Browsing Steam is like wading through a garbage dump.
Browsing Steam is like wading through a garbage dump
Fuck off.
kys. Undertale is amazing.
>uses Steam
>thinks his opinion matters
>AAA shitter
Kek, stay mad, PCuck.
>he thinks console is any better
silky smooth
"indie" isn't a fucking genre
Prove it.
>pee cee uck
This is fucking stupid. Why the fuck would it catch on?
some of the best aaa games last ten years have been criminally underrated because of indie shitters like you
case and point
recently ive played more indie games on ps4 than on my steam account that have like 300 of them
Tower of guns is fucking great though
Wow sorry that a couple of amateurs making games in their parent's basement can't reach your quality threshold spoiled by AAA games that requires a huge team of professionals to create.
Why even bother making and selling games if your games can't even get close to the standard?
Well, for starters, all Valve games are indie games. By fucking definition.
Lick my boots, scumbag.
Nu male faggots making games in coffee shops around the world should be shot and killed en masse.
The term has evolved, you faggot fucking nigger.
kys now. Not tomorrow. Not two weeks from now. Drink bleach tonight.
>The term has evolved
To mean what, specifically? I'd love to hear whatever retarded definition you pull out of your ass.
They need an "up-and-coming" section where the junk goes and a way of hiding "up-and-coming" games from the webstore and interface.
The current situation is horrible. Good shit is getting buried underneath mounds of junk.
The fact that there isn't a filter for indie games yet fucking astounds me.
Valve is seriously fucking retarded.
OP is right, it's like wading through a garbage dump.
Steam's indie garbage is the same as shovelware released on consoles. Somehow people manage to do enough mental gymnastics to think that all indie games are bad because steam approves literally anything to be on their store
I hope you only make broad generalizations about video games because otherwise, you might just actually be stupid
Are you underage? This is how digging up hidden gems has and always will be like.
You'd first have to agree on what an indie game really is. Actual independent developers or 2D pixel platformers and unfinished unity asset flips?
Hatred and BUTCHER are the only good indie games.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
>inb4 Reddit edgy meme.
I dont mind indie games being thrown in a broad category. That way, they can work to actually be something more than generic.
The problem isn't "indie games". I mean, Dying Light or Witcher 3 are "indie games" as they don't have a proper publisher on PC.
The problem is low-effort low-production value junk. It's having a hugely negative impact on indie developers which put in effort as it's hard for them to stand out.
Like, have you heard of Gemini: Heroes Reborn? Probably not, but it's an indie title by former Psi-Ops devs. It's got completely buried because it's hard to stand out from all the junk.
Woah, woah, woah.
Nigger, did you just say Psi-Ops?
Credit card is already out.
You call it something other than "indie" and provide the ability for people to graduate to the store proper. Early Access and unproven indie shit can go in the ghetto.
Basically, you need to divide major games (AAA titles, big publishers, established developers) from no-budget crap and early access until it's proven itself.
The game would be just as overlooked without indie games because even if it is actually good it does not know how to market itself at all and looks like some of the most generic shit on top of being licensed.
But Steam need to improve the ability for the cream of the crop to be noticed. It's a good thing for everybody when quality can stand out without needing a major publisher, marketing bux, shilling or shameless gimmicks.
Putting everyone, no matter what amount at effort, at an even level is punishing the best.
(Ironically, I'm a pretty much a socialist)
The Early Access experiment is over.
Shut it all down. Everyone out.
There's been four or five good EA games, at most. I'm probably being too generous.
End that shit right now.
I pretty much agree but that's not going to happen, and if they got rid of "early access", devs would just release unfinished games instead at this point.
The real problem is the Steam trading cards, emoticons, wallpapers and all that trash. You can still make good money with an MSPaint game if you add a way for people to earn their money back with these things on the Steam market.
Yeah, they need to pull back that shit but they won't. Steam has too much clutter and bullshit.
Then what would you recommend to fix it? Keep in mind it can't be opinion based, so saying "this game isn't good enough" won't work.
Will we look back on this era and see anything but the time when shit went wrong?
I'm not even being dramatic.
90s were good.
'00s were good.
I'd say that does work. It's what Greenlight is supposed to do and would do if people weren't bribed to vote in trash.
New platform with actual values.
No Jews allowed.
I'd suggest, but they're allowing in development games too.
It's all downhill when these Jewish fucks get their dirty, greasy fingers on a pile of money.
Gabe should be shot.
People don't need to be bribed.
50% of Steam users would deepthroat their favourite indie developer's cock every morning and night if they could.
Create a section of Steam called "up-and-coming" for stuff that is greenlit. Provide an option to hide all "up and coming" stuff, "up-and-coming" stuff does not appear on the front page by default. Create a white-list of major publishers and proven established developers. Games with good reviews or with effort behind them can graduate to Steam proper. Shit like Stardew Valley will start in "up-and-coming" but once it sells a few hundred thousand copies and gets 80+ on Metacritic, it's pretty obvious where it should go.
Oh, and then just remove all the trading card bullshit/wallpaper/emoticons entirely, and pull out a whole bunch of shit out of the Steam client itself (e.g. big box mode, streaming) into add-ons to improve the user experience.
But Valve CAN be opinion-based. Do you think Wal-Mart decides what to stock based on objective criteria? They just don't.
No. Games journalism is a joke. Leave Metacritic out of this. I'm mad about Steam reviews, let alone fucking Metacritic.
Game journalists don't know shit about good games.
There's games with 55 on Metacritic that are better than shit that gets 90.
I'm sure there's a few gems but honestly I just have my frontpage filter out all early access games at this point.
