No Man's Sky dev is moving over to Star Citizen

No Man's Sky dev is moving over to Star Citizen.

Looks like we have another blunder on our hands folks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Whoops forgot source

Unlike NMS, this won't ever get released since it will actually try to live up to its promises.

It will be another disaster like No Man's Sky.

I would ask for a refund if I donated to the kickstarter.

designer ≠ developer

Sauce or I give you the punchies.

Seems fitting.

At least Star Citizen will have improved multiplayer experience

It's Star vs the Forces of Evil.

>From one scam to another scam
How interesting. Sure shows how rotten these people are.


Are you some kinda wizard? The fuck is this shit?

>Star Citizen's multiplayer.
>Ever working as intended.



where is barneyfag

>you paid full price for No Man's Sky

>dad gets himself a PS4 after all this time
>says he's really interested in No Man's Sky
>talk him out of it and tell him to go for the sure things I know he'll like

Saved my dad two hours of disappointment and a trip back to Gamestop, I feel like I did some sorta good deed.

>mfw I didn't buy One Man's Scam

which character?

He's credited as Jew Wizard. Why are you so interested?

Harassing Sup Forums last time I saw him.

I don't know about you, but I'll be enjoying the chaos that will erupt when Star Citizen is a disappointment.

That's because it will have one.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

You missed one.

This is in fact the same person.

Could someone explain the Barney meme to me? Is it just because MLP came on after Barney, and since the bronie retards are stupid enough to watch MLP everyone assumes they're stupid enough to watch Barney?

You don't have the source for and posted as an excuse to start shitting up the thread. You have become drunk with power.

OP image is from Star vs The Forces of Evil. Barneyfag only watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and it's Humanized Spinoff Equestria Girls.

>It’s confirmed by Sup Forums staff that "Barneyfag" is usually the one who posts MLP content outside of /mlp/ so he can be a bitch about it. It is also confirmed that Barneyfag is a hypocrite and is actually the biggest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan of all, being able to

> Recognize every character(including their humanized counterparts)
> Able to cite all character names and quirks
> Knows the name of every episode/special/movie to date
> Can recognize any scene and meme from the show and cite the episode they came from
> Can directly quote characters
> Knows all of the voice cast and writers
> Is able to recognize every single piece of MLP fan art and porn.

>Barneyfag is the biggest pony fan of all time. I think thou doth protest too much!

Barney also faps MLP porn.

Even better than that, he gives sauce for ANY pony porn posted.

He's also mentally ill.

holy shit is barneyfag the next chris-chan?

That's because he is the one posting the pony porn. Mods all ready confirmed he posts this stuff himself. They can't seem to ban him for good.

Just so you know, Barneyfag is part of a guild of dedicated shitposters. Here in England, they usually show up around midnight, I'm not sure what time that is in the USA. Whenever you see barneyfag, check the catalogue and take note of the sudden explosion of shit threads.

The other topics they use are Fat Fetish posting, Trump/Hillary threads and recently those Pedophile/CP threads.

Shitpost guilds are not a new thing, though.

As soon as any anons at his college ID him he will be.


Don't forget he's a pupper abuser too. )^:

He used to do gore floods when he was first starting out. I assume those stopped only because mods reacted too quickly to them.

To explain this one, I need to let you know that I kinda knew this beforehand but what I did was if it was posted here, I'd go into an archive that had the thread.
Then near the picture I'd grab the image's filehash from copying the link, which in this case is OT23Pt4k9KiWiGk20B7ptw/
Then I'd cross-reference it by searching that filehash up in /mlp/.

From there, I was able to find an instance of it being posted on /mlp/
And someone posting sauce.

Simple as that.

>and recently those Pedophile/CP threads
they have been around forever

You're not fooling us Hyper Autist, you fap to Pony porn and we caught you.

Fuck off contrarian, I'm on Sup Forums every day. Seriously fuck off you bitch ass piece of faggot cunt shit.


That was a blatant photoshop and you know it.

Clearly, if I needed to explain myself the way I did, that wouldn't be the case.

>I'm on Sup Forums every day
starting last week?

>another boring pointless "exploration" game
don't care.

If you want to see beautiful scenery and travel, take up hiking.

Is THIS a blatant photoshop?

Holy shit this is almost as bad as the UTV dude

You can't ban these people. They are decided to destroy Sup Forums at all costs.
And honestly, i don't blame them. This website is utter shit and absorbs tall the traffic of the rest of the websites.

You're not fooling anyone shit poster.

>That's because he is the one posting the pony porn. Mods all ready confirmed he posts this stuff himself.

I dunno, I'm a bit sceptical. That could just be someone some shit poster has decided to target for some personal reason. Thing is, as bad as Barneyfag is, he's not the only genuine piece of Human shit who frequents this website. When in the city of liars(Sup Forums), trust no one.

Predictable. You are a slave, I am your master.

