All of these SJW-looking people convinced me not to buy the game. Thanks for the heads up.
All of these SJW-looking people convinced me not to buy the game. Thanks for the heads up
What the fuck is that video?
Is that in the game? no fucking way holy shit
literally name one reason why you shouldn't walk into the tattoo parlor and put a fucking bullet in her head
If you skip to 3? minutes and watch her actual interactions
i think she's actually a well designed character
not in regards to being a pandering piece of shit that makes me want to die
but i mean, they nailed what that character is
an annoying fat fuck who thinks she's better than everyone
she's perfectly designed for what she's trying to be
I still hate her, but i appreciate the devs making a character so unlikelable and fitting her own roll as is designed
Animation technology has come a long way since I cared about games that had stories. that opening was retarded as fuck though. almost didnt believe it was real.
she MAD
Should devs be praised for giving a character absolutely no redeeming qualities? I think it would be easy to make a character an annoying faggoty piece of shit. At least let us fucking kill xim/xer for fuck's sakes
Well, i don't know about that, i've never played the game, i don't know how far the game lets you go in regards to letting you kill them or what ever
i'm just saying that i think they did a good job of taking a character and instead of making them a generic bad guy with generic trope, they made a "current times' annoying piece of shit and every line from her mouth makes you hate her more
which is the point, and i think they did a good job at that.
why would they give redeeming qualities to a character you're supposed to find unlikable and annoying?
>Has tattoo scarring on her face during the video
>Is just finishing getting her tattoo when you go to see her after watching the video
Ignoring the fact that she just got her fucking face tattooed and there's absolutely no blood, this is a new level of laziness for Ubisoft. They couldn't have made another texture that doesn't have the tattoo scarring? That would take like 15 minutes.
>Watch dogs 1 was shit
>It's an Ubisoft game
I don't know why you'd need any more signs.
i've never gotten a tattoo, do you normally bleed (even during face tattoos) ?
Has it been figured out yet if this game is satire or a serious attempt at "how do you do, fellow kids"
I need to know.
Oh it's Jim Sterling. I get it. You show him Ubisoft.
Just want you guys to note something:
1) the MC is black
2) One arab/muslim girl
3) chinese guy
4) guy with no identity
5) and this thing u saw in the video.
Where is the white male?
The antagonist is the only white male.
Do I have to say more? Cmon now Ubisoft.
>western hacker
only sometimes. depends if the needle goes too deep or your blood is thinned. that user is just reaching for things to bitch about because this game triggers him so hard
I think it's a little bit of both desu
oh, okay.
You do. Not a lot, but it is a needle jabbing your skin hundreds and hundreds of times in a row. Typically during a tattoo you keep a rag nearby to wipe blood and excess ink off.
literally just watching the video shows that she's annoying to the main characters
Lenni looks like Jim Sterling
or Jim Sterling's wife
there are 2 white males in ops vid
>caring about a game that was made to appeal to 15 yo kids
Because making a successful antagonist is far more compelling than making a villain.
God damn I only lasted one minute.
Please tell me I can shoot it in the face at some point
i don't think she's like the main villan
pretty sure she's more of a random bitch causing problems
she's just a side character who plays an annoying smug fatass. the games tone is lighthearted and silly in general
Almost makes me happy that a The Crew 2 won't happen. I don't give a fuck. Ivory Tower nailed The Crew and Driver San Fransisco as far as what you can ask for regarding stories in a racing game. But god damn, I would hate to see this kind of trend influence any of their future work.
>The Crew
>Good story
Can you kill her?
if so it might be a sale buy in the future
git gud fags look like this
>that trollface image macro above the 3D printer
I had no strong feelings towards this game and now I fucking despise it
I thought Lenni was a guy, what the fuck?
What a cool main character, goddamn.
Holy fuck. It's like noone ever saw an annoying asshole character in any media before. What's the big deal?
Great game. 9/10.
Wanted to buy it for coop. Does it have story coop?
>it's gonna slap his ass isn't it?
>it slaps his ass
I like the concept of the character
But fuck, that writing just makes it shit
I've seen five minutes of this now, and every moment looked like irredeemable trash. Who needs to die for this?
Actually seems great, I already want to bash her fucking head in. Good motivation. I'll admit her video at the beginning was cancer, but still, they did a good job making her an unlikeable cunt.
I actually enjoyed that video to be honest. Seems like an annoying enemy, which is good.
She joins your team.
This game is actually an accurate depiction of 2009 San Francisco
Lenni SFM porn W H E R E ?
>get good
Wow so they not only ripped off Max Headroom, but they did it with a dyke that looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel.
You know Ubisoft designed this character to piss you guys off, right?
I mean, any laymen, run-of-the-mill gamer takes a look at Lenni and goes, "Oh. This is what I imagine an evil person who is good with the computers is like. Epic for the win I guess."
