So we all agree this bitch isn't even remotely viable right?
So we all agree this bitch isn't even remotely viable right?
I'd argue she's like tracer
A lot of work for very average effectiveness
But Tracer need do very little for a lot of effectiveness.
Maybe if you aren't good with any harass characters in the game maybe she isn't for you. Just because you're not good at video games doesn't mean a character isn't viable.
Another situational pick depending what the enemy has.
ult is REALLY good need coordination tho
p low dmg due to spread making her a less effective tracer
hack being canceled by damage REALLY hurts her making getting off a hack quite a chore
shes not bad just hard to use/situational, plus shes barely been out everyone thought ana was shit at first, even tho she was the best support think sombra will get better with time as people figure her out
Her hack has fair range and during a tense fight it can do undetected. Ive already seen her hack a rein shield at the choke on eichenwald everyone flooded through. Sorta high risk high reward
Wait a bit.
A lot of people thought Genji was useless upon release.
t.shit tracer
>not "t. racer"
you had one job, user
>hack important health pots that are supposed to provide relief during choke points
>offense cant do reliable pushes if their healer isn't totally on point
She's pretty good on defense, like how Widowmaker is pretty good on offense. Playing her on offense is like playing fucking MGS
how did i git gud as this sparky boy?
>plus shes barely been out everyone thought ana was shit at first
i think people have forgotten but ana got buffed like 3 times before her pick rate really went up. remember back when she only had like 5-6 ammo and that slow as fuck fire rate?
But it's so easy to flank
get used to her in koth first as she is always useful in the game mode, always prioritise squishes/support and aim for the head. once you get decent the only character you will fear in the game is mccrees that can actually aim.
I've had a lot of success with her when I communicate with my team and coordinate my ult with a push, flanking with her is ezbbabbi shit
sneaking up on mercy, hacking her and melting her is also fun
fug I made this for some user, but his thread died, I hope he migrates here
You need a team that gives you time to hack, and a team that will then take advantage of a hack or emp.
Basically unplayable in pubs
it's just that like every other problem with gimmicky characters in this game: straight up killing your foes is more valuable than any gimmicks
>people are worried she'll be OP
>she's actually trash
not yet
just like ana, wait a few buffs and she'll be meta
shes incredibly broken in the hands of non-shitters
her ult is gamechanging, in a coordinated environment she wins pushes by herself without any other ult expenditure or chance for counterplay, nobody else in the game comes close to that, its like an preemptive mercy ult
but not-retarded players arent the ones picking her currently because not-retarded players dont feel comfortable picking someone they have so little experience with when they can pick something safer
every single new character is going to be like this regardless of how powerful they end up, its something you need to get used to rather than doomsaying when the brand new character doesnt instantly jump to the top of the pickrates
I've been playing all day and there was only one time I was happy to have a Sombra on my team.
She hacked a Rein that was blocking a chokepoint and let the team push through.
worthless in pubs with randoms
great with a full team coordinated, her ult alone is good enough to make pushes without the need of anything else.
can be clutch, hacking health packs is fucking legit and hacking a rein/zarya can fuck a team over.
Shitters will just use the invis, run behind a dude and try to play her like a shitty reaper/tracer combination and ignore her utilities
I'm seeing her falling into the same boat as Mercy. Game changing in coordinated group play, mediocre in the solo queue meta. If you are communicating information and coordinating a hack/EMP with a push, she's golden. If you dont want to coordinate with rando shitters or they don't want to coordinate with you, you're better off playing a different damage dealer.
She's OP.
Mark my words. You shitters haven't even seen what she can do in the right hands.
The fire rate/clip size buff was the one that made her good. But she still didn't rise in usage at the time because Zenyatta was still dominating.
lots of ults do that
Even in uncoordinated solo q she's great. She may not be ideal but she's some weird combination of Tracer and Genji in terms of playstyle. A skilled player can absolutely dominate with her.
Great TTK if you don't suck
Rapes Genji and Tracer for free
Healthpack hacking
Invisibility allows her to easily position to kill healers before amyone can even hit you
Ult stacking allows for guaranteed team kills
How is she bad?
>rapes tracer
top kek never
Her ult alone is enough to clear points. Garbage on defense, but basically guarantees a win on attack if your team is competent.
Being able to shut down a Rein shield alone makes her viable. Really not many better ways to break a Rein at the choke outside of ult bombs.
no we dont all agree
If you can get lucky and hack her then she does.
>Can't hack in stealth
Shes so useless, can't even hack turrets
she will be a mandatory pick on maters/grandmaster and regular tourney play where you have actual coordination with your teammates