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Is Legion worth my money? Can I actually have fun without going full hardcore grind & raid mode?
Telle me Sup Forums
Enjoy rerolling into new class/spec every week because blizzard cannot into balance
So far im thinking they do it on purpose, so you will play more to lvlup and farm ap for new toon
Well hasn't this always been blizzard's mode of operation when it comes to balance?
They usually just pick a new class (wow & diablo) / race (sc2) / hero (hearthstone) to be OP in their next expansion/season/...
Just unsubbed last week. It's a totally different game now. Not worth it.
I just got bored of it after a month. The game structure is simply too outdated, it plays and feels like shit despite the new animations because of the ability prune. You literally use the same 3-4 attacks for the whole game like in a moba, but at least in a moba those 4 abilities are kind of cool to use, here you use the same lame attacks and spells forever. If you enjoy the structure of wow tho' you will probably like Legion, since it has the largest endgame content since wotlk.
Why do wow casuals consider this even a challenge. Go play the new nost server that's about to comeout, I doubt any of the casuals can grind 60 on a vanilla server
Unsubbed too. Ridiculous in what state the game is. RNG themepark. And the dev's are incompetent nerds that paint their hair blue and play wow on a tablet. We used to bully these ppl in school and now they are here to take revenge and ruin our game.
You don't know what to play since one day your class is ok the next it's useless. All around laziness too. Even gear is pointless and extremely ugly now. It's not like getting first Might shoulders, it's like getting a random name with stats that you have to transmog after to 10 year old gear to look decent.
Really not worth the time.
Yes, but its first time when there's so much diffirence between top4 dps and bottom 4 dps. Its first time when whole class can get useless and toxic community wont allow you to get into raids/mythic+ contant. Also talking about pvp where you cant win without some classes.
Its "bring class, not human" again, when they're proud of bringing human, not the class.
So, to do end game contant like raids on normal/hc and mythic+10, you need to
- wait 2-3 days to unlock third artifact on your legendary weapon
- wait month to get ~10 artifact knowledge boost
- farm AP
- farm mythic+ and raids because secondary stats>main stats
- you can never be considered "geared" because everygear can proc to higher ilvl, s you need to keep that 5+ rings to balance stats
- full rng on wq. Enjoy trying to reach some caps or farm AP
- for most bottom class and spec, you need 1-2 best legendary
- enjoy farming legendary item. Pray for rng jezus to drop the one you want and the one that enhance your dps/healing output
> when your class become trash or need to completly switch gear stats
read it whole again
>when you need to switch spec
read again from AP farming
And last, remember that when you complete all this task and get yourself fully prepared(2-4 weeks of work) you class or spec can be again nerfed or changed too much
Daily reminder
OP, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the faggots crying about balance. If you're not into grinding and high-end raiding, it doesn't affect you anyway. Just pick whatever class is fun for you. I'm stuck only playing on weekends, since I'm in uni during the week, and I'm comfortably running heroic raids and mythic+ dungeons. Joined a semi-hardcore guild with nice folk, and I'm having more fun with the game now than I have since WotLK. You might have to spend the first few weeks just grinding to catch up, but it pays off, in my opinion.
if you're not into grinding and high end raiding, the game also has little to offer except for a grueling leveling experience where you run out of quests regularly and are fucked with half the classes that are in the game if you're playing solo :) fucking cuks
It's worth it if you aren't as burnt out on the game as I am. The content was honestly great and definitely worth the money to play through, but it's been like 10 god damn years. I can't do this same shit anymore. I've moved on to Overwatch and BF1.
Too late to start raiding. There is a thing called "AK" that empowers your weapon that is gatted by RL time
It's alright for a bit
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
The best part is that the active characters is lower than it was just after 6.2.
We're already at the drought period number of subs.
Welcome to creating easy to consume content with no depth, no adventure, and no fun allowed.
WOW is nothing more then a solo grind until raids at this point, it barely resembles the MMO it once was.