>waiting 4 months for a glorified lucio counter
>the patch she dropped in, Lucio got nerfed as well
>she's so much dead weight fucking Torbjorn is a better character now
>waiting 4 months for a glorified lucio counter
>the patch she dropped in, Lucio got nerfed as well
>she's so much dead weight fucking Torbjorn is a better character now
Yeah pretty much. It's a shame because I was really excited for her.
Get rid of that stupid shit where you can't shoot while invisible. At the very least I shouldn't have to wait a full fucking second to get some damage in for an ambush.
Also make it so you can cancel ANY ult. That was supposed to be the fucking point of her.
There's so much more shit that needs to be fixed She's so busted right now.
is this a JoJo reference?
bad spy is bad
torb got buffed faggot
Any ult would be too OP, but s long as it isnt a projectile like Mei or Zarya or Junkrat, she should be able to cancel it
That's what I'm saying though. Sombra is the worst part of the patch, Torb being the best
>200 HP
>Tracer level DPS
>60 fucking cartridges in a magazine
>teleport and invisibility give her more survivability than Tracer
>dead weight
She's actually a frontline fighter like Reaper, instead of a support role spy she was supposed to be.
invisibility isnt good if you're on the frontlines, though her damage is underrated. Her existence is still worthless due to lucio seeing far less play already and her ult doing jack shit to anyone besides lucio or mccree
She's good for disabling the enemy Rein on maps with retarded chokepoints (which is 90% of OW maps), like Hanamura.
>she says a voice line and announces her presence when you break out of invisibility
she shits on zarya like nobodies business, but yes, sombra is essentially complete shit.
>hacking zarya
>teleport away
>come back
>hack her again
>suddenly get gangbanged by enemy team
>watch Overwatch E-""""Sport"""" @ Blizzcon
>teams are nearly mirror matches
nice balancing you got there Blizzard.
She's incredibly good as a harass character, and she pushes like crazy with her EMT. She just isn't lone wolf style that everyone wants, a good Sombra won't get POTG or top any sort of chart, but she will be annoying as fuck, and make it incredibly easy for her team to assault from the front.
Blizzdrones just can't into critical thinking. They just copy each other without any thought, not because it's an """optimal""" team composition.
Blizzard refuses to make defense characters as good as offense characters because they know a playing customer is a paying customer, so you cant upset genji or mccree mains by making them have a real weakness
pro players don't play for fun
This is not even remotely unique to Blizzard games
Any game with a meta will have an optimal strategy or composition that is popular
Get on with the times, Soldier is better now
Oh great, MORE reason not to touch defense characters now that 76 and Pharah were buffed
>glorified Lucio counter
you serious nigga? Hacking Lucio doesn't even stop his heeling, it just keeps him from using Amp it Up.
If anything, Sombra is a Genji/Zarya/Roadhog/etc. counter.
Then you got south koreans who refused to do outright mirror matches, even had matches with F-tier heroes being used like Bastion and completely wrecking all opposition.
He means her ult deletes Lucio's sound barrier
It counters his ult, and can stop him from switching from speed boost to heal.
Deletes? As in dispels after it was applied? Really?
I haven't played since the patch yet.
No, you're a jojo reference.
Junkrat and mei wreck genji, tanks for the most part can get McCree
Does it only work that way on Lucio's ult in particular, or does it deplete any shields, including natural shields heroes like Zenyatta and Zarya have?
Yep, one of the perks of her ult is it removes shields. Lucio's ult is literally just a temporary shield.
It also completely wrecks Rein and Zen cause of this.
>cartridges in a magazine
How many times is lucio going to get nerfed man wtf.
It deletes sound barrier, removes zarya bubbles, and prevent Reinhardt from putting up his shield
Not Dota 2.
>Junkrat and mei wreck genji
This is so wrong
>hack zarya
>all her abilities were on cooldown anyways
>removes zarya bubbles
>and prevent Reinhardt from putting up his shield
You mean when their respective shields were up? Or simply locks their abilities?
I.e. does it go THROUGH the shields? Can't you defend from her ult somehow?
You defend by killing her. Its a pretty short ult all things considered. I think its the same duration as her hack as well, so basically just 6 seconds.
Her ult goes through the shields, but her regular hacking does not
No. Her ult breaks all shield instantly and silences everyone without counterplay besides not being in range. Rein barrier will be reduced to 0 hp and will have to recharge.
Hello user, I understand your confusion, however Lucio state was far beyond any other support character, it will get nerfed as long as he will picked so often and his stats would be superior compared to other support heroes.
What if her ult hits Rein when his shield is not out? Will it sill be reduced to 0, or will it just be locked for 6 seconds?
Actually does it even matter? Wouldn't it regenerate to full in those 6 seconds?
