WAIT FOR ME, No adventure is complete without Jingle hat and Jingle feet!

WAIT FOR ME, No adventure is complete without Jingle hat and Jingle feet!

Greetings travellers, I am Jingle; quick of
wit, I’m fast and nimble. Many jokes and many
quips have passed between my funny lips. By
poking fun and making merry, our journeys won’t
be half as scary. So don’t be timid, don’t be
nervous; Jingle’s here, at your service.

Kill jester

kill jingle

I sure could go for a Barrie's Red Cola.

I get troll

Kill Jester.

Haaayyy Falconhoof guess whooo

But Travelers, Jingle is here to help on our adventure, she's our friend.

kill jester

The best sketch is the Yoker one

kill jester

Well worth it mate, she's shite.

It's my money, my game, kill jestah

Uh so lets begin our quest, we are standing outside castle voulderstad it is surrounded by a moat, the drawbridge is up, to your right, is a small tree.

What would you like to do?


kilogrem of fedars

kill jester

Kill Jester.




Well worth it mate, well worth it. Get rid of her, mate, she’s shite

Jingle is dead.

AHG WAIT! I want to hear her funny jokes.

Get Jester

Aye, but at what cost?

Dammit I'm too late.

Get Jester. Go north.

What's it ya say again? What's it ya say, when ya goin fer a haircut?

well worth it m8 she's shite

Revive jingle

...How did ye know about the sarcophagus?

Hey Sup Forums... what's yer 'hing?



But Traveler, we cannot get Jingle, she is a person.

We do not have a scepter of hades to revive Jingle, Traveler.

Get jester

Take jesters hat, put it on, go north


I got this hamster in the loft, naebody knows about it

Go on a quest for the Scepter of Hades

Go East.

Fuck Jester

get troll

Go whence I came.

Go from whence i came

But steel is 'eavier than feathers...

Get Jester. Go North.


What the fuck is Voldesad's problem?

I like to anonymously shit post on an Korean website ran by a jap. I pretend to be retarded and say stupid shit to piss other people off.

naw ya didnae

C'mon OP, you can't just leave us hanging
I paid good money to go on this quest

What'sa ploblem?