What went wrong?


you got old

You grew up.

Your biological age increased

dude has been riding that meal ticket for 10 years, good for him

He stopped being funny around... May 2012. He ran out of unique jokes I think.

You realised his taste and perspective isn't novel nor insightful, and that the man himself is a stuck-up pseudointellectual who'd die if he had to get off his high horse.

He moved to America. I miss Gabe

He became near un-watchable.

Let's Drown Out > ZP

Why the fuck did he think this was a good idea? All I've ever heard mention on LDO was that it would let him do Live Streams but he said he prefers playing games alone, he doesn't sound like the kind of person to do streaming

You played some of the games he reviewed and notice that he must have played them on very easy for two hours

>shadows of mordor and Bioshock infinite as GOTY

Moving away from Australia is always a good idea.

Rarely does any of his videos even sound different.

It's on a website that no one cares about anymore. And the joke gets old after a while.

>turn on yahtzee

>watching mafia 3 review
>mfw my uber liberal roomate walked in at exactly the wrong moment

Sup Forums parroting his opinions killed vidya.

I guess he saw big name streamers making megabucks and getting 300k views on youtube and wanted a slice of the pie but his personality isn't really made for it. or he went to the US to get laid

Nothing, he was a one trick pony on a site that devolved into @nita supporters and went full leftist when gg happened and the Porcine God corrupted a cool gaming site into a train wreck.

A pat of butter can only be spread so thin before it loses flavor. He lost his years ago. Anyone hanging in there with him this long were probably just habitual watchers.

You forgot >coon coon spic

boring voice, unfunny jokes, he isn't relevant anymore

He actually stopped being funny around 2007

I think he's still the same as ever, quality wise. The internet has moved on and I think he's still funny.

The Escapist, on the other hand...

Well, we all know how that story goes.
Jim Sterling was the best part of that site.

He's casual as fuck and has some shitty opinions but is still somewhat amusing if only because of his colorful metaphors.

>Jim Sterling was the best anywhere

actually he was never funny

>staying on the maymay train

I bet you think he's a SJW as well.

LDO is the last worthwhile thing Yahtzee ever did.

now Yahtzee is meandering in his safe-area and doing the same shtick he's done for a decade and Gabe is just killing time with Aaron until he moves out to the sticks to teach the sub-humans there how not to eat their own shit.

Jim's shit and you know it.

You should have seen him at the Escapist cake eating contest.

>Jim's shit and you know it.
I actually like his content, dispite this. Its generally well made and self aware enough to not get on my nerves, unlike litterally everyone else who does the same thing.

I like Sterling just fine but he is kind of an SJW.

Anyone read his books Mogworld and Jam and can tell if they were good or not? You can find them via torrents is all I know.

>kind of an SJW.
All he ever does is bitch when people are getting their rights memed on. Not really brightly-colored-hair-womyn tier.

I think he's still got his moments, but it feels like some of the juice ran out a few years ago.

He doesn't get quite as angry as he used to but I honestly think that's because he's gotten somewhat numb to it.

Like we have, here. We can praise the new Call of Duty if it manages to not fuck EVERYTHING up, despite it being a fundamentally very boring game. We've adapted to the state of the industry and so has he.

He doesn't hold games up to his definition of the golden age anymore, and it takes some of the power out of his criticisms.

I haven't but I honestly can't even wrap my head around the idea that they might be good. Like the possibility of them being anything more than irredeemable garbage is just impossible to me. I don't know why.

Zero punctuation is basically the same as it's always been, you just got tired of it. If you want to see him as he actually is watch Lets Drown Out

He whined about SJWs.

He's no better than a manchild goobergator virgin.

don't you have some candle vigil to be at protesting Trump's victory?

>go on Sup Forums
>lose hope for ZE
>watch the latest one on wednesday
>love it again

He shits on games, but barely uses the same jokes or anagrams which is impressive for 600+ videos

I've watched all of them since 2008 after the brawl shitstorm, watching the latest one every wednesday

He's alright, consoleshits hate him for dicking their corporate overlords though.

>loves Playstation VR

PCfats on suicide watch.

So ... Is there anything that is close to Charlie Brooker's documentary on vidya ?

eh, he's not unbiased
he also said dragon age 2 and mass effect 3 are okay because escapist rides EA's cock

>not living in australia
its safe cmon, come drink a hahns superdry with me

nah you're a cockgobbling retard

>living in slum-Ireland

Sorry, I'm allergic to nanny states and shit Internet. Though I'm sure your Melbourne apartment is very pretty :^)

...nothing, the channel still the same.

Game Damage

fight me you lanky cunt

Nah i dont live in hipsterland :^)
tfw it takes one hour to load an 1mb img

>Not living in Victoria
So you're from some kind of horrible wasteland then

>he's moved to California while Gabe went to go live out in the Outback
>We'll never get another drown out with the two bouncing off each other again
Still surprised he'd leave the bar he put together behind

>hahns superdry
Way to drink like a poof

south australia
but we got barossa valley right m-mates

bet you drink and love VB you cooked cunt
at least go for west end

>watch yahtzee video
>just nitpicking about little things in the game
>its hard to make out whetever he likes the game or not if its just 90% 4th grade tier sex jokes

His old videos also suck

Is Mana Bar even successful? The franchise they opened in Melbourne crashed and burned spectacularly.

Nobody loves VB you cunt

He has good points but I don't think you were supposed to hang on his every word.
Yahtzee deliberately talks shit about all games even if he has a liking to one.
You faggots just took him too seriously.


