games nobody but you played
Games nobody but you played
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nigger this game was popular as fuck pre 2010
reported for underage
ya for real m8? two thousand something hours on my necromancer alone
Nigger you don't even know.
I feel you OP, I have another underrated gem here.
Uh I'm pretty sure this is among the highest selling online RPGs ever
Nah senpai I played the shit out of that and Pirate's Moon. Had a group of bros I played online with too.
is this worth playing solo? Can I pirate/play on a private server to try it out first?
fuck you stupid niggers i tried to make a guild wars thread 2 hours ago and got 0 replies
this was my last resort
You can pick up the entire chest for like $20. Prophecies and Factions are great, EoTN kinda week imo.
I played the fuck out of that game. Was the best Monk in Arena easily. I ran a CoP build at all times, through every annoying bullshit meta, even bunny thumpers although I had the most trouble with those faggots. If they focused me then my team raped them while I survived. If they didnt focus me I could heal them just fine. Heals werent potent at all. Most of the time I would just barely keep myself/my team alive but rarely did anyone ever die. I was a fucking God. Even ran that shit in GvG.
Also I did 55 ecto runs in UW and was known for being awesome at it. One time I took this SS necro who ended up being a qt girl from New Zealand and she got dressed for school on cam for me.
Good times.
>implying i still don't have my pre-searing character active
i just got paid being a gate monkey, OP
It was the perfect game in all aspects of delivering.
I still play it and it's sad to see only Kamadan is populated in terms of cities. It's a shitty fucking place.
I wonder if it'd be worth reinstalling and logging in to see what my presearing pet farm account has.
What's the point in getting paid for being a gate monkey when the pre-searing economy is worthless?
It's like bragging you have the most monopoly dollars
I still play
going for LDoA title!
I don't want to go back and play it because the memories I have in my head of it are magical and I don't want them to be spoiled by the dated graphics and dead areas. In my head the graphics are heavily modded Skyrim tier and they are beautiful memories that almost bring me to tears. I wish I could go back.
because someone offered and it made me smile that people still do that after all this time.
yo what is this? beer runs in presearing or something?
I just got home from work not long ago, sorry man. I'm always down for a GW1 thread.
give me this bot
I want gold
Do it, bro. I found i got some good ones from opening gifts
CoP is an ability with a very high skill cap so not surprising that you did well with it. I may have came across you in Arena a few times.
It farms the mobs outside Fobiles Fair for the lvl10+ VG quests.
It's supposed to get you to 20 really fast.
>GW2 never had nicholas sanford/yakkington dailies
Anyone else play Ritualist when Spirits had insane cast times? I miss those days. The change to 3/4 second cast time on spirits has turned it into a spam machine.
Before it was methodical and you had to plan ahead.
God I miss GW1.
Prophecies was a fantastic game. I'd even say it was a perfect game for its time.
The expansions unfortunately were all complete ass though.
respectfully disagree, senpai
Enjoyed the hell out of all of them.
Are there any games where a bunch of talentless hacks and trannies stole the IP and made a sequel which is barely related to the first game?
Years gone by, brother.
Factions was purdy gud but I really felt like they slumped through Eye of the North, all those pve only skills and forms were totes gay.
>tfw you will never save Ascalon from the Searing
I still think 3 and its Pirates Moon with the introduction of Elementals is the best of the bunch. It was the only one where I felt the size of the machine, where I felt like I was piloting a big stompy robot. Tech for the prior games was too primitive to pull it off fully, and Mech Warrior 4 and all its expansions only made me feel like I was playing with tiny plastic toys with TERRIBLE cockpit modes forcing you into third person which only increased how much the mechs in those felt like fucking plastic toys.
>not vying for supremacy with your guild
>your guild wasnt filled with rl bros
>you didn't give 2 Asians free copies on the grounds they join your guild
You missed out user.
Aw come on user, Nightfall was perfect.
Eye made me lose interest.
