>intro cutscene is unskippable
Tropes you hate in video games
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking ys origin did this
>intro cutscene is unskippable
>game does not have autosave or warn you to save
>incredibly easy to die on first level
>dying boots you back to the titlescreen
>have to watch unskippable cutscene again
>Publisher logo
>developer logo
>engine logo
>video codec logo
>photosensitivity warning
>"This game was made by a diverse team..." Warning
>"this game uses an auto saving feature" warning
>loading screen
>finally title screen
>all unskipable
>Spend half the story going after magical item of whateverness only for the girl to be taken hostage last minute so you trade it for her
>limited inventory
>final boss is low energy
> total rando is a hopeless boss fight and you waste good items trying to kill it
>intro videos
>title screen takes you into gameplay immediately
>starts with unskippable cutscenes
>finally get into game
>can't changes graphics settings in Game
>have to hit a checkpoint to quit out
>defaults to a stupid low resolution with motion blur and other garbage
The amount of games that still do this us appalling
>unskippable credits
>they play every time you want to replay the final boss fight
>cutscene shows main character tank hits like a boss
>can die from lowliest grunt enemy during gameplay
fuck you too DMC
>character dies in game
>"lel you can just resurrect him every time"
>character dies in a cutscene
>"RIP character :'( "
fucking warcraft III
why couldn't they just resurrect Grom at any random Altar of Storms
Ys origin's opening cutscene is like a minute long, relax. Plus it's awesome
>degradable equipment
Fuck right off with this shit. This adds nothing to real time action games.
>Beat a boss to a pulp with no effort
>Cutscene shows you getting rekt
Every damned fighting game.
Fated death or soul shit.
WoW itself is incredibly fucking shitty about this too since you have a questline on the Horde side for Cataclysm about helping a Shaman resurrect her mentor or something and yet there's all these characters that just die normally in battle and stay dead.
>gameplay has the main character take bullets like they are nerf darts
>cutscenes expect me to care that someone pulls a gun on the MC
Fucking Yakuza
>explosion sends you flying into the ocean
>under water for 5 seconds
>come up gasping for air
Jeb is a big fat mistake
>beat the living shit out of sparda
>cutscene shows Dante getting his shit kicked in
>NPCs talk in multiple-paragraph-long speeches
>PC can only offer a sentence long response
>loading screens
It's 2016. Come on, devs.
Don't bully Jeb. He's a nice guy.
>any input skips the cutscenes
>can't even fidget around with the controller while you're trying to watch
*hits mic*
>Republicans try to push an establishment shill, but despite their best efforts get rekt by an outsider who's popular with the people
>Democrats think obviously the best way for them to win is to push their own establishment shill instead of running their guy that's popular with the people
I started playing Tron Evolution last night and it has 5 unskippable logo screens and a 45 seconds movie intro that can't be skipped. Thankfully you can disable them all in the .ini file.
>want to play coop with bro
>you have to beat the prologue before you can invite or change settings
>beat it
>invite him
>he has to beat the prologue now
> "Press X to skip" shows during cinematic
> Mouse cursor shows during cinematic and can't be hidden
> left alt as a default keybind for anything when left ctrl is open
Do people actually prefer to use alt over ctrl as a keybind? It's so much easier to press ctrl. I hate devs who do this.
>can't pause the cutscene
>press start during a cutscene
>it pauses the cutscene
Jeb is so cute tho (no homo)
Jak & daxter series right?
>alt-tab doesn't pause the game
Jeb is a mess.
>firing weapons will turn off your stealth cloak
>cloaked enemies can fire as much as they want and remain cloaked
>Game doesn't have new game plus
>Doesn't let me skip prologue cutscene in NG+
>Alt tab crashes the game which makes me restart it
>battleborns shitty intro
>find 1 time use consumables
>save them up to use in a hard fight
>game never has hard fights
>against all odds, the hero prevails over the forces of evil
>Leftists are doubling down on the shit they led to Trump being elected in the first place
Enjoy the Left of the Western World being in the political wilderness for the next decade, this is the real neo-80's
>finally beat the game
>feel empty inside
>ultimate weapon/armor forged in the heart of the sun at the beginning of time
>random stuff from a box is stronger
I want to use items that make me feel special, not the hand-me-downs from some nameless schlub.
he probably hasn't had much sleep since election night
i still feel as if i'm dreaming, i'm almost convinced i died in a nuclear holocaust on november 8th and i'm dreaming all this
>unskippable 30 min credits
That's not a trope.
This was the fucking worst for when my friends and I played Dark Souls 2 together, the final boss took all night to get through because of those fucking credits.
>Enemies have stupidly long i-frames so you have to wait 30 seconds before being able to hit them again, because they're still reeling from that devastating noogie you just gave them
>Game has extremely rare consumables that permanently raise stats
>You're allowed to use them on characters who leave the party forever
> PC can beat literal gods and tank 1000 enemies
> dies in endgame to grunts
Crisis Core was real bullshit
>need to play game mode X for certain amount in order to unlock game mode Y
fucking PES, it's ridiculous
>intro cutscene is a program on its own
>have to beat the game to unlock hard mode
>have to start a new file to use hard mode
>game only has one save file
>its a goddamned 40 hour RPG with strong collection elements
Worst fucking idea ever Pokemon
>intro spoils literally every big plot point
>its all completely out of context so you'll never know
>have to beat the game to unlock easy mode
>have to start a new file to use easy mode
>game only has one save file
>its a goddamned 40 hour RPG with strong collection elements
>easy mode existing in FUCKING POKEMON
How do you fuck up this badly gamefreak?
