Closed beta starts tomorrow, yet there aren't any threads

Closed beta starts tomorrow, yet there aren't any threads
Lets fix that

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No one got in

well they're gonna send the invites tomorrow

tfw no invite ;_;

I guess Squad will entertain me until this releases.

They're sending them out later today. Calm down.

>RO2 with M16s and AK47s

Do fucking want

Having helis but no land transport (jeeps, etc.) is incredibly weird though

Tank battles were extremely rare, and jeeps aren't very helpful in dense jungle
though the devs say they might add them later

>and jeeps aren't very helpful in dense jungle

Jeeps were made precisely to be able negotiate fucked up terrain (mud, bushery, thickets, etc.)

They are at their most useful in any off-road setting. Absolutely including jungles

I hope they are not using the same shit anti cheat as they did with RO2.

>jeeps aren't very helpful in dense jungle

sasuga Sup Forums

>jeeps aren't very helpful in dense jungle

there's bushery then there's densely packed trees, something a jeep cant just ram through

They don't add anything to game play and have to reason to be added. Have you never played Red Orchestra?

Vietnam consists of more than densely packed trees

>Have you never played Red Orchestra?

I have, and that had a myriad of tanks and also lightly armored troop transports for quick personell deployment

I'm sure a Jeep would do great in there.

maybe, but a lot of the maps are just that, densely packed jungle

troop transports definitely have a role to play, all depends on the map

Oh really, a lot of the maps are densly packed jungle?
When did you get your beta code? Because none of the publicly released information implies that the majority of maps are densely packed trees

>these bitch-ass twigs

Dude, it's an off-road vehicle, made to military specification to work as transport in all theatres of war. If it didn't hit quicksand or some sort of incredibly unlucky bullshit it absolutely would. It would break through most things in a jungle other than a wall of thick-ass tress (or at least it wouldn't survive breaking it)

Even the WW2 version of the Jeep was a fucking monster. Weighed nearly 600kg and rocked one of the most powerful engines in the world (, which is still respectable even today

It would do it at about 5km/hr weaving in an around trees, would be useless in the monsoon season or any area with even a hint of cliffs. On top of that you would have to Huey it back out after every engagement.

Or you just fly in a pile of troops right where you need them and leave the jeeps to carry officers and supplies to and from the front, like the majority of them were.

>this salty over being wrong about the use of jeeps in vietnam
being someone who's studied the Vietnam war for the past 3 years, i can assure you you are mistaken pal

lmao reading wikipedia articles and watching history channel documentaries in your spare time doesnt count as studying the vietnam war

No but getting a masters in historical studies focusing on the vietnam war does :^)

Yeah and my dad works for Tripwire, he says most of the maps arent jungle

you can continue to argue but the fact of the matter is, jeeps did very little work in vietnam.
other than occasionally being used to cross rivers they were used to transport officers from town to town and rarely saw combat outside of the rare escort mission.
you are dumb.
i am smart.
go get checked for autism

My best friend is actually a modeller for Tripwire, the game is GOAT, less casualized than Red Orchestra 2, more like Red Orchestra 1

The subject was never how much work jeeps did in Vietnam. From the beginning it has been whether or not jeeps are effective in a jungle. Which they are.

While I am psyched I have a mild concern with how the larger maps and ability to take any point at any time (rather than A-B-C-D) will pan out, as I hate how in BF conquest you spend more time running around and having five second fights than you do the long protracted battles of RO/RO2.

And from video footage and just the obviousness we'll probably have at least a (or more than one):

-Deep jungle map
-Wide open rice paddies map
-Some airbase with wide open spaces surrounding it like that siege of khe sanh

It was about a jeeps effectiveness in a vietnamese jungle, since we're, you know, in a rising storm 2 vietnam thread

The subject was whether or not they were appropriate in a Vietnam combat game, to which the answer is no because they were not appropriate to fighting the North Vietnamese in reality.

I want to see some city fighting personally.

went and made food nice to see you getting btfo by
stay autistic friend

This. I want like 70% jungle with a small rural town map.

Showing some weapons had what looked like a urban street. Could be hue or could be a Tet offense in saigon. But also I'm sure we'll get plenty of jungle with some small village situations - I doubt there'll be "Just jungle nothing else no FOB no nothing"

why are they making games about police conflicts instead of wars?


say fucking what

they said they're REMOVING the leveling and unlocking shit from vietnam, how is that making the grindy pain in the ass RO2 casualized? IF ANYTHING IT MAKES THE NEW GAME CASUAL


>wide open rice paddies map

aka fallenfighters 2.0, aka the map that 99% of servers force you to play 5 times in every campaign

just fucking kill me now


this makes me moist

Fuck I hope I get in, already have two people on my friends list that are in it.

In other news, why the fuck can't there at least be one full sever for Rising Storm as much as there is with RO2.

I don't mind RO2 but some of those maps(bridges, fall fighters) just fucking suck. At least servers are still alive during primetime but it sucks to not be able to find a full server of RS at 1 am but RO2 no problem.

It's not weird though if you just think of it as another type of air support like artillery and it's manned. I don't think any of the maps or modes really would benefit from a jeep. Not sure how RS2 will be but if it's like it's predecessor then the maps won't be like fully open battlefield maps from the get go, more like advancing through points and pushing further on the map.

why would removing grinding make the game casual

wouldn't it make it less casual so it focuses on the game instead of people grinding

Yeah on fuck huge maps which there are only a couple of.

>just think of it as another type of air support like artillery and it's manned.

There will be troop transport helis as well


Maybe jeeps AND helis would of just been too much OP for the Americans.


