Did frame rates matter during the PS2,GameCube wii/PS3 era?

I think 90% of the games ran at 30 didn't they?

People were aware but they really didn't care.

I mean considering 30fps was console standard since the SNES, thats like a really long time for not caring.

Did people perhaps just not care?

60 FPS was the standard back then.

are you 12

Most games ran at a stable framerate, and those that didn't usually only stuttered at times like when a strike made contact or when lots of explosions happened which gave an illusion of impact, so no one really cared about the when's and what's of such things around that time. The generation after was when fluctuating messes of framerate became more common and how well a game ran was actually something you regularly had to ask about and look into, when prior the worst you got in a notable game was usually something like Ocarina of Time's stable 20fps.

2D consoles ran at 60, idiot

>Most games ran at a stable framerate

That's entirely wrong though. Star Fox, OOT, SOTC and hundreds of other games would saw drops to like 19 fps often.

There's never been a standard. Even classic games like Double Dragon in the arcades ran in slow motion most of the time and SNES/Genesis games could have plenty of slowdown (especially SNES due to its lower clockspeed). When 3D came around nothing ran past 30 except very expensive arcade hardware.

Gcube had plenty of 60 FPS titles like tales of Symphonia, something which even the recent pc version doesn't do reeeeee

Nobody fucking cared at the time though. A small group of pc masterrace autists got that ball rolling sometime during the 7th gen.

No it wasn't.

That was because of that youtuber for going all pc master race for the insuffurable pcfags. pcfags latched onto it though.

All multiplats ran better on the Xbox.

On PS2:

R&C, GoW, DMC, Jak, Sly, Onimusha, Timesplitters, Ace Combat and Tales series, MGS2, Star Ocean, ZOE, Dark Cloud, almost every racing and fighting game, good chunk of sports games, a lot of jrpgs

60 fps seemed to be the norm on that system.

frame rates still don't matter. If gameplay is designed for 30fps, the only time it matters is when it drops below 30

Its always been very variable, even NES games had crazy lag at times, its just that nobody really cared as long as it was playable, but with the rise of steam PC users push their supposed importance to retarded levels

Considering how fucking massive the PS2 library is this doesn't mean much

It's a problem for certain games. A fast paced action game running at 30 for example is unacceptable.

>A fast paced action game running at 30 for example is unacceptable
Such as...

DMC1 was 30fps

I remember gaming magazines making a big deal about how Cod4 was 60fps on consoles back around it's release time.

Also alot of 2d games ran at 60

a lot of dreamcast games were 60fps

You mentioned a few dozen games on a system with over 9000 games.

The real reason is back then PC was being shit on so there was nothing to compare to. Once PC got competitive releases again shit became real obvious real fast.