Game awards

The nominees are in. What video game is going to be GOTY and why is it Titanfall 2?

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For a though provoking game with a profound pro-social meaning or message.


>DS3 not nominated for GOTY

Just fucking end me guys

yes you should end yourself for liking that dreck

>those shit titles now qualifies as GOTY contenders

>blood and wine
>a fucking DLC is nominated for best RPG

This industry is a fucking joke. Also, Unsharted will win most of these. It's just progressive and cinematic enough for fags who voted for the witcher, last of us, inquisition and so on.

I'm dead fucking serious when I say Titanfall 2 deserves that GOTY, holy shit, surprise of the year for me. Not even Doom could compare.

Uncharted 4 was such a disappointment, but we know that'll shit will win, such a shame.

>GOTY nominees

Utter shit.

At least other categories won't be plagued by this shit.

>NMS not nominee
fugg, i wanted to meme it hard with my dynamic IP

2016 has not been a good year.

>dat Titanfall 2 underdog darling shilling

I'm honestly surprised they didn't find a way to squeeze Uncharted 4 in strategy category the way it was going.
>it gets THREE nomination in best performance
Fuck off.

>Best Performance


you're looking at it the wrong way, its telling of the industry more that a DLC is nominated because so many shit rpgs were released also go ahead and tell us why your obscure niche rpg that had less than 1000 players worldwide is better than the witcher 3.

What do these awards even mean?

It's almost always casual muh graphics simulations with "epic stories".

Gameplay isn't even remotely considered, just who had the biggest budget for marketing

Well it probably is better than 90% of shit this year and that's all I'll admit.

>Uncharted in every category
sony shills reeeeeeeeeee

Kinda, although I think Legion is a far greater asspull in that category. Witcher 3 DLC really is good an they should've had a DLC award instead.

Fuck off. Titanfall 2 is great.

>profound pro-social meaning or message.

I hope I'm not the only one that feels like there's not a single great game nominated for any category. There's at most a few decent games and even that's pushing it.

Witcher is not bad but it doesn't deserve the praise. It's nothing special. It's bland and generic medieval fantasy rpg, there are others like it, and the only one single reason this won is because you literally have an option the make gameplay take as little effort and time as possible so you can focus on the fucking story. STORY IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS GAMEPLAY IN A FUCKING VIDEO GAME READ A FUCKING BOOK YOU ASSHOLES!!!

DOOM deserves goty. Most fun I had with fps ever.

Wow this lineup is awful. Is this final, or is this just a joke?
Where's Shadow Warrior 2? Deathwing (still releases this year)? R6 Siege? Etc etc, and that's just FPS games.

Hell, id give Overwatch the game of the year just because its the only one I played and liked from this year.

Besides, why is performance filled with mostly uncharted 4 characters? This website seems retarded.

I keep saying this

I keep saying this every year "oh the next year will be better" but fuck this was an awful year in retrospect. and I'm worried how excited I am about early 2017

Because ((())) can't stop pushing their fucking garbage where it doesn't belong.

>Witcher 3 DLC really is good an they should've had a DLC award instead.

>mfw W3 would've beat DS3 to once again extract salt from From fanboys

Well with Yakuza Zero, Persona 5, Nioh, and that zelda game coming out it seems already better than this years.

Rabi-Ribi is the GotY.

Fallout 4 Fanboy detected. Cry more fuccboi.

As usual - these awards have nothing to do with game quality.

>big budget safe bets
>some underdog title
>indie media darling

There's your recipe for categories. Once every blue moon something that genuinely deserves to win actually wins. Either that or competition is so nonexistent they award it to whatever.

Kindred Spirits on the Roof is GOTY.

nobody cares who bought dorito pope's awards just as long as someone buys them. you watch TGA for announcements, hilariously awkward stage presence of cringe developers, and to make fun of the horrible production values.

>bland and generic fantasy rpg
lol yeah now you're gonna tell me dragon age is the pinnacle of the rpg genre.

>all those categories that battlefield 1 got
>nolan drake and firewatch got 5 categories in performance
>impact in general

gonna puke gimme a sec
fuck they didn't even give bound a single nominee

what a shit year

Not really, these awards always just focus on AAAs and whatever indie game got attention. Look up all the releases for 2016 properly.

>overwatch, uncharted, and inside got nominated for art direction


>Best Fighting Game
>No Revelator or Centralfiction

Just looking at this list makes it obvious it was made by suit people who know nothing of video games. It's just the same rehashed triple A shit that's the same every year and people buy in droves, it has no artistical value whatsoever. Overwatch is in half of categories, even.

