I've Persona 4 for 3 hours straight since you faggots making all that buzz about Persona 5

I've Persona 4 for 3 hours straight since you faggots making all that buzz about Persona 5.
In those 3 hours I was barely able to play. I had two short fights and ran around the house a bit. Everything else was non-gameplay, mostly school stuff. Is this some fucking visual novel?

Three fucking hours.

Tell me there's a game behind this endless flood of cheap shounen anime drama. Tell me it will get better.

Go play Dark Souls if you want nonstop action, you big fucking baby.

You're playing a glorified anime, give up

P4 is known for an absurdly long intro.

Next you'll get 3 party members and begin the actual first dungeon.

Persona 4 sucks ass, play 3 its better

Let's be real. If the intro is killing you then Persona4 is unironically 2hard4u

It gets worse

combat will quickly devolve into push triangle and let it resolve while you close your eyes and try to take a nap

Watch the anime or start replaying it because not paying attention to the first few hours can fuck you later on

I'm paying attention though. I just hope I can start playing the game soon.

Planing to stick through it just to know what those damn kids are talking about.

>I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and your talking bear

I like 3 as well but it also has a long ass intro, so I'm not sure if that's the best recommendation

P3's intro is maybe a third as long as P4's.


>not going and finding needed items early

I hope you like grinding and playing cards later on..

>3 hours
>2 fights


>you big fucking baby.

Play SMT.

Let me tell you, friend. Some advice. The game says to seek out the truth, but the real message is to be satisfied when an ending is reached. When the time comes, don't just back out. The killer needs to die.

If you don't like the visual novel parts (which are really the main appeal of Persona) then play mainline SMT, they do the dungeon crawling and combat better than Persona and without the school stuff.

I'm currently trying to play 3 FES. It's my first Persona game. I wanted to see what it was about since I really enjoyed SMT4. So far I've gotten to the 14th floor of Tartarus and there's a barrier blocking my progress.

I have to say the combat isn't very fun since I can't customize my team very much and my personas feel like they level up really slowly and are generally weak. I'm also not very interested by the daytime portions of the game, building social links and deciding who to hang out with seems arbitrary, slow, and makes me feel like I'm not playing the game optimally since I know I'm probably missing out on tons of shit.

Does it get any better, or should I try P4 or a different SMT?

He is either following the shittiest guide possible or honestly is not reading what people are telling him to do

Play Apocalypse if you already played SMT4

The intro is long as fuck but yeah the "non-gameplay school stuff" is a main point of the game. If you don't feel like you're going to get invested in that sort of thing you probably won't like the game.

>I'm also not very interested by the daytime portions of the game, building social links and deciding who to hang out with seems arbitrary, slow, and makes me feel like I'm not playing the game optimally since I know I'm probably missing out on tons of shit.
Then you shouldn't play Persona 3 or 4 to be honest. Thats a huge chunk of the game.

Persona 3 slowly gives you new features to use as you progress. Keep playing.

This is total bullshit unless you're playing on easy like a little bitch.

Finished the game last week (P4 Golden). Took me 57 hours, which is about 20 hours faster than average from what I understand.

>three hours

I think you're going a little too slow. I dont what you are doing but you should have reached the first dungeon by the first 1.5-2 hours. The intro isnt that long compared to KH2's six hour intro.

The game does get better later on. Unfortunately, you are playing vanilla and it wont give you as much stuff as Golden, but it's still something.