Anyone playing this shit ?

anyone playing this shit ?

the thread on vg is deader than Keira going to Radovid meme

I play wheather monsters


This is the absolute most hipster shit you could possibly play. Kill yourself immediately.

Stop shilling pls.

Get with times, grandpa.

i got access to the beta almost a month ago but i only played five or six matches and haven't played it since
should i play more

I tried playing it, but the shit is just way too buggy atm. I keep constantly getting CTDs when I'm doing random things in the game.

tough tits homes, i got in like yesterday

I genuinely think it lacks the depth and variety to warrant play over a long period of time

>random monster stays
>it always selects the 10 strength gold or something else super strong

i enjoy it, but pulling cards from packs are rare and buying the packs is dumb since it's in alpha and the prices are a little too ridiculous. other than that i enjoy it since the round system, not many cards have a round system so it's sometimes cool to try and bait your opponent into wasting his best cards so you can just have it easy the next two rounds.

im not even relying on that shit, monsters shine with weather and or spawn spam

also they nerfed Eredin to be a silver unti and you can no longer proc a gold unit to stay ,only non gold units

I signed for tbe beta in june and I keep getting emails sayoing I didnt redeem my beta key

Nigga what beta key!? I never got the fucking thing what gives

Smart guy

i was fighting some fucker and i let him have the round to get rid of his ciri
and it fucking picked his ciri to stay, so he had his ciri card all three rounds of that game
fucking hell, they should limit it to only allow monsters to stay

I'm playing it.
I was not a fan of the game in the actual Witcher 3. I didn't hate it, but it was a weird, slightly immersion breaking little diversion that I never really touched more than I had to.

This game though. Jesus christ it's like Hearthstone, except it's found a way to burrow EVEN FURTHER into my brain. Even when I'm not playing it, I'm playing it. It's fucking great.

Game is a high effort mess of bad changes and garbage. If you thought top decking in heartstone was bad this shit doesn't make any sense the way you gain cards. Most of the time its a pay to win garbage anyway since cards are so poorly handled and matchmaking is shit.

I wouldn't want to play Gwent against actual people.

If I believed shills existed Id say you sound a bit like one.

Immediately I say!

I find playing with randoms to be pretty boring and uneventful. But I've got a friend who's also got in the beta, and playing against him over skype is actually fun.

Isn't Ciri's card ability that it always stays on the battlefield?

When Ciri's owner loses a round, it goes back to their hand, instead of the graveyard where everything else goes.

it returns to your hand if you lose that round, otherwise no

monster had an ability to let you leave a random unit gold or otherwise on the field, so you could abuse playing your leader and ciri for a easy +18, now it cant proc on gold units

Well then I agree that it's bullshit. But it would make sense to not allow gold cards to stay, so hopefully they'll patch it.

It's too different from Hearthstone! I don't understand! Bawww!

Is that some cdpr commentary on the common storytelling trope where the mc has invincible plot armor?

I fucking love it but monsters are so fucking OP

>playing Tameria
>going neck to neck with someone
>he's playing all melee cards
>both down to two cards; he plays one last melee card
>I saved a whether card, I think "oh he's fucked now"
>play it
>his score doesen't change
>scroll over unit cards
>literally every unit is immune to rain

fucking. bull. shit.

you weren't sure which spelling to go with so you decided to go with neither

It's fun, but I really don't see a lot of longevity, and it's even more jewish than HS. If you're playing against people who have played for weeks and have half a dozen golds, you just can't win unless you spend money. If you're online when the rest of the noobs are, it's pretty fun.

In terms of actual thought, it's a lot deeper than HS, although that might just be because the meta isn't fully developed.

how different is this from the main games gwent? i played damn near invincible siegemaster foltest deck with fuck ton of spies obviously, then i switched to skellige in the dlc because it was more fun

no he refers to the mysterious serial killer who wheaths his victims to death

no spies, both players drawn a card at the beggining of each turns, tons of more special ability cards, unit cards have health, some unit cards have additional abilities and there's three tiers of cards now instead of 2; bronze, silver, and gold.

that's about it.

>and it's even more jewish than HS.

You need 100 ore to craft a pack of cards, and you might get one from levelling up too, although I'm not sure if that's all the time.

First level, easy as shit, 3 wins, every win gets you either 15 ore or 15 cloth. Second is like 6 wins, every OTHER win gives you a reward. 3rd level and beyond is 10 wins, and only 1 in 3 gives you a reward. Roughly speaking, you'll be able to buy a pack every 1.5 levels, which means a pack every 7.5 wins.

Winning that many games is a challenge in itself, especially when you desperately need packs to make something even slightly viable. With each game taking 3 rounds, slow opponents, you could get that many wins in about an hour and a half if you have god luck and you're good.

Meanwhile, HS's quest system means you're going to get a pack in an hour every day, even if you're shit, even if you lose all your games. If you're willing to play for 12 hours a day, you can progress better in Gwent, but if you don't feel like ramming your head against a brick wall of people with much better cards than you, HS is the better choice. While it limits your daily progress, at least it lets you casually accumulate packs over a couple of weeks.

Pointless thing to qq about before release.

great game, northern kingdom to the max!

come at me brooos

>playing ccg scams
why don't you just learn poker

NR is the most unfun bullshit deck in the game right now. Don't have removal? You just lose. Have removal? Don't worry, NR can't revive units half a dozen times a game, so you don't fucking have any removal.

If you like Hearthstone you'll like this. Otherwise it sucks.

Weather monster is the first deck I made because it seemed fun, and now there's so much people playing it. It's still fun tho, and now you have to adapt yourself to other weather deck to beat them.

At least the chain medic is dead now, but even then with nenneke and shani they can still do it

Reminder that a beta key is like 2 bucks, so there's no sane reason you shouldn't be in the beta right now.

Most of 's post is about right, but just to clarify, unit "health" is their strength, and if it drops to 0 the unit is removed from the field. Also you draw 2 cards in the second round, then 1 in the third.

There aren't spies that function exactly like W3's Gwent, but there are "disloyal" cards you can play on the opponent's side of the field which can give you some type of an advantage(like weakening your opponent's units in the row you play it on, or Scoia'tael "ambush" cards that are played facedown on their side and function kinda like Yugioh-style trap cards).

why would you pay to beta test a product?

This game is complete ass. I was so glad I got into the beta but then I played ten or so games and realised how trash it was.

Also had to install that DRM Gog Galaxy to play this game.

I played against a guy running the red 4 drop knights, first turn he pulls another one out of his deck, I kill them both, then he revives it with medic, I kill it, then he revives again with another medic, I kill it, then he revives AGAIN with Nenneke, and I'm out of removal that can do 4 fucking damage as he spawns in another one makes it stick around till the next turn, buffs it, and then clones it for a whopping 20 odd fucking damage gold.