>Game for Impact
They even made their intention clear.


>Firewatch on lists for best story/art
>mafia 3 best story/voice actor

>best esport game
>best esport player
>best esport team

>completely uninspired pixel-shit

Overwatch is a bullshit nomination but there's nothing special about Owlboy outside of the fidelity of the spriting.

Persona 5 is shit. It's a goddamn movie game.

released late for judging I'm guessing though it makes no sense since its the 2016 YEAR awards.

You niggers better vote AM2R for Best Fan Creation.

>No Dark Souls 3

How does UC4 qualify for best art direction? It was going for realism, all of the other games are heavily stylized.

yeah and the bleak looking shit in inside was nothing. but i do have to admit those camera movements were something fucking special.

>$60 DLC

Wew lad. People are tired of ArcSys jewing

>Sleep Rootkit 5 will win best fighter over more deserving titles like KI and KoF

Just fucking kill me now senpai

It's pretty clear MD is winning that award.

>best rpg

The game was underwhelming.

Extremely casual/10
It's like they looked at a total of 5 games to make that list

3 was shit

>watching the halo mountain dew nacho awards for the actual awards
>actually caring about the nominees bought and paid for months ago

you watch tga for what happens in between the """awards"""

DLC is irrelevant to base game quality.
Default Revelator and Centralfiction have far, far more content than current SFV.

>best strategy
>every nominee is shit except xcom
>no RTS'es

I'm going to laugh if AM2R wins best player created content considering all the drama with Nintendo.

Eh, I bet there won't even be any drama this year because most people don't really care about these by-the-numbers sequels. DOOM was a surprised because it was a reboot that didn't suck and should probably win its respective nominations.

I can't they have pretentious absolute garbage like Firewatch or Inside, but there's no Furi listed.

>Games for Impact Award
>That Dragon, Cancer

What a fucking joke.

Strategy category is at least solid, I'd just knock out Fates.

Besides Uncharted 4 almost all of the nominees were focused on gameplay over graphics this year though.

Great conclusions you've made there lads. You are clearly much smarterer than I.

>many people like it so it's good

Last year i didnt see rocket league or any other indie in the goty, only best fucking indie. SO WHY THE FUCK IS INSIDE A CONTENDER FOR GOTY

They need a category for AA games. Focusing only on the best big budget AAA games and "indie" games leaves a lot of games out.

I'm a huge fan of Deus Ex, but this year goty is clearly Persona 5. Also, this list of nominees is complete garbage. Doom? Srsly?

You really think this is about quality?

Both of then are glorified DLC packs package as $60 games. Anyone who has played their predecessor and isn't a weebcuck feeks ripped off when games like KI and Skullgirls can do major overhauls and USFIV/AE can add a bunch of characters and cinematics without forcing you to buy another full priced game that has a shitload of recycled content.

Thank you.






>Best indie nominees
>but no FURI

This, it was actually worthy of being called a Doom game.

> tell us why your obscure niche rpg that had less than 1000 players worldwide is better than the witcher 3
That guy's argument clearly was about quality, learn to read

Siege was 2015, but it's still in the MP category

Finally a game I like that didn't die, we did it bros.

all these games are garbage
who the fuck made this and why do you keep posting it?

Thank god. Furi is pile of shit.

>Siege on the list


So are Inside and specially firewatch yet they are still there

What a fucking joke.

>AAA trash
Who the fuck cares?


Well it would deserve it because DaS3 is worse than DaS2 somehow.

I'm glad that Sup Forums can't even contrarian themselves over this.

Uncharted 4 of course

Holy shit, it just dawned on my looking at these nominees but this year has been pretty fucking shit huh? Compare it to last year and there's like no contest already, what the fuck happened people?

I'll take Odin Sphere Leifthrasir over this western garbage anyday.

Are you playing on PC, right?

Nigger I will fight you and end you.

>I'll take Odin Sphere Leifthrasir over this western garbage anyday.

I miss simple fairy tale stories.

Haa, faggot with no taste. Go jerk on dark souls

Definitely want to vote Am2R for Best fan creation.

I will NEVER EVER understand the appeal of overwatch

It doesn't have a story mode or campaign just fucking cinematics on YouTube

It has a low amount of modes and maps

All the abilities have been done before in other games

Me too. Destiny is x10 times innovative and better than this shitty TF clone.

It's really simple, the game has an I win button and a "you're special" button.

put this in a multiplayer and everyone feels great all the time, even the casuals your biggest market.

I am almost legit positive this is why it's so loved.

>That Dragon, Cancer
>no Furi

kek, who made this shit list?