>playing handhelds in bed is comfy!
How much more of a lie can this be? it's impossible to find a comfortable position
>playing handhelds in bed is comfy!
How much more of a lie can this be? it's impossible to find a comfortable position
Maybe do some stretches or something.
Get a bed with a headrest and a nice big pillow.
>2 pillows leant against headboard
>Rest handheld on chest
You are now comfortable
So you're suggesting to sit up against the headrest. Why the fuck not just sit on a couch/chair then?
thought the comfy came from laying down and playing which is not possible
>tfw not enough pillows
I play my micro in bed sometimes, thats alright, but man 3ds in bed is more labor.
I lie on my stomach with a pillow holding up my head.
I don't think there is ANY comfortable position to play a 3DS, whether it's in bed or not. The Vita may be small, but at least it's not two big heavy square shapes that aren't ergonomic at all.
RIP neck
There's no comfortable way to play handhelds period, whether it's a Vita or anything else. It's not good for the neck, hurts like hell after a while.
Not a single position (except for sitting behind a proper table with all the right angles) is comfy enough if you stay in it for too long. Switch places from time to time - sit, lay, stand etc.
True, but I still stand by the idea that the 3DS is one of the less comfortable handhelds I've ever owned. I even got a XL because I have big hands, and the Vita still takes longer to give me cramps while being small as fuck.
nigga you need handle grips. in nipland they released a set for MHX, those are god tier
I don't get it either OP, I'd much rather just sit in a chair.
I already hate how big, bulky and heavy the 3DS is, this would just make things worse. I just wish it had a better more rounded shape and was lighter.
I've never held a Vita so I wouldn't know. I just find all handhelds do the same to me. My neck feels like shit, head hurts after a while and my hands do too.
It's still mostly the same, but it takes a lot longer for your hands to get tired because it's lighter and has a more ergonomic rounded shape, with buttons that are easier to reach. I can play a lot of stuff on the Vita lying in bed and still be able to reach buttons, while with a 3DS it's just awful because of the folding screens and square shape.
>lay down on stomach
>put dense pillow underneath chest/neck
>put arms around pillow in front of you
>play handheld
Lasts a good hour or two before your neck starts feeling uncomfortable. Then you just flip over.
Not hard OP you fucking retard
Ever used a Game Gear before? Now that shit, I can't believe my childhood hands could even hold it up straight.
No, you're only using the pillows to prop up your head
My neck is in pain just thinking about it, ouch mother fucker
I sorta want a 3ds now, even though I'm insecure as fuck
are there any good games for it
>not building a pillow throne
So you can't look down at your feet without hurting your neck? That's the level of "strain" we're talking about here, no wonder you can't get comfortable.
Yeah. Now do that pose for any reasonable amount of play time.
I do and it's extremely comfortable, that's the whole reason I'm in this thread recommending it to you.
>not building a skull throne
just fold your pillow and lie on your side wtf
this is the correct way famalamadingdong
actually scrap that, it costs like 190$ here
Just lie down like pic related
No one else does it like this?
That's because the 3DS is a shitty device.
It weights a ton, it isn't balanced correctly; meaning it's not ergonomic to hold.
Luckily, it takes a while for the shitty ergonomics to dig into your hand and or wrist and by then, most likely, the battery has already almost run out.
What a joke device, ponkotsu. I'm extremely annoyed that the company has the nerve to ask $200/200€ for that piece of scrap metal.
nah, new
i might try to snipe a black friday deal
Looks like a sure-fire way to make my arms numb, and my bed doesn't rise off the ground too far so my elbows are awkwardly bent on the ground. Check your high-bed privilege.
Though I just went to test after writing that post and it doesn't seem that bad. I'll be testing this more extensively
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Why do they do this?
You lie on your stomach, rest your head on a pillow and have your arms on the pillow's sides to play your handheld. It's not that hard.
I guarantee you, no one is thinking about you out there in the world. As horrible as that sounds, it's the truth. They aren't staring at someone playing a 3DS. They're thinking about what shit to put on the table for dinner tonight, or how they're going to pay their next phone bill, or whatever.
Only Quentin thinks about people playing their 3DS, and he's an autistic fuck.
No one else does it like this?
How much do you weigh?
Because it's cute. Anything is ok as long as it's cute.
i'm not roleplaying superman, no
In a sitting position is best. Usually I just play on the floor.
This is how I got my high scores in Pilotwings. This user knows whats up.
