It's looking like Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 are getting some major improvements
What are you hoping to see here?
I'm not a huge fan of Smash 4 but in theory itd be a nice stop gap between the original release and an official 5th installment, hopefully led by some fresh blood
I'm hoping to see the speculation threads for an unconfirmed game die.
Easton Diaz
ice climbers or flop
Gavin Nelson
Overall presentation shift.
Smash 4, while having more colors than brawl, still has much of the same presentation when it comes to menus, UI, etc. There hasn't been much improvement in that regard.
Obviously I want more characters, adventure mode, bracket tournament lobbies, etc.
Owen Powell
better skins
Jack Lopez
I am hoping you guys kill yourself after its revealed that mario kart and splatoon are sequels and not ports because thats what they are. if they were just going to do ports they would have said thats what they were, no reason to not come out and say it.
Joseph Young
They're either enhanced ports, or the most rushed sequels ever. Sure you can say that Super Street Fighter 4 is a sequel to Street Fighter 4, but it's still street fighter 4. That's what Mario Kart and Splatoon on the switch will be.
Adrian Hernandez
why was Sm4sh's menu screen so bad?
Lucas Edwards
>It's looking like Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 are getting some major improvements
Nolan Miller
>proof of concepts=to finished games guess what those games are NOT confirmed to come out near launch they just made a rushed PROOF OF CONCEPT that shows those games will possibly come to the switch. you gues are retards that saw a proof of concept and thought "PORTS CONFIRMED"
this is not the first time nintendo did this, and you fell for it.
Logan Lopez
smash bros 6 is gonna be sweet!
Jace Allen
The reveal video showed Mario Kart 8 but with more features such as double items and King Boo. It also showed Splatoon with new cosmetics
Kevin Perry
No, they're ports. Otherwise they would have no reason to add anything new to those games. The only confirmed proof of concept is Skyrim Remastered
Well since 3DS and Wii U had unique Classic Modes, I expect this one to have another version of its own Classic Mode.
Another hope is that they include both offline and online tourneys for great fun times.
New stages to accompany the new game would be nice and since it's another release, it's a perfect opportunity to roll the DLC train again if they wanted to.
I'm really curious to see the sales numbers for the DLC and that rumor of Bayo, Corrin and Cloud Amiibo being delayed leaves me to believe they'll be part of a new wave of Smash Bros Amiibo for 3-4 more added characters.
Otherwise, those Smash amiibo may be used in other games not yet announced for the Switch (new FE game to accomodate FE phone game, FFVII remake port or FFXV port and Bayo 2 port or Bayo 3).
Why bother with adding in those features if they weren't going to go the extra mile?
Reminds me of how they're giving this the "DS" treatment about it being a third pillar and denying Wii U's production ending and then last week announcing production of said console is ending.
Joseph Perez
>if they were just going to do ports they would have said thats what they were That's the thing. They haven't said ANYTHING yet. Zelda is literally the only first party game that's been confirmed so far.
Having an enhanced port of Smash at or near launch would be one of the smartest things Nintendo has done in a long time because you'd have that entire fanbase rushing out to buy the new console right away.
Cooper Turner
Wolf and Ice Climbers
Liam Scott
Worst case scenario: Smash 4 is ported to Switch with improvements. Best case scenario: they make Smash 5. Either way we ARE getting a Smash game on the Switch.
Jack Price
It's sad that Smash Bros fans don't turn their attention to the actual design and mechanics of the game, and instead just whine about what third-rate mascot character they want in the game.
Austin Brown
Oh they do. And it's even leagues worse than having them discuss about the characters.
Liam King
Melee-style gameplay.
There, that was quick and easy, now let's talk about characters.
Jack Roberts
It's his time.
Matthew Brown
I won't stop posting this until he's in!
Jaxon Diaz
No port please, new game
I just want lyn playable, you can throw in anyone in just please, and i will not stop posting the same thing until it happens or 5 is released
worked for trump
Jack Davis
you nintend-year-olds are going to buy a wii-U again????
"hey guys look at all these re-released games" I will never understand this.
Elijah Morgan
We already have one unnecessary sword girl from the series, we don't need another.
Kayden Russell
We don't need lucina? good point
>Implying lyn's sword style will be as boring as lucina's
I will not stop, i will keep repeating it and see where it goes
Jackson Kelly
You're right, Lucina doesn't need to be here, and Lyn has even less reason to be playable in Smash. Assist Trophy is honestly as good as she can get.
Gabriel Hughes
I will wait until I see what games will be coming out 3 years or so down the line
until then I cannot agree with you
Adam Williams
What makes Lyn more important to her own game than Lucina is to hers?
