Apologize right fucking now

Apologize right fucking now

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No? I was perfectly justified in getting upset when the official stance was still no dual audio.
I'm buying the game now, and I won't be criticizing you (so long as you keep doing dual audio in future games), but you're not getting an apology when you've been doing dub only releases for decades.

>expecting dual audio from Fatlas


>there were people who actually expected Atlus USA to put Japanese voices in a game


Nah, fuck hardin

>Not expecting companies to learn to cater to their audience.

Your complicitness allowed them to carry on their policies for as long as they have. I bet their preorders werent up to quota and they figured this was the next possible way to boost sales (and they were right since it got my preorder now, though to what degree it'll effect overall sales I dont know)

>fuck hardin
I honestly would tbqh

Wait so the jap dub isn't confirmed?

No you idiot. That was an rumor posted on NeoGAF that cited "an anonymous source".

There's nothing "monumentally massive task" about it and it's ridiculous that people had to campaign for it as much as they did in the first place. It was never a matter of anything more than Atlus USA not being willing to cough up the money to pay for it, and now they're doing so.


those are old tweets, fucking retards

But they confirmed it in their live stream

>Delay game AGAIN
>still no dual audio

It's fair to say after this fucking mess that Atlus USA is now a worst localizer than NISA, they somehow pulled that shit off.

Thank you for including dual audio because it was the only thing you had left to apologize with after fucking up your localization

This is probably bait but for the few people who honestly haven't seen it yet here,

>the fucking CEO had to step in because the English localization was THAT shit
>dual audio is literally an apology
You can't make this shit up.

>Atlus made game
>knowing it was going to come to the West
>have 2, TWO, surveys over a single year about localization and dual audio
>ignore all the people wanting dual audio
>"We're going full English VAs! Deal with it!"
>backlash coupled with spoilers being posted, pre-orders get cancelled
>take too damn long to localize it
>need to do another delay
>announce dual audio along with the delay to make those who wanted it seem like the cause
>pretend adding in audio track already apart of the game is difficult

Fuck Atlus.

Atlus USA, you mean.

Yes, sorry.

Also fuck dubfags who like a game being further delayed just so they don't have to read.

People haven't played this game yet? It came out like 2 months ago.


Apologize right fucking now.

Well yes, unless that's polite corporatespeak for 'racist japs don't want gaijin to hear their divine voices' like the faggot Dragon Quest composer who changed his mind about orchestrated music in the VIII port.

>'racist japs don't want gaijin to hear their divine voices'
There has never been a single cited example of a case where a seiyuu had outright refused to allow their voice to be used overseas, and given that their studios would be the ones managing that and not the seiyuu in the first place, it's very unlikely that that would ever be the case. And it should certainly never be the case for companies like Atlus or Falcom who regularly have their games localised and should be negotiating contracts with worldwide releases in mind in the first place.

Wow, was their localization really that bad?

Any kinda specifics on how badly they fucked it up?

>using falcom as an example
>when Xseed has explicitly stated that this has been an issue
No, I totally believe you.
No, since he made it up.

No specifics, just the comments from the CEO on the Twitch video. It's 7 minutes in.

Yes, I specifically used Falcom as an example exactly because of that. XSEED have never directly cited Falcom games as being such cases, all they've done is have Tom make a few general statements about "oh this totally happens sometimes but I don't have any specific examples to give". Atlus USA made the same claims in the past, only to have since had Code of Princess and Conception 2, games that they published as dub-only, go to different publishers to be released on PC with the Japanese audio. Atlus USA are cheap fucks who are full of shit, so what reason is there to believe XSEED saying the same? If Falcom were charging absurd amounts of money for the licences that'd be one thing, but seiyuu outright refusing to sign over the work is plain absurd and again, has never had any specific case cited for such an argument, and again, should certainly not still be happening with how long Falcom have been working with XSEED and having their desire for dual-audio made known.

So, even though they've specifically said this is a problem, you're going to claim it's never been a problem because they didn't call someone out by name even though that would be an enormously damaging thing to do from a business perspective. You're a fucking moron.

