Where were you when Conan the Barbarian and Frodo SMASHED Final Wedding Dress Shopping Simulator?

Where were you when Conan the Barbarian and Frodo SMASHED Final Wedding Dress Shopping Simulator?

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i was gettin comf

on the shitter

TWO (2)

Stop posting this effeminate bitch, or at least take it to Sup Forums

>that sexy jawline

even if it ends up being fake as fuck, i would totally waste 72 hours for a fucking boss

Only Japan matters to SE when it comes to sales anyway.

simply in my room not caring and gonna buy and enjoy the game anyways despite what Sup Forums and some popular celebrity says

a gay ass game for a gay ass faggot.


Final Fantasy today is for lonely males and gay tumblr girls

If you have sex, the game serves no purpose

user is projecting because he thinks he has a purty mouth

>buy and enjoy
I assume you would buy and enjoy a plate of shit if a new type of shit has been served to you every few years since your childhood because eating shit is part of your childhood nostalgia

He does this to every game he reviews

It's confirmed. Final Fantasy officially ends at 15 thanks to Conan. SE can't recover from this.

>eating shit is part of your childhood nostalgia
but i never played final fantasy as a kid, how could it be nostalgic for me?

.It not ok when it's with FF though.

the fan response perfectly exposes them for who they really are.

trying to have a good thread on Sup Forums

Laughing. Still gonna buy it.

Final Fantasy?
More like Final FAGTASY

>manchildhood nostalgia
Fixed specially for you

but i only started playing my first FF (ff6)like 5 month ago, is that even still considered nostalgia?


It is the people who hate sony and Final Fantasy who make these Conan eceleb threads

The fact that FF fans are getting THIS butthurt over Conan's "review" shows they know the game is shit.

Seriously, defend this fanboys.
>Why did fix the car and spend hours fixing the car when we could have just gotten a chicken and move around more easily?
>I don't know

Can someone explain this 3 day thing about the game?

So which was the bigger shitstorm, XIII going multiplat or XV getting made fun of on a comedy show?

The diehard fanboys didn't take either well at all.

something about taking 72 hours to get to your first boss fight


XIII going to 360 I think was the bigger fuck you because some people had already bought a PS3 just to play that game on and would've probably bought a 360 otherwise.

>XIII going multiplat
This literally killed Sup Forums and several gaming forums like gametrailers and gamespot

It was hilarious.


He's been on TV for like 30 years

>xiii going multiplat
>a shitstorm


He should bash more developers, that was the best clueless gamer in a while.

I hate when he brings celebrities who dont like videogames.

He should be the only one who doesnt like videogames in the sketch.

No, someone claimed that it takes 72 hours to beat one of the bosses. Sounds like a joke to me though.

They fought a level 99 boss that the partner who knows video games said takes 72 hours to beat. Most people assume it's because the party is at such a low level, because it might also be you can't come back to the area.

The problem with Final Fantasy XV is that Square-Enix is trying to artificially build up the game and the cast of characters onto this unrealistic hype train that has no brakes.

There have been four anime episodes, announcements of announcements upon more announcements, a motherfucking full blown film featuring celebrity voice work, and all this other ridiculous fanfare that makes it seem like FFXV is the second coming of FFVII.

It feels like Square isn't letting the game build up its own hype. This can only lead to crushing disappointment from the fans if the game doesn't end being better than sex. This is exacerbated by the fact the game has been in development for a goddamned decade.

The back-in-black Jpop band of misfits never sat well with me and all of this fucking inflated hype isn't helping matters. If you have to bring out this much pre-release bullshit, assuring me this fujoshi fraternity road trip is going to be amazing, then color me suspicious at the overall quality of the game itself.

>72 hours for one single boss
how is that even possible

Were you not on the internet in 2009?

It's an instanced online battle that occurs three days, the first two days you merely damage it and it retreats. on the final day you can actually kill it if all the other people online do enough damage collectively.

yes but i wasn't interested in ff13 back in 2009 and pretty much lived in a rock

I was suspicious of this game as soon as I saw the battle mechanics live. I never regained faith.

>The back-in-black Jpop band of misfits never sat well with me

I miss when RPGs where about knights, thieves, wizards and whatever the fuck shit like Quina was

It's not even the fact that they're all male. It partially is, but the the real main issue with FFXV's cast is that their design is homogenized as shit.

Give me four men, each with their own unique style, attire, weapons, and personality and it would be preferable to whatever the fuck we have going on at present.

>admitting you watch eCeleb
>making eCeleb threads

... high quality character, I'm sure.

Type-0 did that too. You had an entire class of interchangeable nobodies whose only sole difference was what weapons they used.

Don't worry bro. FFXIV will ensure that SE never learns.

He enjoyed Smash Bros, Witcher 3, and Ass Creed Unity



No, he's an actual celebrity. He used to host the fucking Tonight Show, even if it was for like a month.

>Being an underaged faggot who thinks youtubers are the equivalent to real celebrities

I know what the main complaint will be

>Where's all the backstory?

Because they've shoved it all into the other media like those Anime shorts when everything besides Fatpto should be in the game.

They really need to fuck off with this MMO boss in singleplayer games shit. They had a boss in Xenoblade X like this too.

those people were retards and never would have bought an xbox. they were just that desperate to justify buying the PS3 instead when the 360 was making them look like chumps.


I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds awesome.

>celebrity tricks Sup Forums into advertising for free, again

He didn't even play it.

