Just trying to play normally

>Just trying to play normally
>Mercy starts damage boosting you
>Your every action is now being silently judged

>damage boost someone
>they never fucking shoot at anything

When I play Mercy I don't really care if you're doing more. I just swapped off healing because everyone is or is near full health.

It's a 99% chance that that mercy is my faggot friend and he's telling me what the fuck to do the entire time. Still wouldn't change him for anything, we make a good team.

I assure you I'm not paying attention to you whatsoever, I'm frantically looking around trying to see if any ally needs healing or if an enemy is trying to flank me

>Go Mercy.
>Watch my team mates getting bowled over as I heal a Rein.
I try to heal the others, but you cant heal everybody at once.
>Rein isnt doing anything really, just dancing around with his shield up.
>See a reaper going around the corner.
>Go to him, heal and damage boost him.
>Suddenly the enemy team is flat out fucking dead all the time as we combine our efforts.

It happens.

>get ana-boosted
>everyone is now watching me

I play Mercy a lot, when I boost someone I don't expect anything other than for them to shoot in the general direction of the enemy.

Could be worse.
She could've boosted the healer.

In which case you stare at the ana like what the fuck dude thats a lucio.

>that image

I don't get it. No what ever tells me what updog is. What the fuck is updog

>get boosted as Lucio
>put in a lot of effort and actually get potg

>What the fuck is updog
Not much dawg, what the fuck is up with you?

lucky ass gurl

>>everyone is now watching me
Tell them to stop fucking around doing nothing.
If one guy makes a breach against 6 enemies he's gonna deal jack shit for damage if not eliminations, boosted or not.

Nuthin' much, man.

How the fuck ya been, my homie?

It's always fantastic when you're attempting a push, the enemy team has a reinhardt, and the retard Lucio rushes through a gap between Ana and Reinhardt. Only to have Ana boost Lucio instead of Reinhardt. Even better if the Lucio doesn't have his ult.

I only damage boost people when everybody else is healed up and there's no significant damage incoming. Mercy just throws it on people with no expectations 90% of the time.

>get ana-boosted
>get reinhardt ulted immediately after

>tanking with dva
>reaper standing right next to me with ult ready
>ana boosts me instead

>boost someone as mercy
>not hearing any sounds after 10 seconds
>stop boosting healing player

if you are 75%+ health I am damage boosting you.

This is my favorite thing to do with boosted/ulted Genjis.