>Who does Skyrim belong do?
How do you respond?
>Who does Skyrim belong do?
How do you respond?
The Nords who support the Empire. Stormcucks GTFO.
*teleports behind you*
FUS ROH DA!!!!!!!!
de nords :--D
The Falmer
Unfortunately, I am the high king of skyrim
It's been 5 years, which faction favored strong nationalism, free economy and freedom of expression again? Because I'll vote for that one
The brotherhood.
i dunno my character keeps randomly dying because of a shitty bug, thanks bethesda
So not the Stormcloaks?
>Strong nationalism
*Complete loyalty to Ulfric
>free economy
They'll be poor within the year
> freedom of expression
Don't stand with them and you're labeled a traitor.
>Install SE with a bunch of mods (only ever played old skyrim vanilla)
>Notice there's a skill tree for Unarmed and Voice in that one mod
>Make buff old man Dragon Monk who punches things apart
>get first shout
>character says "fus" like a 15 year old bitchboy
it's so unfitting.
guess I'll look if there's any player voice replacement mods.
Sounds like the democrats
Friendly reminder that the best path is siding with the Imperials, joining the brotherhood and killing the weak emperor to replace him, and killing every Thalmor patrol you come across.
Both of them, only one was autistic and being manipulated by the elves in order to divide and weaken humanity.
If you cannot stop sperging out over your religion for a few years and focus on preparing for war for a bit and biding your time, then you do not deserve rights, and it will be your fault when a fractured empire and is destroyed by the piss skins.
The Dwemer and Falmer.
No one can stop the Falmer and the Dwemer will come back one day to fuck shit up, at least that's what I want to happen ;-;
Wasn't that Emperor supposed to be some kind of badass that broke through the Thalmor ranks at the last minute to retake the capital, or was that his dad?
>Skyrim belongs to me
>blow him the fuck out
That said, why was there no option to seize the throne for myself instead of giving it to the imperial or the asshat?
The Dragonborn, by divine right.
The land LITERALLY bends to their will.
That was him, but he also gave up a huge chunk of Hammerfell and abandoned it when the Redguards started their own war against the elves. Hammerfell ended up winning their war and pushing the elves out of their region, so the emperor threw away a province.
The atmorans have more of a claim to Skyrim than either of those groups.
After the atmora, it's the Dragonborn, then the Forsworn, then the Nords, then the Falmer and Dwemer.
>why was (skyrim a bad game)
lots of reason
>tfw no option to make Ulfric and Tullius meet up and make a truce, but still looking like they're at war
>While the empire and Skyrim are "at war" they're actually building up forces while only fighting small skirmishes until they are strong enough to kick the Thalmor's asses together
It'd be the best outcome I think, since The Empire itself isn't strong enough to win alone yet and beating up on Skyrim just weakens both of them (which is what the Thalmor want), using the faggot elves war they made against them.
You could get Ulfric to go along with it by saying Skyrim would be given a lot more independence in the empire after the war was over like Black Marsh and letting him become High King.
>why was there no option to seize the throne for myself
Todd and playtesters.
Maybe the land beneath Skyrim.
They're cucks who deserve what happened to them.
>no option to have end the way by having Ulfric marry Elisif
>Elisif stays queen, but Ulfric's son becomes High King when she dies
Didn't they "abandon" it since they signed a truce, but all the Imperial soldiers there conveniently defected by and continued fighting alongside the Redguards anyway?
>The Empire itself isn't strong enough to win alone
They actually are. The Thalmor army is pathetic when it comes to numbers.
They abuse their subject nations as a crutch which isn't sustainable because all elves breed slowly, even shitniggers like Khajiit and Bosmer.
There other crutch is magickal superiority, which doesn't matter when you have access to The Voice which canonically trumps all forms of magic.
It belongs to the Dragons, you faggots came in and stole that land from them.
Shame on you.
Hammerfell left the empire because it gave its land to the Thalmor. They pulled out completely and Hammerfell stopped being an imperial province so they could continue their war, since the Empire was too afraid to keep fighting.
I don't know if it will be ever released for SE but you can use Skyvoice to literally shout the thuums, is awesome as fuck, so as lo g as you don't have a weenie baby voice, you're good to go
Skyrim belongs to everyone.
t. Ryan
>Dark Brotherhood kills the Emperor
>nobody knows it was the Dragonborn who killed him
>Dragonborn uses the fact that he's a Dragonborn like Talos to claim the throne
>smashes the Thalmor forces and reintegrates all the lost land back into the Empire
>this will never be canon
The falmer. Nords just stole it from them.
Of course it won't, you can't have the greatest Emperor of all time have an unspecified race and gender with practically nothing known about them.
NO says the man in Windhelm it belongs to the nords
NO says the elf in Summerset, it belongs to the Empire
NO says the disfigured snow person in the underground, it belongs to the Snowelves
Aren't the Atmorans all dead now? IIRC it was getting too cold to inhabit anymore and Talos was on one of last boats from there and half the people on board were dead when they arrived.
>mfw the DNC imploded simply because they lost to an orange man
Like, chill out
>called part of the continent but actually a completely separate island
>thinks they are better than everyone else
>constantly subverting all competitors through proxy conflicts and subterfuge
Perfidious Elves = Perfidious Albion