The one fault I find in their plan is why bother?
Yeah, this place is shit, but it's a shitty place that a lot of people frequent, but it's no better than any other shitty place those same people would frequent in its absence.
Sup Forums is innocuous, no matter how much the news might call it otherwise.

True, but that's a hell of a coincidence that he's got those doom and band shirts that bfag likes. ^:)

>cuckchan shitter
as if this thread wasn't bad enough...

BarneyFag is actually a /mlp/ watcher.

Pic Related is him.

Nigga does look like wimp lo from Kung Pow. Don't have the movie to stream it senpai, sorry

Star Citizen is never going to get released anyway.

5 years ago. I've changed though.

No you didnt, you havent proven that to anyone here at all ever. You dont get to decide youve changed at this point.

Now fuck off Goldson.

You keep saying it's fake but the evidence points it to be true.

I've found Barneyfag's full name and some interesting data. Hang on Sup Forums, this will be a lengthy read.

Full Name: Lee Goldson
Known Aliases: Barneyfag / Revved / x86x / x86x2
Possible Relative (brother?): Lucas Goldson (facebookcom/lucas.goldson.1)
University: McMaster University (
University Email: [email protected] (

I knew that all ready. He also posts on Derpybooru which is where he goes to get his pictures to post on Sup Forums.

Ok, if it satisfies you, then I was joking about fucking dogs this whole time.
I made that bullshit up to stir your shit and you actually fell for it. Fucking gullible retards.

Hey do you know some half-jap girl named Raine, Barneyfag?

Say, Barneyfag, have you ever stopped and just thought about what you're doing?
Have you ever considered that all this bickering is doing absolutely nothing?
All that you accomplish by doing it is getting more people to post this kind of stuff, mainly just to annoy you. In fact, I'm sure there's at least one or two people who actually started watching MLP just to spite you.
Seriously, give it up.
Just move on already. Try and do SOMETHING with your life instead of this.
And if you don't believe me about the "all that you accomplish by doing it is getting more people to post this kind of stuff, mainly just to annoy you" part, try just not responding for, like, a week or something. I can guarantee you that there will be a significant drop in horsefucker posting. Although, if it doesn't, then I guess that just kinda proves that you being here affects nothing.

TL;DR Just give it up, at least for a week or so to see if the MLP posting dies down without you fueling their flames.

random wizard from last episode

>Multiple archived threads of you vigorously defending against dog fucking accusation
>"It was a joke I swear!"

>I made a fake post years ago to make an user look retarded today in 2016

Holy fuck you did fuck a dog.

Well, it's hard to know what you ACTUALLY believe.

as someone who has watched every single episode at least 2 times, I wouldn't have recognized the chicken.

I really wonder how they gather that kind of information just from Sup Forums posts, unless they find manage to find his kind of activity elsewhere that's easier to bruteforce and associate.

I think the key point is the google drive document he posted

Pretty much. The name plus his university's name was enough to get a clear result.

how do you kill that has no life?

Oh, I didn't know BF posted something like that.

From the post above:

Also this.
Barneyfag reported this post because of doxxing on Kiwifarms. One of the moderators decided to expose this instead.

The fact that he reported it means that he actually goes to McMaster University, and the document's mail belongs to a McMaster email domain. This in turn confirms his name is Lee Goldson.

Guess we found our new chris-chan, or should I say barneylee? Can't very well just call him lee-chan could we?

>Pic is literally a barney pony
This dude is literally autistic

I still dont get how MLP is related to barney

The kiwifarms mods forced that avatar on him

They forced him to wear that avatar. He can't change it.

And there's nothing that links MLP and Barney outside of Lee's delusions.

Barney and MLP are the same rating though.
But everyone of us faggots that watch the fucking show know that anyways and we accept it. He somehow thinks that saying omg you watch a show for 5 year olds, same as barney is something we didn't knew before even watching this show.
I just watch to avoid reality.

Something will come out of it.


I know you are here.

You are now archived Lee Goldson, and the mods here wont even protect you since they fucking hate you, no one cares if you got doxxed.

This is what it led to, you are now doxxed, and a new Lolcow.

This is what came out of it.

>bronies try to troll barneyfag
>end up even angrier

Lee Goldson that is not the case.

Everyone is laughing at you.

Lolcow and Kiwifarms are also schemeing against you.

I remember telling him a year ago that he would make a great lolcow someday. He didn't believe me, though.

I hope an intervention will fix at least some of his problems.

Hey man, no need to defend yourself. Dogs are hot

it's a doggy dog world, after all

>those colors
I don't like where this thread is going.

All this time we thought his parents didn't know about the shitposting he did here. I remember him mentioning that he'd shown this letter to his father whose only reply was a curt suggestion to shorten the letter.

No wonder he doesn't get on with his father.

Me neither. Someone get a mod to fucking trash this thing before it gets serious.

Barneyfag is a legend

Makes you think, huh?

This right here.


You're pretty late buddy.

He's a legend in his own mind