Let's settle this

Let's settle this.

Which was better?

Other urls found in this thread:


trick question: they're both shit

id say theyre about equal, if tf2 actually incentivized its multiplayer with trophies/achievments it would be better

>multiplayer achievements.

Fuck that noise.

guarantee more people would be playing multiplayer if it had them

Tell us about your favorite games of the year then, oh man of great taste.

This. Can't believe how shit this year's been.

Titanfall has the tried and true formula even if I don't particularly like it
Doom is just a mess from a gameplay design perspective
so titanfall i guess

Doom had a better singleplayer, even though Titanfall's campaign was great, while Titanfall's multiplayer is fucking lightyears ahead of Doom's.

titanfall 2
multiplayer >singleplayer every time

>Titanfall has the tried and true formula even if I don't particularly like it

I wouldn't call it "tried and true", it uses the CoD formula as a base but it introduces so much shit on top of it that it's basically a different kind of game.

Titanfall 2 didn't force me to install a 12gb multiplayer update before I could finish the campaign which made me decide to uninstall as a result, so I'm saying it's the better game.

Tittyfall 2 champagin was short, sweet and full of fun moments/boss-fights/level gimmicks.

Doom was
>enter room
>door closes behind you
>fight horde of enemies
>doors open
>repeat for the entirety of the game (that I played)

>Tittyfall 2 champagin was short, sweet and full of fun moments/boss-fights/level gimmicks.

Yeah, Titanfall 2's campaign was basically the opposite of Doom. It was constantly throwing shit at the wall and trying new stuff for a short period of time. While Doom was pure combat with rather underwhelming exploration.

I just got bored honestly, it sort of reminded me of MGSV, great mechanics stretched to the point of breaking. It did too little to break up the pace, if Doom had better boss fights and platforming spread out throughout the game it could have been waaaay better.

>That time travel level

>That satelite dish/beacon level

>That chase level
>flying the giant ship
>that sere kit level ending with a minigun titan
I loved every second of this campaign

Literally Big Hero Six and The Iron Giant, how could you not love it.

I love BT.

I actually went back and watched The Iron Giantx playing through the campaign again too.

Those were indeed great, but I never see anyone mentioning the very ending sequence, where you're running like a madman with a fucking Smart Pistol killing everyone. It felt so good. Easily my favorite section in the entire game.

>if tf2
Please stop this. As faggoty as it's turned into, we all know what the real TF2 is.

the "real" TF2 is dead and buried, killed by their own developers
no point on even talking about that abortion anymore

This. Titanfall 2's campaign was extremely short but each level had some kind of mechanic that made it unique. From time traveling and building facilities with moving platforms to flying machines and tower climbing. It was built so that nearly every style of gameplay was viable and weapons were placed to encourage different methods.

>trust me

That would definitely be the word to describe doom. I had potential at one point, I'm sure, but it just turned out as a really was a solid meh.

I hope the dishon 2 time travel gimmick level is just as fun.

>Go back and try to play DOOM.
>Everything feels so slow.
>Instinctively try to run on walls and realize I can't.

I have 50 hours of TF2 and only 12 hours of Doom.

>Been playing CSGO and CSS for a long time to the point movement was mastered
>Doom was clunky
>TF2 uses Source
Imagine the speed

Both great games IMHO PHA M. But Tittyfall's multiplayer is the most fun I've had in God knows how long.

Single player is great too.

Meant to reply to

Sup Forums is being contrarian faggots again and saying they hate Doom after singing the song of praise for it.
Fucking hate you niggers when you do this shit.
>inb4 "Sup Forums is not one person :^)"
y'all niggas know you're a hivemind

Doom was fun but after I finished it I had no desire to play it again.

I even played it in small chunks to not tire myself out and I still think it got long in the tooth.

I have bought and played through DOOM but not TF2.

Going by hours, I guess TF2 wins on my end too. About 15h on Doom and 50h on TF2.

>Sup Forums is being contrarian faggots again and saying they hate Doom

Nobody in this thread says they hate Doom though? They just think it's maybe not as great as it's often made out to be.

Doom is that game you want to love because it takes so many elements that have been lost over the years. But if you carry little nostalgia for old Doom then there is a good chance you'll find the game pretty repetitive with underwhelming bosses and exploration. Great combat that carries everything else, a solid 7/10 for me.

really fires my neurons



>comparing a mutliplayer game to a single player game

OP is always a faggot

Is this up for debate? It's CoD with mechs vs fucking Doom

Why the fuck are people talking about team fortress 2 in here?

Well I haven't played Titanfall 2 but Doom was suprisingly great. Thought it was gonna be shit after the E3 showing but it ended up being the best shooter in years.

Is Titanfall 2 worth the price or should I wait for a drop?

TF2 has a good singleplayer campaign though as well as good multiplayer, Doom only has a good campign plus paid DLC out the ass while Titanfall 2 is all free.

>Great combat that carries everything else
Good thing the combat is front and center

While they certainly focus on different things, the two still have both a singleplayer campaign and multiplayer.

>Is Titanfall 2 worth the price or should I wait for a drop?

Chances are you can find it cheaper already, it's worth full price imo. Unless you really, and I mean REALLY hate Call of Duty fundamentals. Because despite how much faster and fun Titanfall is, that is still at the base of it.

>Good thing the combat is front and center

Platforming, boss fights and exploration is also a part of it, which imo could have been much better.

I loved DOOM at first and progressively found it less and less engaging because once you've tried the guns and fought the different kind of enemies the game just starts spinning its wheels for a few hours before it ends.

Depends, what's your stance on multiplayer?

I don't care a whole lot for it. More in it for the singleplayer which I heard was surprisingly good. If I did get it at a higher price though I'd probably play a bit of MP to get my money's worth.
I don't like the COD fundamentals but at the same time I played one of the exosuit CODs at a mate's and thought it was pretty fun.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends DOOM wasn't good because it's new" episode

The single player campaign is 10/10 quality-wise. But bear in mind that the game itself is of a multiplayer focus. Campaign is only about five/six hours long on hard. Though there are a fair amount of collectibles so I would say the replay value is pretty good.

Movement in the games is better than Advanced Warfar, so if you liked the exosuits you'll definitely like Titanfall.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends X game wasn't good because it's more than 6 months old and the normies have caught on to it"

I hate it and have hated it since release
maybe when your favourite e-celebs do their "analysis" videos and realise the game isn't all that great you can parrot that opinion just like you are doing now
Doom's honeymoon period is over

I didn't blindly praise the game though faggot.

Then kill yourself.