Seriously they're all just black garbed pretty boys. Certainly not something other games avoided but in most RPGs you'd get like ONE person like that next to a samurai or a dinosaur or whatever.

Even Type zero had more significant difference in how every looks and acts and at least they have the excuse of wearing a uniform for any similarities. The party can be all humans but for fucks sake at least make it so they don't look like they had an outfit coordinator

more like the cuck shitposters take Conans jokes as gospel and use it to shitpost with while everyone else gets it was just a joke segment and not serious

I haven't really been a Final Fantasy fan since maybe IX-ish.

They kinda lost me on X, I hated Tidus, CTB was a fine system but everything else about X was awful. XI was an MMO, it looked cool but as an MMO I'll never play it. XII had what seemed to be the worst protagonist in the series so I just skipped it, XIII was apparently all linear hallways and terrible gameplay, XIV was another MMO, visually appealing again, but as an MMO not something I'm going to waste my life playing, and XV's got the band of faggots I don't care about on a faggot roadtrip looking at dresses and talking about boys or whatever the fuck.

I started with the series on the NES and back then I loved it, I played the shit out of Final Fantasy II (IV) and Final Fantasy III (VI) on the SNES, I even liked mystic quest to some degree, hell sometimes I still hum that boss theme (youtube.com/watch?v=NOTI8j1egZg). PlayStation era is where they started to lose me, VII was alright but not really what I was into, VIII was shit hated everything about it, and IX was pretty good beside the artstyle. Final Fantasy Tactics was a shitty ogre battle game but it was still better than anything else named Final Fantasy of that era.

Since then though it's like they really want to make this game with a faggot protag I don't give a fuck about and they wonder why I don't buy their games anymore.

So XV.

Xenoblade did it right though. The FFXV fight is just plain retarded.

movie and anime aren't necessary to understand anything. they were side things.

XII isn't that bad but XI tainted them hard. The fantasy races and grindy battle system are pretty much ripped straight out of XI because it was so popular.

I'd say Dragon's Dogma had the only type of that kind of boss that is actually fun to fight, since the combat is actually fun.

If only it were the diehard fanboys who are the reasonable ones who can take a joke.

Sup Forums would be a much better play.

black is their uniform color and they are actually the manliest cast of main males in FF compared to every other FF.

Bazztek, what do you think of TalesRevenant?

No it didn't and XV is already superior to that shit.

Post yfw you realize you will never play a god tier FF for the first time again

ban evading scum. Do your job mods

He's annoying.

>inb4 you will when xv comes out post

>you can blatantly see where they clipped the footage to avoid showing combat as the x killed counter jumps from 0 to 1

They went so out of the way for the sake of that joke it's fucking incredible.

>two people who don't play many games and are horrible at them didn't like a game that's exactly like what we have been promised since 2005

Im sure the cast of FF15 will have the same classes that we've seen before but visually they're not appealing.

There's not a knight there's a guy in a black shirt who fills the knight job, There's not a wizard there's a guy in a black shirt who shoots lighting.

The issue isn't that there's not classes the issue is that there's not distinct characters. Even in games with the job system where you could assign classes had the decency the change the characters visually to reflect their new role.

FFX-2 is better at 15 in regards to making it's cast feel unique. Think about that.

Do you even like any videogames besides FFXV

Then you have a lot in common

>Goo goo ga ga I'm 3 years old

>A fagot online can't actually argue an argument so he cries LOL NOT A GAMER while posting a reaction image. Of the Simpsons.

Really for all the people whining about this I haven't seen one argument for the games strong points, if it has any, or an actual rebuttal to the issues found in the video.

Maybe I'll give XII a chance, might be nice to emulate it, but that shitless fuckboy protagonist, who the fuck wants to play that faggot? Why is he the guy? Can't he be a side character or something?

Well I was probably pooping.

>I miss when RPGs where about knights, thieves, wizards
"Btw my favourite game is Final Fantasy VII"

I was in a shota thread on Sup Forums.

>Literally thinks that's an argument FOR 15
>Literally ignores the WHATEVER THE FUCK QUINA IS part of the sentence

Are you butt mad 15 fags trying to be stupid or what?

>waaah not like games I played as a kid
>waah too much like old games I played
>too many men where the women die cis scum
>minor plothole worst game ever
>optional boss is too hard, it should be really easy
>too videogamey
>waah waah

It's like Democrats before election

Steiner has such a funny fucking physique

>mfw he said boy band

>TFW we'll never fly a giant whale to the moon and fight jello on the lunar surface ever again
Why can't they just make good Final Fantasy?

I'm not even banned or evading.

>Cecil has a kickass class that uses his HP for damage
>dumps it all for a generic Paladin/Knight that's been in every game so far to that point
Yeah yeah, I know. Storytelling. Still gay.

Hopefully the open world meme dies after this

I will when XV comes out.

just for you :^)

Nobody cares about 9

Some people might hate 8, but 9 doesnt even appear on their radar

They just think Final Fantasy jumped to X like Megaman

When i grow up i want to be as cool as you bazztek. Can't wait to live in melbourne and defend FFXXII non stop on a chinese image board

>realtime FF's

I thought we had our lesson already. Seriously my most sincere gaming regret was pre-ordering FF13

I never got this shit.

Why is Blank some stitched together zombie?
Why does the blue guy have such HUGE hands?
Why do they never ever show Steiner without his armor?
Why does the little girl need a unicorn horn to summon shit?
What the fuck is Quina?

The only guy who makes sense is Vivi just because he's a 3D rendition of black mage sprite.

And the rat I guess.

>You will never dance at a tree again