>[Pokemon] has called for help!
>[Pokemon] has called for help!
>[Pokemon] has called for help!
Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea? I've been fighting Carbinks for 20 minutes straight just trying to catch the stupid nigger
[Pokemon] has called for help!
this is a fantastic idea for ev training, just run retard
The SOS Chain is how you get Hidden Abilities now, as well as improved odds of Shinies or perfect IVs.
If you afflict the Pokemon with a status, it cannot call for help.
Thunderwave it, nigga.
I caught it now, this thing had better be literal Pokemon Jesus judging by the amount of times it called for help
The new ones it calls in have the improved stats, buddy.
I killed like thirty of em so I probably caught maybe the tenth or so
You clearly never played Wizardry. Where the ones calling for help are Greater Demons.
but a level 10 bagon found at start of game calls for help and a salamence appears :^)
hated it until I found out evolutions can show up for help, caught an Espeon that way.
This is the new way to grind for shinies.
as what others said, this replaces most of the shiny/horde/rare pokemon farming methods of older games.
Also you can sometimes get extremely rare pokemon easier this way, or again, vastly improved chances for a shiny, probably have to keep the chain going 50+ times though.
I would suggest a pokemon that has recycle, the pp restore berry, and uh, false swipe, heal ability, and something to control the battle, but don't cast the control spell on the one you are using to bait the calling for help or the chain will break.
This is what all you faggots wanted. Now your game is needlessely difficult like you wanted.
That Bagon must have really wanted to fucking fly to become a Salamence at level 10.
How is the maingame? How good is exploration, any incentive to backtrack to find something new? Puzzles? Is it possible to still get wiped out even if you know what you're doing?
How's postgame? Any new zones to explore, super hard iconic trainers to fight?
>how Lance got his dragonites
>Cling to your dreams
There is none of what you're looking for.
>EV training
Fucking autistic stats that shouldn't even exist in the first place.
>calls for help
>game fps shits the bed
>needlessely difficult
>yet somehow still pointlessly easier
>ev tranning
I bet you didnt hack your 3ds
>How is the maingame?
Really good by pokemon standards.
>How good is exploration, any incentive to backtrack to find something new?
Incentives to backtrack, yes, but most of the side areas and caves are noticeably smaller than past games.
Essentially nonexistant.
>Is it possible to still get wiped out even if you know what you're doing?
Yes, much more so than in XY/ORAS because of Totems and late-game trainers actually having competent AI and abusing tactics, setting up and switching out when necessary.
>How's postgame?
Larger than XY, with several quests, legendaries and side activities (E4 Champion Title Defense, Battle Tree etc.) to tick off the checklist, but no Battle Frontier (though BF was a genuine chore and you should be playing in Battle Spot against real human beans anyway).
>Any new zones to explore, super hard iconic trainers to fight?
Half of the fourth island is post-game exclusive, as are some very minor areas on other islands. You fight Red and Blue, and there are cameos from other old trainers in the Battle Tree.
>calling for help doesn't even cost a turn
>you can get completely fucked by ot constantly calling for backup, making it impossible to catch without slamming through 60 polemon first
>game can barely handle normal battles so let's slap some more models on screen
fuck off gamefreak
How is the maingame?
It's literal shit. Can't walk 10 tiles without getting interrupted by a fucking cutscene.
Thanks for the input breh. Though SMT4:A is about to release in EU and it's higher in my preference list. Maybe when I'm done with it I'll get SuMo.
Reminds me of SMT IV:A
>mastema horde
>reinforcements arrive!
>reinforcements arrive!
>reinforcements arrive!
>reinforcements arrive!
>reinforcements arrive!
>reinforcements arrive!
>the game shouldn't be played I should get everything for free!
GenZ, everyone.