No, I won't do a genocide run

No, I will not do a Genocide Run.

I'm happy with the way things ended, and I intend to preserve that. The characters of this game, they grew on me. A lot. They weren't just sprites on my computer screen. They felt real. They had hopes, they had dreams, they had flaws and they had fears. We didn't understand each other at first... But through compassion, understanding and MERCY, we overcame our differences. But were we really different to begin with? Human? Monster? What does that really mean? The world I wandered through, which seemed so cold and dark in the beginning, slowly faded away, as I realized I wasn't alone on this journey. Who would have thought? We ended up being friends. They made me smile, They made me laugh. And I'm not ashamed to say that... They also made me cry.

Sometimes, I would pass through a corridor, wondering about them, about what they were doing, about what they were thinking right now. So I'd grab my cellphone and strike up a conversation with them. I was talking out loud, asking them about what was going on in their lives. And guess what? They answered me, i could hear their voice reach me, and we talked for hours. Toriel and Sans were cracking some random bad jokes, I laughed so much when Undyne told me about how she surprised Papyrus pretending to drive on his bed! And Alphys... We talked a lot about her deep fears of coming to terms with her true-self. Eventually, I think our chats both made us stronger.

To think that they finally made it to the surface... I can't image how they felt when they took their first breath of fresh air. Ahah, I was almost jealous. But i'm glad, i wouldn't have it any other way.

And why would I throw all that away? Because some jaded flower is urging me to play a "game" again? Well guess what, Flowey: that was never a game for me to begin with.

I will never reset my Save, i will never let my friends down, and knowing that they're all probably waiting for me right now fills me with:


good blog post, now go back to tumblr

No, you literal autist. It's a fucking video game, they aren't real.

Pure unfiltered weapons grade S class autism. Can't even look at it straight.

This this for real?

this game would suck less if there was a proper story to all the cut levels and gaster

obvious pasta

pasta autist/10

Really made me think. Thank you for your contribution, my good sir!

I won't do genocide run because game was so much shit I won't play it again, you should fuck off.

Isn't that the LISA dev?

Yeah, it's him.

people like these almost make me feel like hitler was a good guy
but then i remember deutsche physik and lebensborn

P-please tell me it's fake, user...

I think this is a copypasta. But I agree. I finished the game pacifist, and let it be. I don't really feel the need to beat it again, and the damn flower guilt-ed me out of any chance of going around again to kill everyone.

>this game
>relevant anymore

I respect people who are pansexual. May be why I'm on Sup Forums so damn much, only people I know who are willing to fuck a spoon as long you put a pair of tits on it.

Omg so cringeeeyy :OO

is this the cringe thread?? :O xDD

So how many tries did Sans take you guys?
8 here.


you should resetti



easy as shit, it's just the OHKO attack that catches people off guard.

Killed him on the first try.