Which video games have the best bluff dialogue options and/or varied speech checks in general?

Which video games have the best bluff dialogue options and/or varied speech checks in general?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

post reigen

Dengenrenpen v3

Probably old crpgs like fallout.

Mob Psycho is shit.

Mob Psycho is really good

You're shit fuck you

another wrong opinion




Mob Psycho and OPM are the first series I've actually liked since, like, 2006

Wait, no, Kaiji was good. But that's fucking it


First post only relevant post.
But also best.

Name anime you have watched.


Oi, Mobu.

Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas

Realistically, pic related. the only game in existence where

>"I'll kill you"
>[bluff] "I'll kill you."

Are separate dialogue choices.

I wish I had Reigen's charisma and social skills