It's a problem that has supposedly been happening for years, with many different companies, and yet no one in the industry can name a single time where this was actually the case and not just too much money being involved.
Yes, you're right, we should definitely believe this excuse, after all, having blind faith in a company's word is always in a consumer's best interests. Companies would never lie to cover their asses.

You can't fully experince P5 in english translation. Sorry, but it's true. Eng fags cut many things from original text. Basically yoy guys waiting for castrated product.

What causes such pent up aggression? Fuck, it's like someone dipped his balls in boiling oil, or something.

Seriously. Who shoved a banana up his ass?

Never acting on your emotions. Guys never really get that option unless they're faggots. So we just get our shit together, ball it up and press it deep into our soul until it kills us.

This is probably why men die younger than women on average.

I myself prefer dubs but i'm glad it's getting subs for the people who want them. Q1 is jammed packed anyways.

Considering how XSEED localises niche stuff it's still extremely ridiculous to expect them to foot the bill for something that won't pay itself back.

That´s not pent up aggression. that is being mad.

Lmao, cucked forever

Why the fuck do people even use twitter? What meaningful thing could you possibly say with so few characters?
I'm not even old either.

>meaningful thing

You're just too stupid to understand the benefit of Twitter. I'll spell it out for you, the 140 character limit is perfect becaus

Can you disable voices in audio settings?


The game is already going to have Japanese VA because its FUCKING JAPANESE!
All you need to do is make it downloadable and selectable!
But that's a "Monumental task"? FUCK OFF.

I'm pissed it got delayed again, and i'm really sick of waiting so I cancelled my preorder. I'll get it eventually I guess, but because of how long it took, spoilers are already all over the internet, have been put up on most gaming websites, not to mention all the fuck over Sup Forums, so, whatever. Not as hyped as I was a year ago. All for some shit that most people don't even pay attention to. Who gives a shit about dubs at all, who the fuck plays with the sound on period? The music in SMT games is fucking garbage.

>All you need to do is make it downloadable and selectable!
they did that though

Then what the fuck was he crying about on twitter?

>The music in SMT games is fucking garbage.
believed you were serious until here

Suck my dick.

that was like 8 months ago

wait senpai please fill me in

there's a delay until 2017 but we're gonna get japanese dub? fuck friend

I won't apologize as the guy acts like a shitter when people are asking for dual audio

It was already releasing in 2017. It got delayed from February 14th to a month and a half later on April 4th. Now it will have dual audio as free DLC on day one though.

How dare consumers request a simple feature that should have been available from the start!
Don't they know how hard Atlus USA works to shit into their mouths?

but dual audio isn't worth a two month delay, why did you fucking weebs have to ruin everything

or could this be because of the voice actor strike?

In the announcement, they stated dual audio is not the reason for the delay.
They're not done with localization, and are rechecking it, and apparently adding more voiced dialogue.

>import game
>Sup Forums will still be making angry threads about it for two years

>implying the delay is for the dual audio
It isn't even going to be integrated into the game itself, its free DLC.

>and apparently adding more voiced dialogue
>they're so incompetent they forgot to record all the dialogue
fucking lol

The delay is good, too much shit is coming out Q1 2017.

In Japanese the game isn't fully voiced. They could've meant they'll be doing English VO for lines that didn't have voice acting originally, though they didn't actually elaborate on what they meant by that so it's unconfirmed.

stay mad

>finish the dub for P5
>realise it sounds like trash
>enter panic mode
>delay release
>bundle in JP voice DLC

What awful site is this?


Tell me that that's neogaf so that I may laugh my fucking ass off.


yeah it's neogaf

>Fatlus will give us jap audio

What a time to be alive. And it's even confirmed for PS3 in the west it seems? That's great too.

fucking weeb

What is the point of showing old twitters post when we got Japanese audio now. Atlus USA fuck up that Atlus JP had to intervene by giving away the Japanese audio for free as an apologize for them having to delay the game to clean their mistakes.

>And it's even confirmed for PS3 in the west it seems?
That's been confirmed for ages. Though honestly, it was smart to do dual audio with the game on PS3 anyway, since I'm sure it'll deter most people who were planning to pirate an undub.

Is it seriously that hard to put Jap voices in a localization? What's seriously preventing them or making some kind of barrier to include this that they have to actually make a huge deal out of it.

