Persona 5

Where were you when dual audio won?

Other urls found in this thread:!/en-us/games/avatars/persona-5-ryuji-sakamoto-special-theme-avatar-set/cid=UP2611-CUSA05877_00-THEMEBUNDLE00002

Watching the livestream and grinning like a motherfucker.

I was too busy getting their free avatar and theme.!/en-us/games/avatars/persona-5-ryuji-sakamoto-special-theme-avatar-set/cid=UP2611-CUSA05877_00-THEMEBUNDLE00002

>Not for Europe
I already have it from the Japanese store at least.

I wonder if the delay has anything to do with the VA strike, and if the VA Strike is why they're going with Dual Audio?

I really wouldn't be surprised if they threw in the Dual Audio option just because the default English audio is done by niggas they just grabbed off the street.

>Delayed from Valentine's Day until April

Available for one fucking day.

No Haru, no care.

Cool, haven't seen this yet.

They didn't like the english VA so had to redo. Didn't you watch Girlish Number?

>Didn't you watch Girlish Number?
I don't trust anything the marketing says before the release of a game.

What's this about them not liking the English dub?

it was so shitty that they decided to just give us japanese voices instead and make the dub team redo the entire dub.

Nah, it had nothing to with VA strike

Need a source on that

>delay for another 2 months just for chink voices
fuck you faggots

It was delayed because the localization and dub are shit and rushed, not because of Japanese audio. It's the dubfags' fault we have to wait.


Did they actually confirm that the dub is the reason we have to wait?

Not on ps3? The fuck man?


fucking shit I have no reason to buy a ps4 anymore

If this beauty can run on ps3 why couldn't a worse looking game like Dsigaea 5 be on ps3 as well?

This game was originally going to be PS3 exclusive.

They didn't confirm anything. They just said it's getting delayed and there's going to be jap audio.

Download it through the Internet browser store and then change it. You'll get the avatar at least.

Wow. So, I wonder what they're changing in particular? Who fucked up?

My autism detector exploded

cause Cell is shit and cause NIS is bad at optimization of their games. And cause shit ton of HD sprites are more taxing on hardware than you'd think.
>worse looking game
>insulting Harada's art
fuck you

I don't know how you missed the fact it's on PS3 since it was originally PS3 exclusive.

Also it's because NIS is complete garbage at optimization and they don't even try to improve because people will buy Disgaea anyway. There's no reason D5 shouldn't have been able to run on PS3 and no reason D4 should have had slowdowns on Vita.

>dual audio

But seriously, they could just translate the text and give proper subtitles and I'd be happy. I don't need the fucking english VAs. Most english VAs for these games are shit, and while there ARE good english VAs out there, because there are so few good ones you hear the same people over and over and over and over and that fucking ruins it. I stop hearing the characters and just hear the fucking actor.

More like they delayed it because of "quality" of the localization

Don't really care. I won't use the english VAs. Full on Japanese. Fuck off with shitty english dubs of foreign games already, and I don't just mean japanese/korean/chinese ones at this point. They've been fucking up english dubs of foreign flicks far beyond the east for YEARS.

>no reason D4 should have had slowdowns on Vita.
those really killed quite a bit of enjoyment of item world runs.

>Atlusfags will defend another delay because MUH DUAL AUDIO

Just wait until they delay it again.

>But seriously, they could just translate the text and give proper subtitles and I'd be happy.
American companies are literally unable to do that and you know it.

Look how Troy Baker raised up. All thanks to those shity VAs works.

Actually he is kinda good and deserve it

Some lines are probably unvoiced at first so they had to record the dub again

The game is being delayed because of dubshit.

The script has already been translated into English so the subs are done and the jap voices are also done.

They're delaying it to censor the homos on the beach.

Atlas japan told the localization team to redo the english voicelines since they beleive they did a terrible job with most of it.

>mad dubfag

Thanks for the heads up. Just downloaded it now. It's pretty sweet.

I don't think Atlus Japan pays attention to the localizations at all.

No, that Jap isn't from Atlus Japan, he's from Atlus USA.