I lay on my stomach with a pillow or rolled up blanket under my chest. That way you get enough height from the waist up to comfortably lay down your arms on the bed while holding a handheld.
I hope this diagram I drew helps.
wew user nice tits
it looks like your blanket is "plow"ing you.
Unless you act like a total sperg (meaning the 3DS has nothing to do with people staring at you), no one is going to give a shit.
People give way too much credit to theirselves.
Sure people will most likely quickly check what the person is going and that's all, they have better things to do.
>mfw some dork is watching my phone screen when I'm watching Idolm@ster videos from my phone while commuting
Uh, creeper much?
Any time I see a girl playing a 3DS in pubic I assume she's a vapid whore and her vagina must smell like rotted crayfish.
Cheers user
What's the absolute MAXIMUM over-comfy you can achieve with a handheld?
does a recliner + blanket beat everything ?
RIP neck
>in pubic
>the pictures keep slowly improving in quality
Alright, who's going to draw a busty furry slut naked on the bed playing 3DS?
fuck off
you fuck off
add more pillows and bent knees to rest the system against and you're good
I like to sit on the bed against the wall under a blanket with pillows to support my back.
It's about as comfy as it gets.
And completely in the nude, of course.
But I agree that lying in bed and playing handhelds/reading/smartphoning is incredibly overrated.
Brionne's a cutie.
>actually get comfortable for once
>feel the urge to pee 4 minutes later
kek. Fuck it I'll take it
Agreed, she's fantastic. Handles those pokeballs like a pro
I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again...
>get comfy
>start to warm up
>unsure if door is locked
>can't play unless I know for certain that it's locked
>get up out of comfy spot
>go to door
>it's already locked
>heart eyes
hd version when
Too far from my PC. I like playing handhelds and casually browsing threads and shit. On my bed I have nothing unless I bring my phone but eh..
I prop my head and neck up with a pillow and rest it against my chest. very comfortable.
I guarantee at least 95% of my time with the switch will be me playing while on the bed.
I adjust myself every now and again but otherwise it's relatively comfortable
Is your neck made out of paper?
uh.. yes ?
>finally get to a somewhat comfortable position
>realize im slowly moving my head closer and closer to the 3DS
>palm now somewhat in pain because 3ds is fucking shit at ergonomics
>change my grip
>fucking MHX is boring so I close it and just watch a movie and fall asleep
every fucking time
what is a hyper-extended neck?
>circle pad is suddenly annoying as shit for my thumb
Why? I had no problem with it before, my hands are weird
>want to play 3ds in bed and fall asleep after turning it off
>always fap before going to bed
>dont want to play vidya after fapping but dont want to fap after i'm done playing game
i dont know what to do
Don't fap
he's suggesting not to be a fat fuck. If you can't get comfortable in a bed it's your own fucking fault
>fap people can't get comfy in bed
Not ever an American, but this is false.
I play on my stomach with a pillow under my chest.
Then my balls will explode though...
Just have your girlfriend or wife jerk you off while you play games then.
Is that so hard?
This is the reason alone why I'm a stomach sleeper. Too much late-night PSP when I was like 10.
Unfortunately, being a stomach sleeper backfired on me tonight. I slept on one of my arms, and cut off the circulation for about 3 hours and then woke up w/ no feeling in my arm.
And then incredible soreness as soon as I regained circulation.
How do you not wake up literally crushing your own arm you fucking retard
>ITT:greasy tears of XL fags with sausage fingers
me and my normal sized black n3ds are very comfy together in bed every night.
>tfw you can't move you're arm
>can't figure out why there is a stray limb in your bed
>mildly freak out
not being a manlet =/= being a sausage finger obese fuck
>but dont want to fap after i'm done playing game
Laying on your side is the most comfy way to play.
As impossible as reading a book.
Unless you're in a sitting position, in which case, you'd be much better in an armchair or on a couch.
>needing an XL = being a fat sausage finger obese fuck with poor eyesight or just a nigger
Is Super Mario 3D Land good? I've never seen anyone talk about it. Is it worth picking up on the cheap?
Press with two fingers in between your balls and asshole. Pleasure will be about the same, but cum won't cum out. With enough experience, you'll learn to control the muscles around this area, so you can stop yourself from cumming, maximize the pleasure, and even continue fapping afterwards.
Enjoy fapping to your dick's content in your bed without having to change the sheets every day.
t. 30 yr old who's been fapping for two decades
>yfw ghost arm touches your face
That looks so stupid