Don't see much they could do desu besides better sorting through user scores or something like that, but that would still need to prioritize games with a high amount of user reviews to get rid of abuse. Otherwise you can only really rely on word of mouth for this type of thing, or a system like the curators steam already has in place. Personally I don't have an issue finding hidden gems on steam since there are already so many places to get recommendations, including Sup Forums.
How do I filter out indie games and Early Access games? Is there any fucking way?
I'd pay $50 for that option. I love hunting Steam for old shit that's great, but the massive pile of steaming shit prevents me from doing so.
You're literally clicking next through 36 pages of indie garbage. Low tier pixelated dog shit.
Nobody said Sony was any better.
Whatever. There's a whole bunch of common-sense criteria that can be used to decide where games deserve to be.
The idea is to help small games with effort behind them not get crowded out by mounds of junk. That's good for users, good for steam and ultimately good for developers.
Or Valve hires a few people to decide what isn't utter shit and has some effort behind them. I mean, fuck, they could even hire some professional reviewers like Amazon does.
But Valve is cheap and lazy and don't want to spend money on anything that can't be automated.
mid-tier (Japan, east europe) > AAA > doujin > indie
Utter shit games are only a part of the problem, the bigger issue are the countless functional but completely unremarkable generic games
Hire some editors (or partner with a magazine) and create an "editor's choice" like iOS to promote shit that might otherwise be overlooked. Boom. Stop relying on "the community" when you're a billion dollar business.
It gets boring after 5 minutes
kys, shitter.
Prove yourself right first. What makes it better than the countless great, deep and challenging japanese indie shmups? Or even other twin stick like Nuclear Throne?
Game he doesn't like.
You get to knife women and cops.
You get to flamethrower a crowd of people at a political rally.
The developers hate SJWs and shitskins.
So nothing to do with the gameplay. Might as well go praise games for diversity you fag
Knifing women and cops is gameplay.
Burning a crowd of people alive is gameplay.
Stop being a fag. Hatred is the most metal game of all time.
Enjoy your chink games, weeb shitter.
Agreed brah, that's why I bought a PLAYSTATION 4 PRO for only 399.99 + taxes. Now I can enjoy games such as Uncharted 4: A thief's End and Knack! It's sooo much better to play games at 4k* with Sony's patented checkerboard rendering, and not spend 2000 dollars on a machine full of viruses and drivers.
Are you retarded?
>It's got completely buried because it's hard to stand out from all the junk.
just like every game without a marketing team ever.
Knifing and burning is gameplay that you can get in every other game with guns and if you actually believe that the target of that knifing or burning makes it remarkable or good then you're as cancerous to video games as the average kotaku shitter complaining about a lack of diversity
Go to bed.
>wading through a garbage dump
That's why I don't play Fallout 3 and up
Indie games are the last hope for the industry, professional developers have been tainted by watering down the medium with "cinematic experiences" instead of good gameplay.
Violent games are fun.
Enjoy your Japanese games, fag.
They literally said on Steam Dev days that if it was like before, when they decided what would enter Steam, Stardew Valley wouldn't make it in.
Come on, use your meme power and say that Stardew Valley is a bad game, prove me right that this shitty board is just a meme contrarian tranny piece of crap.
good joke
>b-but it's fun!
Nice proof you've got there lol
So? They don't have to remove shit, just put it in a section to make it a bit harder to find and give more promotion to shit they do like. Some of the cream will rise from the section of shit.
Stardew Valley IS a bad game.
Only autist retards like it. It literally looks like a game developed for five year olds.
Goddamn, man. I'm not even trolling you.
>he never played Cave Story
Tell everyone why Stardew valley failed to achieve what it set out to do please.
>Salt and Sanctuary sucks
Play a good indie before whining.
Get better taste.
It's not about that. I don't give a fuck what it set out to do. It's got a visual style that makes me gag, and it's a fucking farm/relationship simulator.
Literally kill yourself if you like that shit. I bet you play Animal Crossing, too.
afk time? Duh. Idiots do that for meme reviews all the time.
>comprehending furweebs
The better question is Why?
>Game doesn't appeal to your specific taste.
>You don't like it.
But that actually happens, popular stuff gets feature and games with bad reviews don't. You can't manage a store on subjective opinions, god forbid those 5 minutes it takes to google a game you're interested in
Thanks for proving my point. It's literally impossible to have actual discussion on this shit board nowadays as EVERYTHING has to be meme'd to death and as contrarian as humanly possible.
>You can't manage a store on subjective opinions
Why not? Literally every physical store does.
PHYSICAL stores. And they do that because they need to. With digital stores it doesn't make as much sense. Same shit with pre-ordering digital games.
Most online stores do too. Not everywhere is eBay and Amazon
Just let us sort shit.
At least give us a fucking AAA tag.
They're too retarded to even do that.
I'm gonna kill Gabe if I see his fat ass. Not by choice. I don't want to go to jail. I'd immediatley black the fuck out, though.
Fuck Steam.
They still sell physical stuff. For a digital only store it makes no sense.
Stardew Valley is mediocre at best. It's pretty pathetic how you try to puff it up like some unquestionable masterpiece that no one could possibly have a different opinion on and go HURRR CONTRARIANS REEEE when someone predictably disagrees with you.
Didn't the last store update let you filter certain tags?
Yeah yeah continue user, videogames huh they're so shit.
Are you fucking retarded? AAA tag is the least important thing steam could add because they're fucking marketed everywhere. Seperating smaller games by budgets might actually be useful on the other hand
more like peacock
Good job demonstrating that you are utterly incapable of having a conversation you fucking child
That guy wasn't even me. You're fucking delusional.
Not him but your opinion's pretty trash all it boils down to is "this style of game doesn't appeal to me". What do you call every game the appeal of which you don't understand shit?