As someone who generally leans towards dubs but has no problem whatsoever with subs, I couldn't be any fucking happier about this. If they can fix up the dub then that's great, if they don't then I can just switch over to Japanese without having to go through all the hassle of downloading an undub. Hell I might just play in Japanese anyway for muh immersion.

It's about time Atlus joined the modern age.

I didn't say they were able, or anything like that, I was just saying what'd make me happy. And it requires surprisingly little to make me happy, apparently. I don't need money be spent on new VAs, I don't require script rewrites and changes to character models, textures and other things that cost the studio ever more money, especially the VAs.

The text translation and subtitles is I really need, and they do those anyways. It's not even the most expensive thing on that list.

I always thought the teams that spent extra money on new VAs, sweeping changes to dialogue/writing, quests, textures and models were insane. That shit costs money. What company in their right mind wants to spend MORE money? Spend less, just do the text and subtitles and money more money from your effort.


> dub was so bad JP atlus just handed over the jp dub
Americucks continue to impress lmao

haha fuck dubfags worst kind of weebs

>No Anne theme

It's probably very questionable. Only one of the English cast members appeal to me and that's Matt Mercer who is basically just Troy Baker because they sound identical.

I have the Japanese version and I definitely won't go back for sure. The Japanese cast is very high quality.

Wouldn't surprise me after they left various untranslated text in Final.

Hol up, PS3 version is coming to America?

woah now i'm getting this.

>I have the Japanese version and I definitely won't go back for sure. The Japanese cast is very high quality.
we got motherfucking CHAR AZNABLE his birthday is today btw
of course it's fucking good.

Europe and Australia/New Zealand are getting it next week.

I don't care why they did it, people are defending it, and all the shitty things Atlus has done, just because we're getting dual audio.

>It's okay Atlus-sama, I suddenly love you and your scripts I shat on because at least I'll have my voices in sacred nippon! Please shit in my mouth!

And then the game will come out, and you same people will shit it for having memes.

If you really hate dubs so much, you would have imported it.

You're no better than the "EOPs" you always cry about.

As someone who owns the Japanese version, stick with the Japanese audio. It has a really good cast.


Dubfag or not, you still have to wait extra months for it

I'm glad I don't have to downgrade to the English dub now. The question is though, do I finish the Japanese version or wait?

Thank you!

But this time we're getting an apology gift for a delay and a damn good one at that. That's why a lot of people don't mind and the only people that are angry are normalfag shitters that really want the English dub.

>I'm glad I don't have to downgrade to the English dub now. The question is though, do I finish the Japanese version or wait?
Dunno, why bother with Eng release if you can play JP one without much of problem tho? Or you use guides and such?

Did they confirm Pro support for P5?

it's a bonus for them too because they don't have to wait for an undub


>Pro support
>for a port of a PS3 game

chink voices aren't a good apology for an extra few months

Literally could play the entire game without them

wish theyd just add in english subs in the base version and let people buy it directly from jp
fuck the western publishers and their shitty localizers that butcher games well beyond their audio

Though that's unlikely.

Why would it ever be a bad thing to have something run/look better?

I'm mad because I preordered it, and I was expecting to get it on time.

And now I can't play it because they suddenly care about having a good localization for some reason.

And dual audio won't fix anything, we're still getting the "Fsteak" tier dialogue, it's just we'll have voices we can't understand while it displays.

Is it just Ryuji or are there others?

run better than 60fps?
look better than the stylized anime look it already has?

>wish theyd just add in english subs in the base version and let people buy it directly from jp
>fuck the western publishers and their shitty localizers that butcher games well beyond their audio
that'd be nice, but people will start complain about quality of english text in subs instead - like they did with SRW OG MD.

At work, still hyped though.

It's a damn good gift for weebs who can't stand their own language

>dubfags get btfo
imagine being so fucking lazy that you consider reading a chore.

What part of "Japanese is enjoyable to listen to but horrible to read" don't you get?

Moon runes are shit but the way the VAs are 100x times more professional there and know how to express their characters change the game quality by a significant margin.

It's a quality-of-life feature that's essential for some people's enjoyment.

But that was Bamco.

i like my own language just fine
but dubs are often terrible
and the few vas that do a good job get old when they keep showing up because the industry realizes theyre the only good ones too

>implying people want JP VA cause they hate English language
are you dumb or something?

