Requesting images wherein Spongebob screen caps are used to represent other things

Requesting images wherein Spongebob screen caps are used to represent other things

Making this thread in Sup Forums because I'd prefer video game ones more than anything else, but I'd accept Sup Forums, /tg/ Sup Forums whatever

I've only got a few but I'll share em

Here's a Sup Forums one

Here's a good one, but it's Sup Forums

who's the third person supposed to be in Battle Tendency?

Speedwagon? Stroheim?

>Implying anyone runs Blackwing any more.

It's open to interpretation I guess, it's Spongebob not Jojo

It's the Pillar Men, dipshit. Should've been Sandy training Spongebob in Kara-tay though


nobody runs e-hero, mermail, shaddol, chain burn, or nekroz anymore either


I dont get Lunar diplomacy or Mournings end

and I dont think monkey Madness's pic fits



>underground pass
>monkey madness


>Recruitment Drive



>tfw i don't understand a lot of the pics itt

same...less obscure one plz

The worst part is these dudes talkinh about the pictures like "of course everyone gets it"

Same but for some reason I have a feeling it's Jojoshit, don't know why tho