Tell me one(1) valid reason why you haven't hacked your 3ds

Tell me one(1) valid reason why you haven't hacked your 3ds.

>B-But i will get banned
Only if you go online on unreleased games
>B-But I'm not poor
You can still buy games and play them as normal while using all the extra features a cfw offers
>B-But 11.0 or 11.1
Slowhax soon
>B-But 11.2
If you seriously updated again you'll have to solder or buy a 2ds and return it after hacking your main 3ds.
>B-But it has no games
Then why even buy one?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have a 3DS, but I'm thinking about getting one.

Historically, the online ban Moon gave me is 15 days, but is there any info on the eShop one?

I can't imagine that's perma either, since it's basically telling me to pirate forever.

You've been posting slowhax soon for 3 months you fucking mong. Hurry that shit up

But it's slow, user

We will know for sure in 2 weeks
Last news is still end of december

mine is gathering dust. sooner play homebrew on my psp seeing how its much nicer.

I don't know how

Not an argument, retard

I played everything i wanted on my psp already so I'm using my 3ds to catch up on that and the ds library

This is how:

Because I'm not a parasite

>mfw 11.2fags have been shitposting about bans out of jealousy, even though it's only effected maybe 5% of people who were dumb enough to go online

>slowhax soon

How long has this been 'soon' now?

A month, but the expected date was always end of december at the soonest

I'm gonna pirate this smug loli!

because my powersaves are still on their way user

>Slowhax soon

Well gee user, I think you've answered your question.

You never say why you post this so often.

To help those who are interested and make fun of those who are triggered

i have actually, yesterday. it took me 2 hours since i'm a legit retard but i can play sun right now

Mine is hacked but without the piracy stuff enabled.

Can I safely install the new update from Nintendo to get the Animal Crossing Amiibo functionality?

Just don't forget to stay offline for a few more days.

Depends. If you just have the homebrew launcher, no.
If you use menuhax be careful that you update the right nand.
If you followed the current guide and are on a9lh you can update without any risk

>Just don't forget to stay offline for a few more days.

yea i'm not that retarded don't worry. besides i already preorder my copy from amazon, i just couldn't wait to give it a go. i hope i'll be able to transfer my save file though

You should be able to. Worst case you have to use JKSM to inject it into the cart

yea i'm looking into it. the thing is i want to transfer the save file from my old hacked 2ds to my new 3ds without having to hack my new 3ds

Serious question: Who the fuck was retarded enough to try to play online with a game that was leaked 2 weeks early?

I'm perfectly fine with what a non hacked 3DS can do

I didn't go online because I'm dumb but because I couldn't give less of a fuck if I got banned because I barely use the online features anyway.

Even just being able to play na games is enough of a reason for me

I did and all I play is fucking Picross.

mine is 11.0 and can't do shit to hack it. I would like because I'm not giving nintendo any more money

i hacked my 3ds before it was cool, but i still dont understand the purpose of these threads. What are you trying to achieve here? People who want to hack will hack anyway, people who dont are better off not hacking, both for them and for YOU, and not just in terms of noobs bothering homebrew community about "how do i free gaemz plx?" but in a wider sense of turning a console into a hackfest, even if its already close to its EoL, there might be a case of whether 3ds gets another game from some 3rd party dev based on how much of a "hackfest" the 3ds will be by that time.

Stop being an underage shitter screaming about how you found a "way to cheat the system", keep it to yourself. Great life advice right here.

I got 3ds with 10.something, untouched for almost entire year because i got new 3ds. Last time i checked this was unhackable.

I tried hacking mine back when SM leaked but I couldn't get browserhax to work and the faggots at /vg/ wouldn't help me so I gave up. I'm playing the game tomorrow and I haven't been spoiled so whatever.

>Tell me one(1) valid reason why you make this thread EVERY FUCKING DAY.

You still haven't learned your lesson, piratIng games will get you b& m8, baka.
>yfw people are actually still pushing this meme

If I don't do it, someone else does
>I couldn't get browserhax to work
It's down, there are some workarounds though. Not sure about the workaround url

The lesson is not to be retarded

I do it because I don't want you to give me orders. Your poverty's not gonna be my excuse

>it's not soon
>wahaaaa I'm the boss in my threads you aren't allowed to talk who care ok
you are already throwing tantrums at hard facts. Kill yourself you bag of shit.

You get to complain when it takes longer than december