>Can't hack while being damaged
>Torb's turret can lock on while you're invisible
>So trying to hack Torb's turret is pointless
>Can't cancel S76, Torb, Widow, Winston, Ana or Zen's ult by hacking
>Hitting Zarya's shields with EMP give her charge
Yes, not being near her when she uses it
you cant cancel Genji, Reaper, Pharah, or Bastion ult either with EMP
Reaper and Pharah do get cancelled, Genji loses all his other skills which can be pretty bad for him anyway so it's probably a fair trade
Bastion... is Bastion
Sinceramente when are obese numales allowed in Sup Forums?
#GotYou :^)
>>Torb's turret can lock on while you're invisible
this can't be true
gotta be fair user.
Happened to me earlier, didn't go well
What did they do to Lucio?
Haven't played in a few months.
>2-2 in ranked
>final round
>the random on our team switches Sombra
>we get rolled
>check his profile after the match
>Sombra play time is 3 minutes
How do I escape this trench?
Wait till a few weeks after Sombra launch where everyone has played their fill of her.
if you stand right next to it, yeah it locks on.
same way that if you're invisible and pass close to someone, they'll kind of see you.
That kind of player would just switch to Hanzo, Torbjörn or any other trash character. Last night I had a Widowmaker on my team that didn't get a SINGLE kill. In ranked. With 60 hours on Widow.
Only if you get close, same with anybody else. The actual shitrod is that you can't hack while invisible, and if you go visible to hack the turret guess what it fucking opens fire on your ass, and you can't hack when taking damage.
Most likely, yeah, but right now people are just being ultra dumb with Sombraness. I think until people get their full, you'll be running into a lot more stupid sombra players who are a wasted slot just cause they wanna try her out some.
Trying out new characters is absolutely fine, but why does it have to be in the deciding round of a ranked match? Just why?
Cause people are idiots mostly.
>use her kit to go invis and sneak around enemy
>try to hack enemy, get targetted right away and fail hack
>teleport and run away
>hack a healthpack and camp it
>go sneak back in and try to take out a squishy
>squishy lives with little health but you teleport back to safety on your trusty health pack
>you did all of this for no gain while the enemy team captured a point and you'd be more useful running in as a hanzo spamming arrows
Her kit is too niche, any assassin type characters in games are either dead weight or buffed slightly into being OP, they are a nightmare to balance.
>play comp
>the team without Sombra always wins
rly mks u thk
>hacking now takes 2.5 seconds
>getting shot at does not stop hack
>healthpacks are now only hacked for 45 seconds instead of one whole minute
>you can shoot and ult immediately out of cloak and do not have to wait half a second or so
>her ult cancels out ALL other ults that are channeled, not just McCree and Lucio's barrier
There, I fixed Sombra
Same goes for quickplay. I have never won a match where someone on my team picked sombra and I have never lost a match where someone on the enemy team had a sombra but we didnt. Its a tossup if both teams have Sombra though
>people keep trying to play her a third Genji/Tracer, running round and getting solo kills
>except her gun is the worst gun in the game so she can't do that for shit
She's a counter flanker/frontline support, and not a flanker/ganker. She's there to cockblock the enemy team from medkits during fights, hack flankers trying to get at your supports (Tracer and Genji both die incredibly easily once hacked) and foil enemy aggression with hacks (Zarya trying to push up? hack her and watch her drop) and her ult
She sort of fills the same niche as McCree but isn't as good as him since she just hinders people instead of killing them.
>Genji loses all his other skills which can be pretty bad for him
Sombra has her problems, but I'm so glad about this
post yfw Genji shitters BTFO
Can you mute her? She's so stupidly annoying
Her gun does decepitvely good damage. You think its shit, but its not. Just spray it.
The problem is that she wants to be played solo going in, disrupting squishies and hacking people like roadhog, gneji, or mei, and then teleport back to a healthpack she hacked, but unless you're pre-made your teammates are maximum retards who dont know where your healthpacks are and arent there to push when you spam you are ready for your ult
Her gun does good damage but the spread is insane, you have to be almost as close as Reaper to them to hit headshots consistently
She can definitely drop squishies quickly, though
Roadhog seems like a character that doesn't even care a whole lot about getting hacked since he'll just go back to poking with right clicks until it wears off. It's only slightly more annoying for him than being hit with Ana's grenade
It definitely fucks up Mei, though.
That's exactly why she's the spy equivalent. It's essentially a 1HK for squishies, and you'll shred anyone else when flanking.
She's a good character, but she's in the hands of dumbasses because of of it just launching. Everyone cried Ana was garbage the second she came out.
EMP isn't a complete gamebreaker like nanoboost, but just pair yourself with High Noon and EMP Rein to wipe out anyone standing near him.