It's a time honored tradition of shooters to have one DOGSHIT map.

Coincidentially the map almost always appeals to snipers.



never ever

>mfw everyone just runs&guns and sprays&prays.

Would be fun if the map wasn't so fucking small. And you can barely see the gooks with their dark-blue shirts in and around buildings.

Because snipers are the only ones who can enjoy fallenfighters.

>literally NO FUCKING COVER whatsoever for 600 meters
>try to prone your way to an objective
>20 minutes later get sniped through an opening in the wall
>you only crawled halfway to the objective

That map is pure horse shit, I don't fucking understand what the creators were thinking, or WHY EVERY SERVER FORCES YOU TO PLAY IT SO MUCH. My ONE AND ONLY gripe with RO2 is that map and all the shitfucks that force you to play it.

>small maps
got a source for that or am I being baited

that's why I prefer rising storm

yeah the maps are smaller but at least you have less ground to cover for snipers to pick you off

>find a server that lets players vote for next map/zone
>no less than 2 zones whose only map is fallenfighters

It's that small urban map with the US base in it I've played on. I'm sure not all of them are small but this one is. With many dark spots and cover everywhere.

The issue isn't the size of the maps, it's literally the fact that for fallenfighters you have no fucking cover, while spawns give high ground vision of the entire map. Smoking doesn't work because the only ammo cache that isn't in player spawns is in the middle of the fucking field, and good luck reaching it with your squad leader's single smoke. You can't sneak around objectives either because LEOUTOFBOUNDSSUICIDE punishment. Crawling doesn't work because, as stated, walls have massive gaps. You're either sniping from spawn or getting your dick sniped trying to run 600 meters across open terrain. It's the definition of hell if you aren't one of the first two people to snatch the sniper role.

The first one ran like hot garbage, so did RO2 for that matter, pass.

Is it allowed to post your toon? Or is it against the rules

Every Tripwire game is hyped on Sup Forums and always abandoned like a week later due to stale gameplay but nice graphics.

That's why you use the sewers or the flanks, dumb dumb. I bet you're the kind of retard that just tries to crawl his way through the center and then acts all surprised when gets sniped by someone.

If by abandoned you mean all the normies quit, sure. RO2 has had a stable community for several years now. Just gotta sift through the mountain of shit servers to find a good one.

>not being assault/engie/riflemen bros and rushing the enemies spawn from the flank

tfw Aus server was great but is dead now
RS2 can't come soon enough

There are no flanks. The sewers only get you near the middle of the map, and every exit is camped by a prone machine gunner. You must enjoy sniping, because nobody else has fun on that shit map.

>hurr the game doesn't have a bazillion players so it's dead

Not every game hast to have CS:GO tier population.

Stop using a toaster

>implying Aus/NZ is dead

wew lad

It is. I know this because all the auscucks flood the few active NA servers. Their accents are atrocious and they always spew Sup Forums-tier bait to derail the game. Australians are the absolute worst.

I tried using my 1070 not a week ago and I still can't get above 45 FPS on ro2. it's fucking unplayable, tripwire is full of shit in their support too.

I used to check it weekend evenings and it was empty every time a few months ago. Even Campaign night was started later and later and stopped filling up completely.
I miss it a lot ;_;

And let me guess you have AMD FX Series CPU

git gud

The majority time on that map I've spent being an assualt trooper fighting for the control of the sewers. You are aware you just have to control C to win, right? There's literally no reason to go beyond the center of the map, unless you're completely steamrolling the enemy team.

>there are no flanks

Each building can cover only its opposing side. You can conduct raids into their spawn buildings if you don't have a shit tier team.

>770 with i5
>stable 120 fps

Seems to be a problem on your end friend.

RO2 is dead
NS2 is dead
ZDaemon is dead
Any older games are dead.

Are there any decent games left with aus servers and players?

They have constant announcements of campaigns and constantly bring in regulars to fill the aus/nz server. No fucking idea about NA servers, I don't play with you seppos anyway

>Don't shoot
>I'm too short

Do manlets really expect pity during wartime?

>The majority time on that map I've spent being an assualt trooper fighting for the control of the sewers.

Hello, Kraut. Oh, don't mind me, the Russian SL who is hiding just a little past the fountain, holding C while you try to farm kills.

>they always spew Sup Forums-tier bait

Cuck detected. No wonder you can't handle our shitposting allies in the south.


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

True aussies dont really give a fuck about those things. Its just to rustle some jimmies and get a good laugh.

Please tell me it wasn't something you sign up for

>flamethrowers on defence maps like Guava Canal

Okay, who thought this was a good idea?

>tfw viet
>tfw grandpa was in NVA
Looking forward to playing as Vietnamese force.

Just signed up for the beta because I forgot about it after a year of waiting. Anyone know what the chances are I get in?

while I do hope to get in the beta I feel like by the time the game actually comes out I'll be burnt out from playing it so much

Will absolutly love the new wave of roll-playing this is going to ignite. I've listened to faux-accented germans and japs for too long. I can't wait for

>le cuck hahah

You have to go back.

>ever getting tired of the faux jap [raughing] at the end of successful matches
but yeah, out with the old, in with the new

>Forgot about this game
>Didn't sign up for beta

>update game
>it crashes during first logo

Thanks TW, didn't expect less.

Yeah no, you don't just drive through a fucking jungle, it's faster to go on foot.

The announcements happen but nobody joins, not even the regulars. The server is dead m8.

And when is the full game going to be released?

>never got jap tin cans or american tanks in rs1
>no american flame tank to rape through a jungle
>no jap/american anti tank classes
>already moving onto RS2
still kinda bummed about it

Q1 2017