Who else watches clueless gamer? What did Sup Forums think of the FFXV episode?
Who else watches clueless gamer? What did Sup Forums think of the FFXV episode?
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FUck off take your eceleb shilling elsewhere
>video is on internet
>it has a celeb
Its literally e-celeb shit you shills
Actual celebs are even more cancerous than ecelebs user
I want americans to die already.
I dont know how anyone can enjoy his show
I only watched some of his videos and only time I smiled was when he was in korea and that one asian chick looked at him like he was some kind of disgusting weirdo
lmao weeb garbage is so stupid to everyone with working brains
How did he do it? How did this madman singlehandedly destroy the entire modern JRPG genre in a few minutes on national television?
haha no
By being Conan. His basedness is unrivaled.
I thought it was hilarious. I'm still getting the game though.
It was SAVAGE but absolutely fair
>modern JRPG
lol, its bad because it has wrpg elements everywhere
the normal people got a peek of just the shallow end of the "hardcore" gaming community. They did not like what they saw, which was the reaction what we were all expecting.
Aggressive wasting of my time is a phrase I plan to use.
After persona 5 got dual audio today, there is literally no reason to get ffxv. A shitty """"jrpg"""" thats actually a wrpg with terrible combat
Every thread someone takes the bait
And after Berseria got confirmed for release, there's literally no reason to play P5. A shitty """"jrpg""" that's actually a dating sim with terrible combat
>tales anything
>worth playing
l m f a o
You namco cucks with your shovelware games, poor kids
Are any of these actual reviews or are they just really shitty LMAO BOOBS comedy targeted at idiots that barely actually discusses the game
pretending to be retarded is still retarded user.
I never gave my opinion on whether it's worth playing, but Berseria and Ys VIII are the only decent JRPG releases this year. I completed P5 the week of its release and it's as aggressively mediocre as its predecessor.
>not getting both
you poor?
I've completed both. I am poor but both were easily pirated on my CFW PS3 so it's irrelevant
l m f a o
look at this shitty phantasy star rip off. all namco trash looks the exact same. floaty garbage with low res environments with a bunch of cancelling animations.
It's just Conan playing vidya with his staff while he comments on what he sees.
Fuck off with these threads. Seriously you cunts are so pathetic. The show wasn't funny and it didn't make any real comments on the game because he knows NOTHING about games. Now the board is flooded with fuck-heads saying that the game is shit because some cuck faggot on a tv show told them it is. The game is going to be great, probably one of the best FF games, and i'm actually glad that a bunch of normie faggots aren't going to be enjoying it because they listened to this cucked cunt!
>being this butt devastated
The left over members from N-sync! AHAHAHAHAAA
Hey Conan, how big of an ego do you have to try to take Late Night with Johnny Carson when you couldn't even beat me in the ratings, when all I did was scriptless ramblings
>people being this upset about a staged burger television program
pretty sure everyone knew it was shit long before conan even heard of it
so are you just fucking stupid or something
If I watch netflix, does it make the actors e-celebs?
No it doesn't fucking shithead
>Another American Youtuber screaming at Videogames for patreon bux.
Why do you faggots watch this shit?
>having balls this blue
yes, give me youtube money by watching my episode, lads
I don't have beef with O'Brien himself or his opinions, but Christ am I sick seeing of his stupid mug all over Sup Forums. Give it a fucking rest already.
I'll never understand why people invalidate their self worth so bad they end up giving a useless comedian views and unwarranted importance just because he aligned with their retarded confirmation bias.
Do these shit eating faggots know that they're trolling and tripping themselves for attention only to get shit covered pie in the face?
manlet weebs get out
Why was he such a bully towards his subordinate? Grabbing someone by a collar isn't normal.
I'm glad this happened. Further proof that Final Fantasy fanboys are the biggest insecure butthurt faggots in all of gaming, say anything bad about any FF game and they will rage.
I have a hard time believing that any of you actually enjoy Conan and aren't just relishing the opportunity to make yet another FFXV thread. Conan is annoying as shit, clueless gamer or otherwise.
it's part of the skit
he's cool with Aaron
here's them youtube.com
I like his antics with Jordan
It was the most epic ripping burn I've ever seen and I've seen heaps and I reposted it to all of my twitter accunts and my youtube accunt and facebook and everything because BTFO
Oout the door!!
>I have lived under a rock since the turn of the century
Good to know
>Haha he's being a dick to a nerd, so fanny! xD!
Is this what passes for humor in Murrica?
>No one has a reaction
They could at least pretend
Compared to other episodes witcher, overwatch for example it was complete shit. They couldn't get any decent jokes out of it other than, le waste of time le nerds x-D blue baaaallss xDD.
It was a bad choice for both conan and square because it ended up as negative pr for the game and as a sub-par episode of clueless gamer for conan.
kek based Harrison Ford.
Ford really hates Star Wars
There's been so many stories where SW fans meet and sperg over him and he ends up not giving a shit
Man you guys just can't take jokes huh
I'm aware, so why even stage that shit?
Can you honestly say this episode had good humor compared to overwatch one?
Is ''nerds waste time on rpgs'' a fun joke? Normies these days.
The FFXV episode is now nearing 2.5 million views in 3 days, it's a great publicity for the game. Even the Omen trailer didn't reach that number.
It also feels like FFXV helped to promote Clueless Gamer, hardly anyone talked about it before this but then suddenly everyone thinks he is such an amazing reviewer now.
It's not like its hard
Pretty much all of uninformed gamer can be summarized as "haha nerds amirite?"
Then again, 60% of American comedy can be summarized as "haha other people amirite?"
>Censoring the tits
Right, because children might be watching, that'd be awkward if we didn't blur out the boobies.
I thought it was hilarious, pretty well spot on, and hasn't changed my plans at in in buying the game for myself before Christmas.
To everyone spazzing out over that episode: Grow up.
it's the youtube version
Brand awareness is much more important than brand quality, people will inevitably get curious what all the fuss is about and then even if it's shit post purchase rationalization kicks in.
These threads are the same 5 people having the same arguments with each other jesus fucking christ, is this really that funny to you?
This game looks like the greatest thing since rice was discovered. I CANT WAIT!!!