Then there are people who are savvy with video games and internet culture ugh who see Lenni and freak the fuck out.
Ubisoft knows what they are doing. They know how to piss off the right people and fly completely under the radar of the people who matter.
You are supposed to hate this character. If you know jack shit about the internet, you are supposed to hate them even more.
It gets people who normally wouldn't give two fucks about this game talking about it non stop on Croatian Basketball Net Weaving forms. They're building word of mouth and using your rage to do it.
>mfw hes right
Post pic of Jeb in hoodie please.
This world wasn't ready for his presidency.
Seriously. Aiden Pierce would have beaten her to death with that collapsible baton thing
>Gets a chip implanted into her arm to interact with electronics
>Waves her entire fucking arm over a phone to turn it on
>This is somehow more convenient than just tapping a button
What is this dumb shit?
Can somebody explain to my why she has a cellphone under her skin?
i agree the game is shit but
>all characters must be beautiful and likeable
This cant be satire. I want to think Ubisoft is that dumb to make such a revolting character
Casual faggot
People irl have done this
I wish I had it. Have this instead.
I copied this from the other thread I posted it in, and here's more I wrote too.
They absolutely know that is cringe. They fucking know. Except the same fucking people that spam memes on Facebook and Twitter all day look at that and go, "Holy fuck, that's hilarious."
Us? We have brain aneurysms and create thread after thread after thread about it saying how much cringe it brings us.
Except for every 50 or 100 people that go, "ew" one person will go into these threads and buy this god damn game. That's one more than Ubisoft would have had before.
They use our love of hate to rope in sales that probably would have not existed before. They are smart.
This. I'm tired of this shit meme were we can't have an unappealing side characters.
The facial animations are incredible and the direction is pretty damn good for a game, but holy fuck are the characters and dialogue insufferable.
She's literally your ally later in the story.
Don't worry Sup Forums, we are going to make vidya great again.
2007-2017 will be remembered as the dark smelly sjw age of shitty vidya.
Nothing coming up will top the soulsborne era. We also got the Witcher during that time.
Witcher is a rubbish series that plays like ass. Don't reply to me again casual.
>looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel
why you repeating yourself?
lol, this is hilariously bad. I might just pirate this.
I remember skimming through the AC:Unity cutscenes and thinking the same thing. Though sometimes the characters bodies were awkwardly wooden, and the actual plot is just boring.
>Witcher is a rubbish series
Choke on a dick, faggot.
t. fat cringey tranny
"Oh. This is what I imagine an evil person who is good with the computers is like. Epic for the win I guess."
>One arab/muslim girl
Does she wear hijab and everything?
>their main hackerman having an autistic fit about some shemale being able to hack into their system
And you guys thought this game was unrealistic.
well, they really put some effort to make a unlikable disgusting cunt
>I might just pirate this
The age of vidya piracy is basically over.
git gud faggot
Blessing in disguise?
what did he mean by this
Hard to crack games my nigga. Maybe now companies will be willing to dump more money into non multiplayer games now.
>max headroom references
i kind of agree, i mean shes way more likeable than any of the other characters in that video
and since shes a a villain she feels less like a blatant shoehorned attempt to pander to progressives (i mean she still is its just implemented better than i expected)
also she reminds me of Pearl from mst3k
But she's exactly the kind of loser that would reference max headroom
Death stranding 2018
had the same thought. say what you want about aiden but this bitch would have been btfo instantly.
Whoever greenlit this needs to be slapped. Not just for including all the SJW shit, whatever, but for spending half a second thinking "This is a good idea"
Reminder that someone literally had to give the stamp of approval to all of this dogshit they packed into the game
google Liz Anonym
>western character design
Are you saying you don't identity with anyone in the game?
Now you know how people of color have been feeling for years.
>Reminder that someone literally had to give the stamp of approval to all of this dogshit they packed into the game
whoever's job this is probably never even touched the game
She is fucking ugly, now I have fucking nightmares. Wipe his game out of the world! Pulverize it!
And i supposed to have a problem with that...? Go back to Sup Forums. We don't appreciate your kind here.
Not him, but how many years are you talking? We've had black protagonists for over a decade now -- the only new thing is the pandering.
Do you guys have problem with homosexuality or just SJWs like that (i mean the person who's whinning about SJW shit, half shaved hairs etc.)
I'm seriously asking this because I'm confused.
Both. Homosexuality is at least justifiable, but this sjw shit has no reasoning besides a women wanting attention.
annoying fucking character, but that video paints them as an antagonist so maybe thats the point?
game is probably shit anyway
why? I only hate these kind of sjws who is trying to be a special snowflake and who think they have tons of sexualities.actually i don't have a problem with lesbians as long as they don't act like them.