What professions will you guys be running? I think alchemy here

What professions will you guys be running? I think alchemy here.

Alchemy is gonna make me fuckin riccchhhh

Other urls found in this thread:


I've always liked Jewelcrafting so probably that

Thinking Mining and BS to start out, ensure I can make myself some gear.

I'm going to mobilize my 50 paid chinese gold farming slaves that I'm paying $1 an hour to collect herbs for me.

for $50 a hour I will be making 40g/hr on week one.

> chinese farmers will farm every node mine , plant, fuck the economy like they always do

ill stick to leather working and skinning

why beat them when you can join them? You can hire your own gold farmers for cheap.

>playing vanilla wow

>China will be IP banned across the board
LUL @ u

I don't even remember what professions I had on my Mage. I think Tailoring and Herbalism?

lol fuck off retard my chinese slaves will be using vpns based in russia

>He doesn't know about Elysium's anti-vpn system
LUL @ u

have u played kronos or even old nost ?

Chinese where there....


Mining for 1.
For the other one? Probably not Herb since you can't dual-track in vanilla, maybe Skinning so everyone can get salty at me for not skinning Beast in UBRS.

Don't know if you've been to the forums ever, but the GM is an immense social justice warrior who refuses to take action against the Chinese despite them being a major problem. He locks all threads trying to talk about them, calls everyone who brings it up racist, and would straight up ban you for "intolerance".

GM Pottu is the reason everybody thinks Nostalrius is taking bribes from the chinks in the first place.

>on nos

why would I play this shit

>Every nost thread ever

Human Protection Warrior, with Mining and Blacksmithing. It only occurred to me the other day that I won't have a mount for the majority of my mining, so this is going to be pretty shit for me isn't it?

leveling vanilla mining can be very rough

I did mining originally and it made me rich but it was such a bitch sometimes I really don't want to do it again. Probably tailoring and herbalism or something

>tfw done so much vanilla stuff on private servers I just don't care about it anymore
>still like to come into these threads and see people discuss the game

This. Herbs and Mining is going to be hell early on. Especially with the servers reopening.


>on Nostalrius
Why even waste the time competing with 20k account sharing chink slaves and chink bots?

Waiting for Crestfall. Can't be fucked to play on buggy Mangos shit anymore.

Also I like how Crestfall seem to be open to modifying some of the dogshit stuff about "blizzlike", not that Nost or Kronos or Mangos shit is Blizzlike in any real way anyway.

I don't 'member shit, I wasn't there for Vanilla wow but it doesn't stop me from recognizing it as the superior form of the game and one of the high points of the MMO genre.


Handing their stuff over to the shitty Russian server runners Valkyrie. No thanks.

Why aren't more people talking about Crestfall?

depending on how many friends of mine also hop on board this vanilla train, Mining can be something I do in the off-time between dual questing. Not like I'll be able to make much progress as solo warrior anyways, but I'm sure the tedium will scratch the autsim itch very well.

Keep telling yourself that. I remember a badly balanced shitfest where every class had one viable spec (amidst a myriad of other terrible design choices).

Because people want to play now + Nost name recognition/nostalgia

Crestfall already looks head and shoulders above anything else but nobody knows when the hell it's gonna release. Closed Beta on Dec 26th but that and Open Beta could last another 6 months - 1 year

>You think you do but you don't


I would take the shittiest balance in the world if it meant an air of mystery, grandeur, and adventure in the world. But I suppose someone who unironically uses anime reaction images is too autistic to comprehend why those things are important in a game such as WoW.

>Alchemy is gonna make me fuckin riccchhhh
Alchemy won't make you shit unless you actually get a flask recipe.


I just want to hear this fucking song again and get chills down my spine and leave this world and forget I will eventually die like when I was a kid.

I have a 60 on nost i will be using to gank low level players and their quest givers constantly. Theni will be going back to kronos or playing on the fresh or crestfall.

The actual profession i will use on the new start will be money making prof until i feel like switching to engi like every other tryhard pvper.

the new pvp server will be fresh retard

>I have a 60 on nost i will be using to gank low level players and their quest givers constantly.

Please do this, it would be fucking hilarious.

Tfw it's impossible to tell if this is genuine or not.

What was grand, mysterious, or adventurous about anything vanilla had to offer unless you were in the 2% of the people doing high end raids? Because I was fucking there and there wasn't anything fun about clearing BWL for the 50th fucking time or watching people fail miserably on Thaddius.

After you've seen the zones once you've seen them a million times. The game was about content nobody got to fucking see unless they conformed to a strict set of rules and dynamics that blizzard themselves fucked the game into with poor class balance.

I could understand if you guys were lusting over TBC or even Wotlk but fuck me I cannot see why people would want vanilla back unless they have an IV of memberberry juice strapped to their arm.