>you will never EVER sit in kamadan tinkering with your team build before going out for a vanquish
just fucking kill me
take me back
>Get game when I was a retarded 14 year old stoner
>Play in pre-searing for literally months having a blast going over the wall and hanging out in town with all the ele sluts (who were probably dudes but w/e)
>Think that pre-searing is literally the whole game and think its awesome because I never looked at any resource sites or anything
>One day I'm in some random dudes group who I went over the wall with
>He starts the post-searing quest and I accepted because I had no idea what it was
>Get to post-searing Ascalon
>Just stand there for an hour with some of the weirdest feels I've ever felt
>mfw I opened up the map
>mfw I began the quest line
>mfw I realized how big the game actually is
The three standalone games were GOAT, but I agree that Eye of the North was when you saw a drastic decline in quality.
Funnily enough, Eye of the North was when this fat fuck and her ilk started to infiltrate the company. It can't be a coincidence.
eye of the north was a GW2 prototype pretty much.
Don't mind me. Just being the biggest Mary Sue ever created in a games and ruining everything for years.
Exactly. I especially didn't like how they turned the charr into the biggest dindus of all time.
>"Raaaarr ascalon am charr land first"
>Destroy Orr. nearly destroy Kryta and completely lay waste to an entire country
>200 years later
>"Charr dindu nuffin they good boys wez all friendz now"
Don't remind me, user. They had the gall to call that stupid bitch "Guild War's most iconic villain."
I fucking hate that Asura character who fawns over Scarlet too.
Man, GW2 had such potential at first.
I remember in the beta finding some underwater event with a bunch of mobs and people around, then suddenly this giant ass shark pops in and slapping shit.
Fast forward two months and it fully showed to be boring shit with nothing to do after hitting 80 if you didn't like mass lag fests.
I'm glad I quit gw2 before the real shit fest of lore/storyline started to happen. Glad I have no idea who this mary sue is.
GW2 was the biggest disappointment of my life easily. I was so fucking excited for that game. I was jizzing my pants about it years before it released. And it turned out to be wet ass.
I would have been fine with just Prophecies with a graphical update on par with GW2.
To be fair they are recovering from Scarlet's bullshit a bit with Living World Season 3 so far. It's been pretty good. I also think it's because Angel McCoy is no longer leading the story.
That's what everyone wanted. even led us to believe it was basically Guild Wars with a Z-Axis and a more open world... then we got that.
>2 is so different
>but i still put 1500 hours into it, mostly world vs world
WvW is fun, havent played in a year though
In hindsight, the prohpecies campaign was pretty bad
it was so bad 90% of the playerbase payed a person to ferry you to droks so you could skip it
ANET learned their lesson with Factions, and then they went and repeated the same mistake with nightfall
EOTN was decent
Pre-searing was incredibly comfy.
>tfw cant play GW2 because I played it with ex-GF and it brings back meomories
Shit on my dreams.
the sponginess of the enemy HP killed it for me. In original Guild Wars enemies were nearly invulnerable if you were doing it wrong, and their faces melted if you were doing it right. There was very clear feedback of "i'm RPGing correctly in this fight," rather than GW2's "Let's wait 10 minutes to see if we're doing enough damage," bullshit. That and the bullshitting they gave us about weapon skills being enough to make up for no multiclassing.
>tutorial island takes forever to get off of and you can't leave until you finish it
Fuuuuck Istan almost killed my motivation but the rest of the campaign was pretty good.
That was my biggest problem with Nightfall too
It took AGES to get off Istan. There were some cool areas, like Vaabi, but shit....nightfall campaign suuucked.
Seriously. Get around like level 60 and stuff just started feeling bleh. I remember the Orr or whatever shit being a giant ass kicking of a location (which they later nerfed), but it also showed a lot of the issues the game had with locations being stupidly hard to get to or flat out impossible without certain events, areas just having nothing in them, and the story was just bad.
Living World was bullshit from the beginning in concept. Better writing won't change that.
When you have to continually play a game to experience content and if you can't play you either miss it or have to spend money, that's bullshit.
That too. Dungeons were such a disappointment. You could hardly take a hit and a lot of skills didn't feel like they had an impact.