The one in Melbourne was fucking awful, it was pretty much a shitty bar set up in someone's house which could hold maybe 30 people total.
The menu was entirely shitty cocktails with no alternatives.
Fuck even Beta Bar is better and that place is a piece of shit.

>mfw Trump deports Yahtzee back to Australia where he can play with Gabe again

We are in the best timeline

>You faggots just took him too seriously.
Which is ironic, since he himself admits in one of the first ZPs that people dont want a level headed appraisal, but shittalking.

I feel bad for Aaron because he barely has half of the charisma of Gabe and when Gabe goes away I bet a lot of people will stop watching.

Yahtzee's streams are really dry, his solo ones are actually better because the other people have been dry as fuck (the one he did with Liz was kinda alright) He needs to find somebody who can do it with him in person, it's just not the same when they're not in the same room.

Listened to the audio book of Mogworld, it's not that bad actually. I haven't finished it yet but it doesn't have cringe humour and doesn't rely on memes or any shit like that, it's just a typical snarky comedy book.

Beta's actually owned by the people who were hired on to run Melbourne's Mana Bar, they pretty much just learned from the mistakes of that massive failure and applied them.

>yahtzees commiefornia gf cries over the election and convinces yahtzee to move to australia
>lets drown out 'til the end of days

He didn't say they were Ok, he liked certain characters but he's made it clear he didn't think very highly of the game (and in the last stream they rip on Bioware characters for being the writer's romantic wish fulfilment which is pretty true)

This is really my problem, it's just so void of information. With the slew of "THIS GAME SUCKS HARDER THAN BALLS" kinda comments, I can not determine whether a game is shit or he's just acting like it's shit. He did that one video about Ride to Hell: Retribution (unfunctional mess that can hardly be considered to be a video game at all, somehow managed to score 1/10 on IGN for perspective) and that was the first time I heard about the title - watching his video I figured it might be an alright game cause he didn't even rant harder on it than on any other game... so when you notice that he has the exact same routine for any game no matter how good or bad it actually is, the videos are kinda unexciting.


Pls leave Quinn

>Literal buzzfeed copypaste manchild was the best part of anything

Nigger he started all sorts of SJW shit about gay representation because Nintendo made a children's video game without gay marriage in it and he couldn't be arsed to check his sources.

When confronted with his bullshit he gave this half-assed apology where he spent most of the time insisting that if his allegations WERE true it'd be a big deal and that it IS a big deal that some sexual fetish doesn't get enough representation in children's video games.

>Brexit won
>Hogan slapped Gawker's shit
>Trump won

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but GG won.

>some sexual fetish

I though he also got blacklisted from getting review copies like Jim Sterling?

By having an actual bar where you could buy drinks?

he said he buys the copies himself and asks for the escapist to compensate for it later in on of his LDOs. Doubt that changed in whichever, USA

What else would you call it? You wouldn't be so retarded to insist the object of your sexual interest defines your way of life, would you? Homosexuals are literally no different from other people besides what they fetishize.


Fuck you. I'm a leather sexual. Don't debase my preference as a "fetish"

Don't think it really matters if he did as it would usually take a week or two for him to get round to the new releases anyways.

Well yeah, but also by limiting it to a once a week event bar, not a seven day a week venue. Much less operational costs, and much more compatible with introverted nerds who don't go out frequently.

Yeah, Aaron is pretty much "generic nerd let's player" whereas Gabe really is quite the gem.

The streams are awful partly because no one actually calls out yahtz when he's talking shit, Ian especially is just an asslicker. But also no one besides Yahtz seem like interesting people at all, John is a fucking travesty, how a person like that could be in charge of streaming is beyond me, he doesn't have ny opinions about anything, shitty voice, can't string a sentence together, stutters and overall just seems like a boring cunt.

Yahtzee really needs Gabe, but gabe doesn't really need yahtzee, that pepsiman video was just incredible.

Except that's literally what it is.

So attraction to women is a fetish too? By that logic, games for kids shouldn't show heterosexual relationships either.

I totally agree, it was quite jarring when it suddenly happened.

Do you think most of the people that go to beta are introverted nerds?
They only go there for things like PAX weekend.


I was pretty surprised by how unusually fine he was with that, considering how he always trashes first-person games. He's one of the people who can't handle Mirror's Edge, remember, because he thinks first-person platforming is the worst thing in existence.

Stop making up arguments all on your own, user. When making a kid game about relationships and marriage and shit that has nothing to do with sexual anything, there is nothing especially wrong with including any kind of relationship or fetish here, but to assert that every fetish must have some representation just because it exists is asinine.

>2.62 MB
>Of a .jpg that purely consists of text

He is literally one trick pony, you watched one video, you watched all of them.

They start as introverted nerds, for sure. I'm in their Facebook group and you see a lot of people who start out really anxious and apprehensive about going to a crowded bar who eventually end up coming out of their shells. Still awkward weirdos, but social ones.

You finally watched him shit on a game you liked.

The few times I had been there you could pretty much break people down into a few categories.
Girls looking for attention wearing some costume usually unrelated to the event.
People going because it's a club.

There was that one time where he liked Portal and splooged all over it, so you could say he is a two tick pony.

You realized he's making decent money off of it and you aren't

Nothing. This fad dies, like any other fad.

He's a total casual. Other than that, he's fine.

Brisbane one closed last year too.

It was the same, it had like no room for a bar let alone all the fucking consoles, It was pretty fun though, Yug was fucking based and it was fun to hang out at, but it's just not conducive to your average aussie pissheads night out in The Valley.