Nathan Rivera
>Splatoon: Different angled multiplayer intro when they can just reuse the same fucking one from Wii U >MK8: Double Items If these are updates and not fully fledged sequels then someone fucked up bad.
Aaron Evans
Lyn is about as popular as lucina and Lyn would have a better playstyle than her, if there is a remake she has a good chance in my opinion, if not AT
I knew trump was gonna win and i called wolf and inklings not happening at the time where people where sure of it
Just wait and see for the games, they are the key
Unless it's a port, then it's no chance
Easton Morris
You're still really overestimating Lyn's value here. In Japan, her story was completely optional and players could get right to the actual game starring Eliwood without even having to play Lyn's tutorials at all. She's just a side character from one game in a huge franchise.
Ethan Williams
You know you want him. >Home stage is Dark Castle/Dark Star >Gameplay focuses around possessing/close ranged combat >Allowed to shoot out the orange spheres on the side of it's true form >It can also shoot out lightning beams from it's eye >Final smash is it revealing it's true form, sending everyone out of the atmosphere, then sending them down as they burn up
Noah Scott
If the new character posters for updated smash or the cover for 5mash don't show the inklings blowing nut all inside Shovel Knight's helmet while Phoenix Wright has the American flag wrapped around his dick ontop of Snake's head then what was the point of all that hype?
Especially the inklings, they're going to take up 2/3 of the box art
Jordan Morgan
I'm so glad Chrom is playable in smash then
Listen man, if there is a remake, i will be waiting for you because it will happen, if not then it won't
But hey if you are so sure just ignore my posts
Anna is more "important" compared to lyn yet she got AT twice
You are only looking at one factor, but hey it's fine I am most likely wrong but i see a sliver lining on the horizon so i will meme it
Adam Foster
When have we ever gotten a side character from a game before its main protagonist?
Ethan Rogers
In my view, Robin
Chrom was the main lord, and I don't see Robin as a "side" and neither do I a view hector or lyn as a sub to elliwood
i don't see why eliwood would be there when roy is basically his son
Asher Hernandez
Give me a fucking traditional designed Fire Emblem game. I want a knight guy who looks like he eats and shits tons of bricks. I want a main character in the trailer who just one-handed swats a 40 pound thrown spear away from his face with his fucking bastard sword and leaves people hyped as shit for FE.
I want realistic fantasy Fire Emblem back.
Alexander Young
And I don't see why Lyn would get in over literally any other important FE character, or literally any other prominent enough Nintendo character, period.
Also Robin is literally your player character that you name, I'd say that counts enough.
Hudson Smith
All the most popular lords and MU's are in except for her and possibly chrom, that is why. And like I said before, if there is a game in store, it gives a chance from 0 to maybe
Anna might be the best bet if there isn't a new FE game before a new smash
all i did was post my want and i think i explained how it could possibly happen
notice i did not say, it's gonna happen 100% we will just have to wait and see how the future plays out my friend
I for one, hope the character roster is better the next time, but i am not entirely delusional
Isaiah Reed
I think FE is gonna cool it with newcomers if there's no new game for itself on the horizon just like Zelda chilled back after adding so many in Melee.
Cameron Campbell
FE better cool it off.
William Campbell
just make Smash 5, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 9.
Aaron Martinez
>Nintendo covers are red >Playstation covers are blue >Xbox covers are green.
This pleases my autism.
Nolan Nguyen
nah, FE is one of their top IP's now, they will not cool it at all
I think lucina might be moved to an alt or something, making room for anna, new protag, or maybe my want
Zelda only chilled because most of the characters were a one appearance only kinda thing
Though maybe a toon and a vatti? might work but the moveset needs to be thought out... as in, not a clone
I don't see FE slowing down anytime soon, even though most people will hate that... i will just restate that it's a top IP now
Jace Scott
>top IP Oh they're going to have to make room for Female Inkling, Male Inkling and Octoling.
Hey when you're a part of the top, there's bound to be someone higher until there's none left. That's Splatoon.
Caleb Roberts
I'm pretty sure Female and male inkling will share it like villager did
Kevin Lee
Not hoping, know.
The inklings are going to take New Smash by fucking storm and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.
John King
Sorry to shit on your want like that, it just seems as likely to happen as Ashley or Krystal and I get the feeling a lot of Smashfags only want her because Project M was working on her. Her fans also tend to really overlook how much value she actually has too. If she were so popular, you'd think they'd use her in advertising more, especially pic related where they add FE7 characters to the Cipher game alongside a Birthright expansion. She'd look perfectly fine alongside Ryoma too since she fits the Hoshido aesthetic, but they put Eliwood there instead. Same goes for the 25th Anniversary artbook too. In every picture featuring all the main lords together, Lyn is never included in them.
