * relevent%gem3 * ATK Modifer) + Flat Damage = physical attack before defense.

> For Bloodtinge weapons
({[base blood damage] + [base blood damage * BLT saturation * BLT scaling]} * relevent%gem1 * relevent%gem2 * relevent%gem3 * ATK Modifer) + flat blood damage = Blood Damage before defense

> for Arcane weapons
({[base arcane damage] + [base arcane damage * ARC saturation * ARC scaling]} * relevent%gem1 * relevent%gem2 * relevent% gem3 * ATK modifiers) + flat arcane damage = Arcane damage before defense

({[Base Fire damage] + [base fire damage * ARC saturation * ARC scaling]} * relevent%gem1 * relevent%gem2 * relevent%gem3 * ATK modifier) + flat fire damage = Fire damage defense

({[base bolt damage] + [base bolt damage * ARC saturation * ARC scaling]} * relevent%gem1 * relevent%gem2 * relevent%gem3 * ATK modifiers) + flat bolt damage = bolt damage before defense.

If a weapon has multiple damage types then each is treated as a seperate attack.

Scaling is a decimal number (simplified to a letter grade in-game) which you can find by looking online.
Saturation is how much of a stat you have, at 10 STR your STR saturation is 0.10 at 25 STR your STR saturation is 0.50, at 50 it is 0.85 and at 99 it is 1.00. Between this breakpoints it goes up in equal increments between the other values.
%gems are gems that increase values by a percentage (eg 27.2%)
Flat damage is any increase that is a flat numerical value(+72.5)


I love you too

Because the crow is a an old hag, user. Can't compete with an object this sexual.

You're actually hearing the dog in the erea below you.
Just the ragged breaths it makes while standing still.


I didn't like the Doll and the Fire Keeper in 3 at all.

They had no personality at all. Talking to them feels like a thai massage.

My doll's what?