Oh and for the record that was a pic of Stan's dad eating them...idk why it showed up as an animu girl, he's a pic that more accurately describes the message I was trying to get across.

I had a higher opinion of you posting nep

You are approaching the game from an autistic point of view, one that barely holds up in its modern form. A decent number of people on private servers are playing it for the first time, for some it's their first time playing WoW at all.

Is is, believe it or not, Sup Forums can be used to post about videogames that you like, and being a jaded cretin is not mandatory.

If by "new server" you mean the one being released in december* which merges nost with that other server then.. no it wont. lmao

So this is designed for people who weren't doing 40 man raids or have never played wow? Vanilla was completely devoid of content for casuals so I can't imagine any end result aside from them hating it....unless it gets used as a glorified chatroom

if you pick anything other than engineering you don't know how to have fun

Holy fucking shit, how old are you people who still cling to reviving vanilla WoW?

Why haven't you moved on with your life by now?
I'm not even saying get a jog get a wife, but pick up a real hobby and improve yourself instead of spending so many hours in a pretend world.

Shit is fun with friends at 14/15/16 even on up through college but at some point you've got to let it go.

When wow first came out it didnt really have an "end game" it only had "content for casuals".

They then started adding in things during vanilla like the honor system, battlegrounds, raids etc.
One of the most fun part about vanilla was leveling up and fighting off the enemy faction from your farm spot. Fighting over rare nodes / rare spawns / high yield farm spots was and is the best type of pvp an mmo has to offer, you are actually fighting for control over resources for the player driven economy. Getting weird items from yourquests then looking for enemy faction members close to your level and messing with them. Back in the day there used to be gank squads running around just for the sake of it. They werent doing it for gear it was just because they were -playing- around in the game.

with high pop private servers you can sort of get some of that magic back and it is way better than the post number crunch leveling and e-sport centered pvp of retail.

>when you're autistic enough to argue on anonymous forums about a server you have no interest in

It's funny how thousands of people ended up liking it.

Games are a lot better when the journey is the destination and the reward is the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge; rather than the destination being the journey and the reward being "loot"
Satisfaction is real, while gold and gear are fake.

What version of the game do I download so I'll be ready to play Nost when it reopens?

So why are they being allowed to bring this back? Out of the loop.

Most people on Nost didnt even play Retail Vanilla themselves

Oh for fucks sake go to /vg you fucker

>fucking people up in low level PvP with grenades, dynamite, and the occasional landmine
>what seems like a useless harvesting robot minion actually has a fucking enormous detection and aggro range, instantly rooting out rogues who come within ten miles of me

Well as a shaman main back in vanilla I don't remember that being the least bit magical....maybe for rogues/feraldruids I guess. I just don't see how fighting over resources that you don't plan to use to push into harder content is "fun"....unless nost wants the harvest moon audience.

Thousands of people wanted free wow, it had nothing to do with the quality of the game.

We all play in our pretend worlds.

It is what every hobby is based upon.
People who build models, people who run marathons, people who trade low price stocks.
They are all doing something that doesn't matter.

The real question is why are you so fervently opposed to this particular hobby?

Is it because your hobby is being a twat?

Not really how private servers work bud.

Except Pottu isn't a GM for Elysium.

I mean blizzard took it down once so what are they doing differently this time to keep it up bud.

He will be fucking MAIN GM, dude.


Crestfall when?

>don't plan to push into harder content

wtf why isn't this a skinner box?

>Implying you can't play retail for free.

is it going to be free like old nostalrius was?

That's where you're wrong bucko

And yes he has answered questions in this discord, he's firmly of the stance that there was never a chinese issue and that it's all completely made up by racists and "drumpftards".

10$ month.

Setting up the servers outside of Blizzard or rather the US patent offices jurisdiction?

I agree with a lot of this, which is why I have no problems with Servers doing "unblizzlike" things if it improves the game.

For me:

>Make World PVP viable by giving crazy amounts of Honor for engaging in it.

>Untether world bosses and make them "roam" the world. Allow them to be kited into cities again.

>Allow players to "Pet Bomb" corrupted blood and BG Living Bomb again.

These are three changes I would make to bring back the feel of Vanilla WoW at it's peak.

>Because I was fucking there and there wasn't anything fun about clearing BWL for the 50th fucking time

This. I also raided casually and holy fuck, 8 hours in MC to clear the first 3 or 4 bosses was not fun in the slightest and neckbeard tier raiding guilds would not even accept you unless you legit no-lifed the game and had at least a full tier 1 set.

And then, after all that effort and hours spent raiding, a naked rogue could still 2 shot your epic geared character because damage was purely static and did not scale properly off of gear.