Zachary Hernandez
how is adding a couple of chars/cosmetics consider "major improvements"?
Jonathan Campbell
Why does it seem like Nintendo fanboys actually want all of the Switch games to be slightly altered ports? What went so wrong that people are actually hoping to rebuy the same games again instead of getting new games? How would ports of Wii U games drive sales of a new console?
Easton Davis
It's that easy to satisfy Nintendo Fans.
Colton Morales
I want Rayman, Crono, Ryo from Shenmue, Simon Belmont, Ice Climbers, and Wolf.
Parker Powell
Is it Japan Time again?
Brandon Ross
Fuck new characters, they're just gonna add more FE anyway. Give me some more non-shit stages.
Andrew Hall
Because now that their ready to gladly buy a console with no backwards compatibility after shitting on other consoles for it for 2 whole generations their ready for "justified" ports.
Hunter Ramirez
To me, it feels like the Switch will already have a better start than the Wii U did, and some Wii U games just deserve a second chance with a wider audience. I'd still prefer new games coming between the ports myself to keep things fresh, but until we know more about the Switch's future, we can't really speculate new games much at all. So we're passing the time by considering what could be done for updated ports instead.
Gabriel Davis
I want it to have a full-fledged adventure mode. Playable Ridley and Inkling. And a kick-ass intro cinematic like the one in Melee.
Julian Hernandez
Because Sakurai let his wife design it instead of an actual professional
Camden Fisher
Because say what you want about the Wii U, but its games are absolutely fantastic. I like Sm4sh. I like Mario Kart. I (kinda) like Splatoon. For these games specifically, I don't want a new game, I just want more content.
With a sequel you run the risk of adding new mechanics that fucks up the original game.
Easton Reyes
Expecting: >all the DLC characters >Ice Climbers >Inkling Hoping: >Wolf >K. Rool >Adventure mode >Smash Run 2.0 >Some new decent stages >they just make Melee HD instead
Ryder Cooper
Not everyone is a nintendo fan. And not everyone has played those games, case in point, me. I dont own a wiiu
David Walker
More alternate colours (or better ones)
More amiibo usage
More mini game things like BREAK THE TARGETS
a well designed menu screen designed by anybody that isn't Sakurais wife
Cheaper DLC prices
Not having to pay again for characters I already bought
Benjamin Garcia
>There isn't really much you can do to expand upon Smash and Mario Kart's gameplay anymore so they're pretty much already the same games with new content anyway >People who didn't buy a Wii U will have a second chance to check out those games >Having them out closer to the start of the console's life span will convince more people to buy the consoles sooner >It will also give Nintendo more time and resources to focus on developing new games instead of spending three years on another Smash game The positives outweigh the negatives here.
Kevin Flores
>I'm not a huge fan of Smash 4 but in theory itd be a nice stop gap between the original release and an official 5th installment, hopefully led by some fresh blood This, Smash 5 seems great in theory but now just isn't the time Sm4sh represents a pretty refined version of Sakurai's vision of what Smash should be. I don't think Sakurai has another Smash in him; he can't refine his ideal much further, he can just add content. If Nintendo wants a Smash out to sell systems and push their new console they don't have the time to start up a completely new development cycle. Best case scenario is Sakurai works on Sm4sh for Switch with a bunch of new content and then Kimmy finds some spry young chap at HAL to make 5mash for whatever comes after the Switch with some fresh new design ideologies.
Jack Nguyen
Lol Nintendo port machine more like it lmao
Carter Nguyen
I know that modified ports won't make me buy a switch.
I bought a wii u. I won't buy a switch for the same games. Anybody who really wanted those games in the first place would have probably bought a wii u, too.
Cameron Richardson
Adventure mode with a story. 3DS stages and modes included. Playable Wolf, Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer, Captain Toad, Ridley, and Inklings
Hunter James
I just hope they don't go with an enhanced port route.
That would really suck for wii u owners.
>People didn't buy the wii u, what now? >Make another system and put the wii u's games on it >Why would that work >FUCK YOU JUST DO IT!
Thomas Peterson
>all these people that want wolf and ice climbers
I bet you fucking heathens want pichu and pokefloats back too.
Michael Phillips
more fire emblem charaters please with down-B counter and about same moves as Marth
Alexander Ramirez
>3DS exclusive content included and remastered >Ice Climbers restored >Alternate Moves and Miis allowed in multiplayer >Bomberman