What exactly went wrong with horses in Skyrim?

What exactly went wrong with horses in Skyrim?

>people bitch about long travel times and no quick travel in Morrowind
>bethesda releases Oblivion with quick travel
>people bitch about no means of travelling NOT AS QUICK because they want to see the world they're travelling through
>bethesda adds quick travel AND horses to Skyrim
>people bitch quick travel makes the game less fun than previous titles

There is no winning with you people, is there?
Do you want to ride horses or walk or just teleport everywhere?


Quick travel is cancer.
Also thanks for nostalgic fap memories, OP.


oblivion had horses tho
is this bait?

Wat is that horse doan

are you like 15 or something? oblivion had horses in it. horse armor was the very beginning of the bullshit dlc problem in gaming.

Traveling in Morrowind was fine imo and it made sense. Instead of just clicking a spot on the map and appearing there, you gotta find a teleporter, caravaneer or a boat to take you there. I liked that.

Quite possibly the worst screenshot I have ever seen of any bethesda game. Congrats.

>Quick travel is cancer.

having to walk through the entire island of vvardenfell with athletic not even as a secondary skill is true cancer.

just imagine for a second they had modelled morrowind (including the surrounding continental coast), you'd spend more time walking from A to B than playing the game.

quick travel isn't a bad thing by default and even if it were, who's forcing you to use it?

people always have the choice to walk from castle volkihar to riften if they wish

that artist has to be in his 70's now.
It'll be a sad day when he passes on.
I'm so glad he never jumped on the barneyfag wagon
just wish he drew more pink catgirls and his dragongirl oc

Dr. Comet ;_;

>just imagine for a second they had modelled morrowind (including the surrounding continental coast), you'd spend more time walking from A to B than playing the game.
That IS playing the game.
Traveling through the land could be made into the main experience, with each trip being possibly dangerous yet also very rewarding in the end.

But alas, "players" nowadays want to just kill shit and "progress" from A to B to C to *end*.

>people bitch quick travel makes the game less fun than previous titles

Then why don't they just not use it? It's a single player game. How is this even a problem when the solution exists?

Some folks just gotta bitch.

its the first google image result for "oblivion horse," sue me.

> you gotta find a teleporter, caravaneer or a boat to take you there. I liked that.

that's the pleb way to do it and only acceptable if you're new to the game, are a member of the fighters guild or represent they dying house redoran.

mature gamers like us telvanni mages just memorize the location of all the imperial and tribunal shrines and spam almsivi/divine intervention until we're near where we want to be.

pshh... nothing personnel, n'wah

God I fucking hate this artist. Shitty artstyle, retarded unimmersive backgrounds, maximum sameface.

I want a fucking open world RPG TES game without any fast travel, note that I said RPG too not fucking Call of Duty with swords. Fast travel ruins video games.

Lack of self-control.
After all, if the devs didn't want me to use it, they wouldn't have put it in the game.
This is also how bug/glitch abusers try to reason with it.

post dr.comet art

Either trolling or newfag, but meh.

If devs make a game with quicktravel, they design the world with it in mind, resulting in a shitty experience when not using it.


m8 if /fit/ teenage horse girls with cute faces and thunder thighs are not your thing, you could always wait for mike pence to put you into an anti gay camp until you see straight

Self-imposed no fast-travelling is all well and good until it comes to grinding out things like the thieves' guild radiant quests.

>radiant quests

post full pic what a qt

1. reduce the number of fast travel locations, so it only becomes attractive if you need to go to the absolute opposite side of the map
2. don't give people the option to visit every major city for only 20-50 coins from the very start of the game

That pic is about 13 or 14 years old.
You've got to be underaged if you've never seen it before.

The problem was to travel ALL the map just to speak to a npc, then come back to him and complete the mission. THATS the problem, not quick travel.
When you make a long travel you make it worth, not just to speak to a shitty npc.

Yes. They fucking suck but Bethsoft, in their infinite wisdom, gated guild services and upgrades behind completion of them.
Just thinking about it is pissing me off.
I hope you're happy.

Same, I want something like that but as an MMO.

>walking through the grasslands with 4 friends
>a mage, a warrior, a ranger and a priest
>your trusty guar that carries all your gear and loot
>you mage your way through an endless sea of grass and trees, killing the occasional monsters and bandits attacking your little caravan
>you encounter another party, not sure if they're hostile or not
>their guar is loaded with two fat loot chests and sacks of gold

but no, they had to release TES:O and ruin MMO elder scrolls forever ;_;


Where the horse pussy at tho?


See literally post #5 in the thread.

Not everyone is a flaming furry faggot like you, user :)

The gsme and quests are built around it. They expect you to use it. It's tedious as fuck to ignore it in Skyrim. Morrowind on the other hand gives you plenty of ways to move around besides fast travel specific locations.

This also kind of applied to OP snd by his post is silly. Horses are slow as fuck compared to what basic alteration spells can accomplish. Let alone higher level shit.

Quick travel (without an in-world explanation like carriages or something) is the equivalent of those "skip gameplay" buttons in shit android games.

That's not true, especially as a general rule. You just think it's true because it makes some iota of sense.

Just use the horse glitch.

It's much more fun in this way.

No, it just proves how much of a newfag you really are when the site used to be bombarded with furry pron.