>Is it seriously that hard to put Jap voices in a localization?
For Atlus games - No. They usually just re-record the voices to english and replace the files. Same file names, same sentences. Makes it easier for them.

Others like Rune Factory 4 did a full rename of all the files and the dialogue didn't fit with the voices in the Japanese release which meant that redoing it would be much harder due to the script being significantly different. Even for the developers who had the code in their hands.

That's rather obvious satire.

It's not hard or even time consuming to include the japanese audio track. It just costs extra since they have to pay licensing fees for the japanese voice actors and Atlus USA are jews trying to cut costs whenever possible.

That was me and its not surprising Sup Forums doesn't know what satire is. plus it was taken out of context. GG Sup Forums

>That was me
brb reporting you to the GAF mods
they don't like 4chinnerz

>thinking sarcasm translated through text
>thinking sarcasm like that would be distinguishable amongst the literal autists on neogaf
>outing yourself as a member of neogaf
Kill yourself three times, please

Who do you think the Fatlus audience is?

Do you think it's some kind of noble bastion of vidya connoisseurs, ill-loved and oft-forgoten by the mainstream AAA?

Because it's fucking not, it's the same people it's always been, sad, sad waifufags who have been buying the same game for literally years, but they changed the color palletes, jackets, and hats of the girls and got the protagonist to dye his hair. People who buy Atlus games will buy Atlus games, they will not stop buying Atlus games.


fuck I need to do my reps more often.

I for once welcome this delay, not only because we get jp audio and a better (not as shitty) dub, but because every fucking game I want was clustered in January and February like there isn't any other months to release shit, my wallet can survive 2017 now.

Now, if NieR Automata releases on February worldwide I'll be a happy man.

>a better (not as shitty) dub
Don't assume that just because P4's Japanese VO sucked, that P5's does too.
The cast is stellar, and the voice acting is god tier.
I imagine this is probably the main reason so many people pestered them for dual audio, the Japanese dub of P5 is exceptional.

Even as someone who wanted dual audio and would've pirated without it, the thing that makes me most happy about this announcement, is that P5 threads won't be fucking cancer anymore (once the initial "DUBFAGS BTFO" and "APOLOGIZE" shitposting is over). At most there'll be a couple of subfags and dubfags arguing, but since everyone can actually be happy now, there certainly won't be the same level of toxicity.

> the Japanese dub of P5 is exceptional
Have we watched the same trailers? It's crap and even worse than the P3 and P4 dubs, no wonder they are re-recording it.

>Japanese dub

oops, read that wrong, probably because he said the P4 japanese voiceover was shit, which it wasn't. I enjoyed the japanese voice cast alot except for Kuma, they all fit the characters much better than the english cast.

>in NA

So the Jap dub won't ever be available in Europe?

Both. Deep Silver confirmed it'll have dual audio in their versions too.

We can go back shitpost about how persona is ruining shin megami tensei with waifus and dating simulators


To think not a day ago there were two threads up at the same time saying we'll never ever get dual audio because of Atlus's jewish asses.

>"Throwing everything into the english dub"
>had to delay the game because they weren't going to record as many Japanese lines as English ones
literally worse than trash.

They're delaying the game because they're voicing lines that weren't voiced in Japanese.

The Japanese VO is a token of apology FOR the delay, not the reason behind it.

Pic related. Atlus USA fucked up royally, Atlus JP noticed, and now Atlus JP is going over the localization with a fine-tooth comb hunting down every error those shitbags at Atlus USA botched.

Straight from Hardin's mouth:
>"The added bonus is that the delay does give us the extra time to [a bunch of rambling] include the Japanese VO as DLC at launch."
-00:11:40 twitch dot tv/atlususa/v/101466191

Everyone who claims dual audio caused the delay is either retarded, misinformed, or both. The delay is completely due to Atlus USA's shit handling of the localization. They couldn't even handle their jobs when they weren't expected to do dual audio, so daddy Atlus JP got the belt and taught them a lesson about how cutting corners costs more time in the end.

the persona 5 threads will still be shit because there's literally nothing to discuss except spoilers and which gilr you will fuck when the game comes out.

Tae best girl