Dota 2 has rotating metas and not all heroes a worth a pick in every situation/comp
overwatch characters have no depth, thats why you'll see the same characters being picked over and over because they are simply the best. Compare it to say, dota, where out of 100+ heroes there are usually around 50 being picked, if you count odd 1-2 time picks then the number goes to 80-90. Thats because dota heroes are more situational and provide different toolsets to solve different situations, whereas overwatch charaters essentially only differ in their predefined dps numbers or healing numbers, which is the only thing that matters in overwatch. Its a shallow game for shallow minded people, which, when taken to "pro" level, reveals its flaws instantly.
Nah everyone loved Ana to the point of saying Zenyatta was useless.
Nah he's right, Ana was considered a weak character until the tank meta got into full swing, that's why she got buffed
They need to nerf roadhog or at least redesign him so that he requires some trace of thought to actually play
I'm so sick of seeing him everywhere and shitty players getting drip fed kills for doing nothing and getting away with shit that any other character would have died five times over for
Problem is, DOTA 2 is a shitty moba.
The more it stays away from that, the better.
This is gonna be some Ana shit where everyone says she's bad until some dude on Reddit figures out how to play her and then she'll be God Tier.
>Zarya nerfed
>Patch note only mentions that she was being used too much
Shes useless now.
Damn I must be living in bizzaro world. I just recall from the moment of her reveal she was considered good. Everyone was losing their heads over her ability to shut down ults and simultaneously stop and boost healing.
The major complaint was her lack of vantage gaining for a sniper but that quickly died out once people realized how good she was
I still see her plenty
>See a 50 hour Lucio on King's Row today
>He's wall running across the tops of the buildings while healing
Is this uncommon?
The games have different characters to choose from, that's it.
Is Black Ops 3 a MOBA?
Is Rainbow Six Siege a MOBA?
Can you use ults in Black Ops 3 and Rainbow Six Siege? If so yes. Funny though you can only list casual trash fps seems common with mobawatch players.
In Black Ops 3, yes, in Rainbow Six, each one has their own ability.
So, that's what defines a MOBA for you?
Having different characters and Ults?
Despite the fact that probably no one agrees with you, and no one outside here would ever consider a multiplayer shooter a MOBA?
>casual trash fps
As opposed to?
Is TF2 a moba because you can turn invisible and disguise yourself as spy or build shit as engineer?
I already seen that coming during the PTR and it kinda sucks that it has to be that way. My brother was playing ranked and someone locked on to Sombra real quick to make sure no one else would get her. Whoever picked her sucked so much ass.they kept using her EMP in the wrong time and didn't hack shit.
This is one of the reason why I fucking hate Solo-Que now because people don't listen, don't wanna communicate, act so stupid, never want to co-exist and take the game serious. In QP people do the same. She has always been the first pick many times out of the 2 I played that mode since the update. To add insult to injury, people leave if someone locks onto her.
Woah there, i'm happy that you're not a blizzard employee dude, your idea are complete shit.
speedboost gives a lot less speed (older nerf), passive healing reduced (recent nerf)
>multiplayer online battle arena
Overwatch: check
Dota 2: check
Black Ops 3: check
Rainbow Six Siege: check
TF2: check
>Can you use ults in Black Ops 3 and Rainbow Six Siege? If so yes
>Get rid of that stupid shit where you can't shoot while invisible. At the very least I shouldn't have to wait a full fucking second to get some damage in for an ambush.
No, bad. Her invisibility is for flanking and hacking, not taking down your opponents in one fell swoop, that would make her too OP.
>At the very least I shouldn't have to wait a full fucking second to get some damage in for an ambush.
You will always need backup no matter the circumstance despite she is used for flanking/distraction. If you don't use her right, you will get gangbanged.
>first person shooter
Overwatch: check
Dota 2: nope
Black Ops 3: check
Rainbow Six Siege: check
TF2: check
you're a fucking moron
Nobody was discussing whenever or not those games are first person shooters or not.
Could be worse
>want to get the weekly arcade bonus
>tank/support main so 3v3/1v1 doesn't appeal to me
>try the Old Quick Play Mode
>3-5 sombras on each team
>50/50 coin toss that you'll be on the team that gets tired of sombrasucking and switches to winning chars first
>mfw was expecting something akin to Spy
>mfw getting this
Really might pick up TF2 again, this hero is garbage and we're not going to see an invis hero with the mechanics like Spy's.
>want to play Sombra
>someone always instalocks her in Quick play
>everyone picks her on no limits making it retarded
Someone's got it
Until they realize that nerfing him is useless because he is inherently good. The only way they can keep him from the top is if they completely rework the character.
might be shitposting, but this is actually true. overwatch pros are relatively shit still. if overwatch actually becomes a thing, there's 100% going to be a dominating team sooner or later that actually uses dynamic compositions
Until Blizzard accepts that Speed Boost is the best ability in the game.
>Implying she's a spy
A character who's ability is to turn into enemy characters and sneak up on them would be neat though.