But for some reason people still reminisce about standing around in a capital city yelling 'LFG' for 40mins to acquire a group was 'omg so social fuck LFR amirite guys'.

>anti-vpn system
fucking how
a port scan?


Anyone have that webm of the mage killing the scorpion a hunter was trying to tame?

Trump has won. Why must we suffer more libtards at this hour?

The big thing is class balance.

Someone needs to make a "rebuild" of the talent trees in Vanilla to make them all viable and balance them out.

Vanilla talent trees are completely fucked and the game for several classes becomes literally "no fun allowed" at endgame.

>People who kill mobs hunters are trying to tame

>det be account sharin, doin drugs, dey be killin demselves mang

>Broken Tooth

>Find Loque'nahak randomly on my Hunter
>Tell everyone where it is
>Wait until someone comes
>Kill it.

Fucking worth it.

Joke's on you, I'm feeling the same while playing Legion.

That's good.

You see normal people don't get upset when other people like what they don't like.

I played vanilla and enjoyed everything up the the end game. Of course I played on a PvP server.


I always wanted to replay WoW because I was part of the 98% who never got to experience shit. But then I got to 60 and realized how much of a tedious chore it would be.

Rather just do legacy raids in retail.

>want to get into WoW
>people will bully me because I don't know shit

great community

>Vanilla WoW
>All classes and specs are as balanced and viable as can be.
>Change stats on some items to be good for more than a single class
>Ret paladins and Ferals are as viable as Fury Warriors
>Balance Druids are as viable as Mages
That's a wet dream. Unfortunately it's considered a custom server at that point and people generally stay away from those.

You're right

>Paladin and Druids can tank just as well as Warriors
>Increase tank threat to allow Enhancement Shamans to be more viable in Raids
>Resto Druids and Holy Paladins do just as well as Priests in healing, but excel in different areas.

Everyone will be too busy blindly following guides to notice what you are or are not doing.

>Not knowing the guides by memory at this point
It's like you don't even eat member berries.

>Increase tank threat to allow Enhancement Shamans to be more viable in Raids
Threat is the least of their problems, enh will need a total talent revamp like tbc dual wielding and shit to be viable in PvE along with some new gear that doesn't suck complete balls in comparision to what other classes can get.
>Resto Druids and Holy Paladins do just as well as Priests in healing, but excel in different areas.
So just like regular vanilla?

paladin throughput is not on the same level as priest. they only excel at efficiency. dont even get me started on druids. these niggas are completely shafted innervate/rez bots.

>So just like regular vanilla?
Resto druids don't do nearly as much healing as priests. At best they're innervate bots. Same with Paladins and their buffs. Paladins only became a better choice than priests by Naxx if they had full crit gear.

>Threat is the least of their problems
It's actually one of their biggest problems, alongside poor itemization. An enhancement shaman can do just about the same damage output as a rogue or a warrior, but it's too sporadic and a single Windfury crit will pull the boss' attention.

>all these people bitching about vanilla

All I want to do is 2 shot tier 2 wearing clothies with an ungeared rogue, is that too much to ask?

wait, I've been out of the loop of this nostafag shit

has it finally been confirmed by Blizzard or is this more delusional pandering?


The guys from old nost gave the sourcecode to some russians and everyone is hoping they'll give the their free game back.

>confirmed by Blizzard

Druids is by far the worst class in the game but a single druid is the most effective healer in the game, their main problem is that they stack like shit and having more than one completely diminishes their effectiveness, innervate and brez are never worth taking a druid for. And paladins can easily compete with priests if their geared propertly and not wearing trashy tiered sets, and the fact that they're extremely adaptable healers makes them among the best as healers aren't that important if everything is already going perefectly.

Daily reminder that only poorfags play on private servers, especially desperate poorfags who will now play on Russian servers and get game crashing ping

Blizzard said they're still looking at it, but have nothing to announce at Blizzcon.

Nostalrius decide to be huge babies and because Blizzard didn't have fully operating and running servers within the year, they're releasing their code to these russians who won't respond to C&D's.

Nostfags are pretending like the servers coming back in it's full glory when the russian fags have already confirmed there's going to be donor rewards and customized content for donors.

Primal wow has something like that, the classes and gear have wotlk balancing with vanilla content at 1x rate. You can play any class you want without being told to get the fuck out of raids. And no drinking after every mob while leveling or getting killed if you accidentally pull 2.

The whole "muh talks" meme all the nostafags have been sperging about as hope towards Legacy servers.

They pretty much ate up the shit Blizzard squeezed out going from hating them after they shut down the servers to love them after they said they were gonna "work together" with the Nosta devs only to blue balls them until most people forgot.

Too low population to be worth it though.

I agree. It's a shame, really, but there should be a population boost when they launch BC in the summer.