>game with short campaign but huge replay value
>annoyingly long credits that keep on going forever
>silent protagonist
>press X to talk
>just get talked at
>can get stat-ups from fighting endgame super bosses
>being able to beat an endgame super boss means you don't need higher stats
>only gives a +1 out of 300+ anyway
>boss that long phase where nothing can touch him
>five seconds of being able to get hit for every minute
>this is every boss in the entire game
>party is a revolving door of characters that leave constantly and only one party member joins and never leaves
fuck ff4
You'd bitch if you died in one gunshot.
Still can't believe how america elected someone who is that disrespectful towards other as a president.
Dude, Jeb was a fucking joke.
>Unskippable cutscenes
>Forced stealth sections
>Escort missions with dead AI
>Poison in RPGs
>"Powerful equipment" as quest rewards end up being weaker than a common item drop by a random enemy
>Game explains absolutely everything except one little detail that is going to be very important through the whole game
>No warning before going to a boss fight
>Fights you are supposed to lose
>Fights that look like you are supposed to lose but you have to win them and even if you win them the cutscene says you lose any way
>Timer to complete a long game
>"If you kill them you will be like them" bullshit even though they have killed half of the world
There's more but I think this is enough. Oh and also
>Story content locked behind online that's either dead or doesn't work correctly
>guns using same ammo do arbitrarily different damage
>the guy who made these videos is anti-trump and cries on twitter all day
>these videos were supposed to paint trump in a bad light
>they only inflated his character
like pottery
I feel like it's implied the protagonist at least waves at them or something.
There are times where you are actually telling them things, but the dialogue box of your character won't appear.
Not being a self-insert fag however, I prefer to have that dialogue box and see the character personality instead of pretending I said that
>What's muzzle velocity?
Fake /k/ommando.
bernie vs trump would have been interesting. would not even be mad if bernie would win.
happy trump crushed Hilary.
>game is hard and you die in combat a lot
>combat encounters always have unskippable cutscenes
Fucking christ
>Game features no Guac
>what's reading comprehension
>Game where swords and guns exist
>Guns are completely useless
>The enemies that use the exact same weapons are the most OP mobs you fight
I know that Jeb is a big fat joke but insulting him in a public media like that is out of bounds.
well user, two days ago, jeb said he was gonna take his pants off and moon everybody
dudes a nasty guy
Jeb is not only a waste, but a big FAT MESS
What the actual fuck!? He said that!? Then he really needed that public humiliation!
Mortal Kombat 9?
>Game has swords and guns
>they're both useless compared to magic
>Ending credits can't be skipped
>They go on for fucking forever
>If you just turn off the console/pc it automatically deletes your most recent save data, meaning you have to replay the final level again
>game has a gun specialist character
>they get unique animations while using guns
>these animations make them slower, and effectively make them the worst gun user in the game
Jeb was /ourguy/. Down with Trump, the Normo.
>that one party member who is a complete dick
>and you can't remove him from the party
at least Symphonia let you kill this prick off
>Get shot literally the entire game
>Someone pulls a pistol on you in a cutscene and its suddenly a lethal weapon
Only games to ever do this right are RDR and Max Payne 3 when he gets shot by the 50 cal
God I hate this shit in Ubisoft games.
They say these are done so the game can load files and stuff into memory for better gaming experience but I wonder if that's the complete truth.
>intro cutscene is too spooky to get past
>Cutscene before boss is unskippable
>It takes 5 minutes
>Every time you die to the boss you have to watch it again
Fuck you Riku.
Not really a trope but
>playing game in 1440p and we'll over 60 fps
>cutscene is 1080p and 30 fps
>mc tells villain his plans will never work
>they do
>game has crafting mechanic
>it's both pointless and overpowered at the same time
You really donĀ“t know what a trope actually is, do you?
>Pre rendered cutscenes look worse than in engine scenes
Top three unbearable boss designs
>Boss has an everything proof shield they can use at random
>They use it
>Forced to suck your thumb and take hits for two minutes
>It wears off
>Get in a couple hits
>They use it again
>Game has a limit to the amount of effects the game can play to reduce stress on the console
>Boss has a big particle effect mess attack that stops you from doing anything while it casts
>Boss has no cast time and spams this shit while you wait patiently with full ATB for him to let you act
>Boss has an "I Win" button that you just need to pray they never use
>Examples are Strange Journeys Mem Aleph who can kill one member of your team at random
>In a game where you game over if the leader dies
>Another is Apocrapha from Radiant Historia, who has an AOE petrify ability
>You can't become immune to status effects
>He's the only notable enemy to use petrify the entire game so you don't expect it first time around