Overwatch 1v1

A 1v1 Mccree montage I made using clips from the patch 1.5 PTR.


Now that the patch is live, I'll be uploading videos for the rest of the heroes with better clips soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing Overwatch after 1.5 update

Get outta here you esport cuck. Kill yourself. No one will watch your video.

Wut m8?

Fuck off cunt boy


Bad game.

Then why is it one of the most popular PC games in the world right now?

Who knows?

Bad game.


This is not the YouTube thread.

Best in slot game.

Says who?



Nice headshots

>thousands of views before
>max of 50 views per video now
ahh, so youre shilling your shitty channel here now that nobody watches it anymore. i feel like i understand how crack whores feel now.

Uhhh.. I've been consistently uploading shitty videos to this channel for years :^)
And why would someone make a new Youtube channel if they already have one up and running in any situation..
No idea what you're talkin' about, maniac.

>1.5 added new, fun gamemodes, and a really fun to play hero

Your loss

I know, right? Why would you quit playing when the game just got better than ever..?

>Cowboy Bepop as thumbnail
I hope you die with your overrated anime.

Why you hatin bruh? Was just a good song choice for Mr. Space Cowboy Mccree :b

Anyways, back to grinding matches in Homos of the Storm for that Genji skin. Dead ass game.

The video is nice but Cowboy Bepop is not.

you disgust me

Eh, the show isn't anything special/I haven't even seen the entire thing. The song was just too fitting to not use.

Just play with easiest bots, matches last like 10 mins

welp im already done with this video.
10 seconds in, he manages to flash you point blank but cant kill you.
Is this what silver looks like?

>tfw havent lost a single 1v1, in either PTE or Live
Loot Boxes

Well if you weren't retarded, you'd know there's no rank attached to the 1v1 game mode. And like it says in the description, these are just the clips I managed to record during the PTR when I played.
Now that it already went live and I don't feel rushed, I can get some better content.

>Well if you weren't retarded, you'd know there's no rank attached to the 1v1 game mode
That's not what he was talking about, you dumb fucking nigger
Get the fuck off Sup Forums to whatever site you came from

Yeah, pretty much. Lost one game on live to a real tryhard, but won every game I played on PTR.

No shit.. My point was that there's no way to choose, nor the game dictate, what skill level my opponent is, you autist.
Did you forget to take your pills?

I like 3v3 more. 1v1 takes too fucking long with the first to five wins.

Yeah, 3's is a lot more fun, but not as intense.
I threw a clip of a 3v3 up the day of the PTR update.


A lot of bad players on the public test servers lol

And what show do you like Mr. Patrician taste?

Probably a die-hard Sailor Moon fan.

Do you get lootboxes even after you did the weeklies?

Nah, just one for the first arcade win of the day or whatever, and the 3 weekly. You still get a good amount of XP from 1v1 (and 3v3 especially) though.

What the hell is wrong with Cowboy Bebop? Are you just trying to have a different opinion or something? Who the hell doesn't like Cowboy Bebop. Jesus.