What's the issue here?

I don't need excuses m8. I pirate if I feel like it.

Thst being said, I am now more inclined to buy P5 now. Only bad feel I have here is having to actually pay money to ATLUS USA.
Now that leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

engrish script

People disliking english dubs of media goes well beyond dubs of Japanese games. Dubs are often shitty, no matter whether you're talking movie, show, game or otherwise, and not just english dubs of eastern content. Dubs of non-english european media is just as shit, and shit for many of the same reasons.

This has nothing to do with a bunch of fucking weebs.

I assume he means 4K and HDR m8.

You do realize you're still getting the dubbed rewrites, right?

This won't be like low budget youtube subs that just give you a direct translation.

It's gonna look super weird to hear Japanese dialogue translated as some meme shit.


4k is a marginal difference unless you're playing it on a monitor, and HDR is a fucking meme

Official Eng releases of SRW OG for GBA (and PxZ1 for 3ds) has Sanger catchprase as "I am Sänger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!" ("Ware wa Zengā Zonboruto, Aku wo tatsu tsurugi nari!" in the Japanese version)
But Bamco SEA didn't really cared how it was translated in west and come up with other way to translate. And that basically applies to whole game - with weird quirks here and there.
So translation is not wrong, just a bit weird.
But weird enough to get some /srwg/ anons assblasted to point of saying playing JP release with guides is better experience.

> their own language

Once again a burger thinks he's the center of the world.
I speak English because it's the language of the web. If it was french we'd all be writing in french here.
I have no love or obligation to your language and see no reason to suffer through a terrible dub made by burger college kids who have the collective VA talent of a drugged frenzied Chihuahua.

If it has to be English at least hire competent VAs are British actors - at least those have some manner of expertise on how their own language works.

I have never once seen anyone complain about a dub for something that isn't Asian except for Stalker, Metro, and The Witcher. You don't see people complain about the DVD of Bicycle Thieves coming with a dub.

>needing 2 months to insert additional audio

Why is atlus so incompetent lmao

brb gonna buy cheap used ps3.
Gonna jailbreak the fuck out of it and pirate P5.

This is the best day of my life.



This would not have happened if they weren't owned by Sega (the greatest company)

Isn't that why they're delaying it thou? To fix the script too?

I don't mind a small sample of memes but if it'a gonna be Fire Emblem tier.m welp, shit's gonna get annoying.
Luckily I do understand some japanese and most videogames and anime repeat the same phrases all the time so i'll be able to figure it out myself, the English script is supplemental for the most part and necessary only for the parts that require actual explanation.

Neat, thanks.

They probably have to rerecord the whole script. The one guy can't even pronounce his own name.

>Thread about a Japanese third party game that is exclusive to a console
>92 posts
>ctrl + f for "PC"
>Not found

Holy shit, I'm on Sup Forums, right?

Using the guide. I could continue to play it like that, but it dampens the experience for me.

Then you either don't know many people, or just don't pay attention. Dubs have been reviled in every community I've ever lived in, and typically only enjoyed by the, "So bad it's good" crowd. Whether we're talking games or movies, most people I know look down on people that enjoy dubs, because it's common knowledge how often they completely butcher the base product. Especially in movies, which is what I'm mostly referring to here, but even in games I see this enough, and the only thing that's ever made it seem otherwise is the very loud, "everyone that dislikes dubs is a weeb" crowd, as if the only dubs on the planet are from the asian areas of the world. It's just as bad to have a bad dub from France as a bad dub from Idea.

Dubs are typically shit. It's not just the fucking Japanese products, localization teams BUTCHER products, not just japanese products.

From now on, developers have to include it I think.

yeah I know how that feels. I imported JP Wii U with Xenoblade X just to play it early. And I hardly can read hiragana. Still got 170 hours out of it before Eng release, had a blast. But I guess in more story driven games like P5 it's not as enjoyable.
So yeah, I'd say wait till Eng release then, work on your backlog meanwhile.

Consuming media subbed has always been the preferred method among patricians of non-English speaking countries, so I am sure 100% of the dubfags are Americans. Because the whole concept seems so foreign to them, I think they literally cannot understand.