It's like they took two steps forward and ten back when trying to make GW2.
i did that island so many times, god damn
GW2 would have been fine with the Trinity (Tank, Healer, Damage) and Dungeons designed to accommodate it.
Prove me wrong. You can't. As much as you hate the Trinity it is what works. GW2 is a clear example of what happens when you try to design meaningful PvE content without it. What we got was basically every dungeon was a gymnastics session. Rollrollrollrollrollrollrollroll rollrollrollrollrollroll.
It was hectic and tedious. And totally killed the enjoyment of each dungeon.
did anyone ever buy that thing that let you made one of your characters a Hero?
seems kinda cool
It should be more of a quadrilateral rather than a triangle with a support role, or even make it a pentagon with crowd control if you want to distinguish it from support.
>still waiting for another game to capture the deliciousness of gw1 mesmers
GW2 was designed by SJWs and their marxist philosohpies even affected the very foundation of the game
>oy vey? traditional class roles? can't have that....
>no healers allowed
>no tanks allowed
>now EVERYONE can heal!
>now EVERYONE can tank!
by removing all choice they basically forced everyone to play a shitty version of DPS with a self heal
GW1 had a perfect trinity, but even that wouldn't have solved the issue with class mechanics.
Tying skills to weapons, making elite skills useless rather than cool core build stuff, in addition to not having them obtainable via content was a problem.
The trait system was completely pointless and dumb, actual illusion of customization due to how bad so many weapons and skill types were on each class.
>It's like they took two steps forward and ten back when trying to make GW2.
In Guild Wars 1 they created a functioning and fun tabletop RPG and created a video game to serve as it's vessel. Guild Wars 2 started with video game action and had RPG mechanics added on to service the input/videogame systems already in place.
You could do that in the first game too. The difference is it wasn't implemented as elegantly and turned everyone into DPS.
they didnt go hard enough on their own philosophy, which was support, damage, and control
except every boss in the game is immune to control, oops.
also what ended up happening is only classes that are self sufficient get picked, instead of support actually mattering,
The first game still had classes with defined roles
It's like an anthill to a mountain, GW2 took it too far
W/Mo starter pack
There's some more fundamental problems with GW2 which go deeper than just the trinity.
With no mana management or any kind of energy problems, healing is either too strong or too weak. When it gets too strong, you end up with the sustain meta of Season 1 PvP this year. When it's too weak, there's no point in even bothering with it.
Cooldowns being the only resource in GW2 you have to manage was one of the biggest mistakes they made.
It did, but the design allowed classes to function competently in other roles, hence wacky shit like ninja/ritualist/ranger/mesmer/elementalist/monk tanks, healing necromancers, dps tanks etc. They somehow managed to make a sequel that simultaneously specialized class functionality and turned them all into the same thing.
All one needs, baby
It's sad. GW1 was such gold and the only reason it wasn't big was because of WoW being in its prime at the time.
I think part of the issue with GW2 was them not wanting to be compared to WoW for some reason.
See, no class could do it all that greatly. At least, not while being able to synergize with a team comp.
>skills from three different classes
Sick W/Mo/Ne broski
Blood necro was the coolest shit.
That being gone along with how they butchered minion master in GW2 was incredibly sad.
How easy is it to play through the PVE with bots? I only ever beat Prophecies, and I think it would be a shame if I left the other campaigns unfinished before the game is killed off.
They're pretty competent, though as I recall there are a few missions where you'll need to micro them a bit and use suitable builds due to splitting requirements.
If you get heroes, the whole game becomes a lot easier.
3 Hero Spiritway is pretty easy to get set up and can run you through almost all the content.
Normalmode is usually easy and you can just leave them on auto.
Hardmode requires micro management
anyone wanna make a discord and play thru togehter again? : 3
I enjoyed the ERP in that game. Being forced to write short sentences was quite the meme.
Shame PSX2 doesn't have online. Would love to play this and Muscle Grand Prix with folks.
>play Tainted Warder in AB
>kill friends and foe alike
>mfw when my first character in GW2 was a Mesmer and I realized what they did to the class
You can do all the content in the game with heroes except for maybe deep(you need 5 people to open a gate or some shit).