OP never wanted to discuss games, he wanted a horse porn thread.

Report thread and move along.


shut up furfag

all these characters are terribly off-model

on-model lewds are the best lewds

Someone dump dr.comet art already

>wanting to have sex with twigs and circles.

>The problem was to travel ALL the map just to speak to a npc, then come back to him and complete the mission. THATS the problem, not quick travel.

You know what most people do? They wait until they have enough reasons to go to say Solitude or Morthal and hand in a bunch of quests at once instead of travelling there for each quest separately as soon as it's finished.

Say what you want about long travel times and slow means of getting from one place to the other, but if you plan your routes accordingly then travelling feels less like a waste of time.

Pic related, it's a fun world to traverse and explore if you don't make life hard for yourself and cross huge ass distances for minor quests all the time.

Hell, horses can be slower than running on your own (especially if you factor in the time it takes to mount and dismount should you encounter something worth stopping for, be it a Nirnroot or a combat encounter because god forbid you can't have mounted combat).

Skyrim HAD carriages that would bring you anywhere for 15 to 70 gold or something. You could even discover locations you hadn't visited before to make them available for regular fast travel that way.


I never got this shitty ass meme and I literally dismounted and stopped and collected every fucking nirnroot I heard or saw in all of my playthroughs.

What was so special about those damn things?

OP here, I just wanted a Dr . comet dump. The topic was just horse related because whatever. I never even play those shitty bethesda games

Post the pics

That makes no sense multiple main story quests give you the option to go on foot/horse for miles on end with the NPCs to the location or you can meet them there later.

On top of that it really is just self control. Like unless if you count the carriages which are basically the exact same shit we had in Morrowind you can easily traverse the world except certain regions which are hard to get to which is why fast travel is helpful.

If I'm going to fap to blossom, I'm going to fap to blossom. I'm not going to fap to some generic bimbo that just has vaguely similar clothes. What's the point? Might as well just fap to any random original character bimbo hentai. The appeal of rule34 is entirely lost if you change how the character looks

They glow

>fapping to this
He's a mad man... a mad maaaan!


Yeah, why reach my destination with one click when I can spend 20 minutes and 2000 mouse clicks to get there?

Travelling in MW was a lot harder than it could have been.

Friendly reminder that horse anthro is not furry because it is superior.

>implying you wouldn't


Do they only do horses? I like the style

>not posting the ones with the guy tending to his stabled horse girl

1. Horo
2. Krystal
3. Amy/ Bat Tats
4. Isabelle
5. Fidget
I'd tap all of those


The only difficult part was Vivec and its identical cantons.
God I hated looking for objectives in that shithole

And all of those examples in quests are terrible. All they do is spout a few lines total the whole way, get hung up and run off the roads and then turn around and reorient themselves, they hardly put any effort into it.

>easily traverse the world
It's way too slow because magic is neutered, once your 60 levels in and have discovered 90% of the locations you move just as slow as always, only difference is stamina. It makes for a very unsatisfying dynamic.

Travelling is incredibly easy because magic and even just alchemy and enchanted items gives you so many ways to go so fast the game practically turns into a flight simulator and brings out the flaw of the game world feeling too small.

This thread is so full of casuals fucking christ

Remember: is not furry if it is about horses.

The on-model PPG are for daaw and laughing at their hijinks, not for sexual.

>Do they only do horses?

well, someone certainly IS doing this horse

Centaurs are hot though

wtf I love horses now

> people posting Professor Meteor
Site update when?


If you say so

>tfw you finally find that CD uncensored


These are just humans with a horse mask.

I don't think it was a horse but post that one hot tribal chick that's standing by a waterfall, she was really dark colored. Looked damn good

upload it to mega and post it


I'd love to see a game which is literally just a trip along the road and surrounding countryside in a fantasy world. Even better if there's a sense of urgency and a time limit. Stay at the inn or push further and camp on the side of the road but wake up ragged.

It will not happen though and people will complain about the corridor walking simulator if it still did.

>Professor Meteor

You mean Principal Asteroid?


The best thing to do when searching the cantons ia to open the console and mouse over the banners or triangular wall plaques and it will say something like redoran canton or Foreign quarter.

literally everything 2d is for sexual, no exceptions

Looks like Dr. Comet.

Has he even done anything recently? His Krystal lewds are historic.


>The only difficult part was Vivec and its identical cantons.

There are literally signs and flags on every canton that tell you their names. You can even pay for boat rides to every part of the city if you don't want to walk or levitate like normal people do.

>itt Sup Forums, /aco/, /trash/ unite to post porn

that's the one, good god. if you have any other good ones please post

That negro that smashed out a speedrun of morrowind in about 3 minutes blew my mind. It shrunk down a world that I expanded in my head over 15 years into a three minute flight sim.

She's pretty

Did they model the sheath or are Bethesda's character riggers that bad?



Not a single ponut in this thread. Get triggered, puritan.

What the fuck is this from again? I recognize it from somewhere.

How could this happen?


silly horses always falling over, man

i'm always fascinated by the levels of autism that speed runners manage to achieve when they try to find ways to glitch through seemingly random walls or abuse weird frame bugs and shit like that.

apparently you can one hit kill most enemies in morrowind by using a lock pick on them and opening your menu at the same time or some shit, who goes out of their way to find these things out?